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There are a lot of misconceptions about midwives and their role in childbirth and postnatal care. 黛布拉·彭尼是一名持证护士和助产士. She clears the air about the role of midwives in childbirth and tells you what to do if you’re considering having a midwife present for the birth of your child.


面试官: We've all heard of midwives, but what do they do and what services do they actually provide? 大发娱乐将在接下来的《大发娱乐》节目中找到答案.

播音员: Medical news and research from University of Utah physicians and specialists you can use, 为了更快乐更健康的生活. 您正在收听的是范围.

面试官: 大发娱乐今天和黛布拉·彭尼在演播室, she's a certified 护理助产士 from the College of Nursing, and she's actually going to tell us a little bit about the types of midwives and what services they provide. I feel like there are some misconceptions going on. I've heard that there are two types of midwives; the direct entry midwife and then the certified, 护理助产士, 正确的?

黛布拉: 正确的. So, here in Utah we have certified nurse midwives, and they're nurses that have an advanced degree. 大发娱乐还有直接接生婆, and she is apprenticed or she can have a formal education, but she has a little bit less of a scope of practice.

面试官: How does she differ from somebody who would be a certified 护理助产士, like you are?

黛布拉: Her background is going to dictate her scope of practice; and her scope of practice mainly is around childbirth and postpartum care. She does about 1% of the births and she usually does the home births. She doesn't usually come into the hospital, doesn't have hospital privileges. So, the certified 护理助产士 does most of the births in the hospital and she has hospital privileges here in Utah. 她还接受过在家分娩的教育, 或者在生育中心分娩, 但大多数人都在医院.

面试官: So that is actually the large misconception because I've always figured the midwife helped deliver, 或者在家帮忙生孩子, 也不怎么来医院, doesn't really interact or mingle with the doctors and nurses in the hospital. But, from what you're telling me, that's actually not true.

黛布拉: 对,没错. So most of the midwifery births here are done by certified nurse-midwives, and we actually collaborate with the doctors in the hospital because, 当然, 大发娱乐不做剖腹产. But we do work as an integrated team within the hospital that we're working with, and most of us have a plan of care for backup in case the lady does need a C-Section.

So, we try to work along with nurses, doctors, pediatricians. And our scope of practice also includes not just birth, 但是产前护理和妇女护理, 治疗感染, 常见的疾病, 做一些初级保健, 然后是更年期. 基本上是整个生命周期. Also, a little care of the newborn in the first weeks of life.

面试官: Okay, so let's clear the air here, first of all because I'm still a bit confused as to... 你告诉我助产士是做什么的, it sounds very similar to what a regular doctor here would do in the hospital for a pregnant mother. 那么,区别是什么呢?

黛布拉: 所以,基本上. It boils down to our philosophy of care and how we look at pregnancy. 大发娱乐认为怀孕是一个正常的过程, and it basically is for about 90% of the women who are pregnant. So we encourage the physiological processes that contribute to normal birth, 比如让分娩自己开始, and trying not to interfere with labor and not trying to push it to be faster than it needs to be. So we have a little more patience in the labor process.

The other thing I always tell patients is that, we're with them in labor. So actually the word, "midwife," means "with woman." So, 大发娱乐在妇女分娩的过程中陪伴她们, which makes a huge difference and we get to see the big picture of how things are progressing. We also have a toolset of little things that we can do to help the baby come down and be positioned 正确的ly, 所以改变位置, 在某些方面大发娱乐母亲. We do less interventions, as well, as the doctors because we only will do those if it's necessary.

面试官: If there is a mother who's interested in having a midwife, 陪她度过九个月的孕期, 她是怎么得到的, 她到哪里去找呢?

黛布拉: 好吧, 大发娱乐在网站上, she would also want to check with her insurance and we are covered by insurance. So, she would want to check both of those, to see where there is a midwife in her community.

面试官: 它有变化吗?? 因为, 我知道这是在犹他州, we have specific names for our entry level and our certified midwives, 但是不同的州或国家有不同吗?

黛布拉: So, across the US, certified 护理助产士 is recognized. There is also a midwife that is called a certified-midwife that we don't recognize here in Utah but she's everything that a certified 护理助产士 is, 即使不是护士. She essentially passes the same board exams and these are national boards. 在其他州, the direct entry midwife might be called a certified professional midwife, and she may be required to go through special training to have her license.

面试官: So, 总结一下, midwifery is an actual process or a method or option, 孕妇其实可以选择.

黛布拉: 正确的. Here in the US certified nurse midwives had prescriptive authority and have been marketed since the '70s with the women's movement, 大发娱乐又重新出现了. But we have a history here since the 1920s, or even earlier. But as certified nurse midwives, we have been around for quite a while in the US.

播音员: TheScopeRadio.大发娱乐是犹他大学健康科学广播. If you like what you heard, be sure to get our latest content by following us on Facebook. 只需点击scoperadio的Facebook图标.com.