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Jun 30, 2016

It’s like a scene straight out of a movie. 一个妇女在去医院的路上分娩了. 孩子就要出生了,你是唯一能帮忙的人. But don’t. Just don’t. Dr. Kirtly Parker Jones 告诉旁观者“把手拿开”.她还为那些发现自己处于这种情况的人大发娱乐提供了建议,以及在母亲分娩时你可以做些什么来大发娱乐她.

Episode Transcript

Interviewer: 你有没有看过那些电影或电视节目,里面有一个女人在电梯里准备生孩子,电梯卡住了,你和她一起被困在电梯里,你惊慌失措,不知道该怎么办? We're going to tell you next on The Scope.

Announcer: Covering all aspects of women's health. 这是女性健康的七个领域. Kirtly Jones on The Scope.

Interviewer: We're talking today with Dr. Kirtly Parker Jones. Dr. 琼斯,我从来没有遇到过这种情况,我希望我永远也不会遇到. But in case I ever do come across it, 如果我和一个即将分娩的女人被困在电梯里,或者如果大发娱乐被困在高速公路上,救护车没有及时赶到,而我是一个旁观者,我想帮忙, what are things I need to be doing? 对于站在那里惊慌失措的人,你有什么建议?

Dr. Jones: First of all don't panic.

Interviewer: Don't panic.

Dr. Jones: Don't panic. Well I'll tell you a story. Some years ago and it was probably late in night. 我当时是负责分娩的主治医生电梯门开了是一个骨科住院医生一个女人在电梯里生了孩子. So she walked into the front door of the hospital, 这不是很接近分娩和即将分娩吗. And she didn't know where to go and he took her, as he should, 去了电梯,然后事情发生得很快.

So he was strutting around. He was so proud that he had delivered the baby. 但当大发娱乐找到那个女人的时候她的内裤根本就没脱, so I don't think he did anything. So when he said, "I delivered this baby." I said "I think she delivered this baby." And in fact that's what you need to remember. If the baby's coming that fast you just stand back.

So you stand back, 你可以确保妈妈在地面上,这样婴儿就不会摔倒,你要确保婴儿, 如果宝宝出来了,把宝宝放在妈妈的胸口旁边. The baby needs to be warm.

Interviewer: Okay.

Dr. Jones: You do not have to cut the cord. Somebody else can do that. 如果你在电梯里,你可以等,但大多数情况下 . . .

Interviewer: It's not an emergency.

Dr. Jones: It's not an emergency. You keep your hands off.

Interviewer: Keep your hands to yourself.

Dr. Jones: Keep your hands to yourself.

Interviewer: Got you. Okay.

Dr. Jones: 如果婴儿来的那么快,而母亲在地上,所以婴儿不会掉下来. Then all you do is you wait. 如果你有相对干净的东西,你可以擦干净宝宝的脸和嘴,然后把宝宝放在妈妈裸露的胸部,这样皮肤对皮肤,这样宝宝就可以保持温暖. Cover them up. Don't feel like you have to cut anything. You can just wait.

Interviewer: And the mom will be okay.

Dr. Jones: Yeah. The mom's going to be okay. 对于快速分娩的妈妈来说,最大的风险不是宝宝出来, because the baby's coming out, it's, is the placenta going to come out. And normally the placenta comes out on its own. 子宫在分娩后继续收缩,通常会被排出体外.

但如果它没有完全排出,那么胎盘就会分离,母亲就会出血. 这就是你需要确保你得到大发娱乐的地方. 所以如果母亲大出血,你看到血到处都是, 你能做的最好的事情就是把手放在她的肚子上, 在她的肚脐下面,试着按摩大发娱乐的肿块,这是子宫, so that the uterus will contract well.

大多数人会觉得不舒服,因为他们不知道子宫是什么. 但是在婴儿出生后,如果胎盘还没有出来,子宫仍然是中等大小的. It's below the belly button. 它可能只是感觉像一个胖乎乎的肚子,直到你摩擦它,然后它应该收缩,变成一个像瓜一样大的硬球,继续按摩它,这样子宫就可以收缩了. But hopefully someone's called for some help.

Interviewer: Right.

Dr. Jones: 但要记住,全世界的女人都是自己接生的. 如果它来的那么快,你不需要把手放在任何地方.

现在宝宝来的那么快,脚在前面,这很困难. My guess is if you have absolutely no experience, 你也许应该顺其自然,不要拖泥带水.

Interviewer: Okay.

Dr. Jones: But if the head comes out first, 这是它应该的方式,这是身体最大的部分,所以如果头部可以容纳, everything else is going to fit. 如果脚先出来,那么头可能不会出来,这可能是一个问题. But an inexperienced person should not be pulling.

Interviewer: So the rule of . . . Keep your hands to yourself still applies?

Dr. Jones: Right. So it's not like pulling a calf. 只要把婴儿和妈妈的皮肤贴在一起,希望有人能进去,知道他们在做什么.

Interviewer: 所以结论是,如果你是分娩的旁观者,分娩时,把手放在自己身上.

Dr. Jones: Right. Get the mom down on the ground. You can support her shoulders or head. She will push. 如果它来得那么快,她的身体会做出正确的反应. You don't know what size the baby is.

Interviewer: Stay above her head pretty much.

Dr. Jones: 所以你要站在她的头顶上,如果有人能看着她,那么当宝宝出来的时候,你要轻轻地擦一下宝宝的脸, 你可以对着宝宝的脸吹气,确保他有一点呼吸. But then put the baby skin to skin next to the mom. The umbilical chord is still attached. 希望脐带一切顺利因为那是下一个危险时刻. 但如果你不知道自己在做什么就别把手伸进去.

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