

在你第一次就诊时,你的医生会检查你的 癫痫的症状 以及病史. He or she will use different tests to pinpoint the cause and location of your seizures.


  • 一种神经系统检查,医生会测试运动技能等, 心理功能, 行为或者
  • blood tests to check for things like infection or genetic conditions that could be associated with your seizures.


Once these initial tests are complete, your doctor may recommend one or more of the following tests:


脑电图是癫痫最常见的诊断测试. During the test, you will have electrodes attached to your scalp -- either directly or with a cap. 这些电极将观察并记录你大脑内的电活动. If you have epilepsy, your 脑电图描记器 test results may show abnormalities in your brain wave patterns. 即使你没有癫痫发作,这些异常也可能发生.


  • 常规脑电图,This test is conducted in a doctor's office or an epilepsy monitoring unit in the hospital. 考试期间你可能会醒着或睡着. Your doctor may use video monitoring to record any seizures you experience to help identify the types of seizures you are having and rule out other conditions.
  • 动态脑电图。这个测试是在家里进行的,持续几天. Your doctor will provide you with instructions on how to wear the monitoring device to record your brain and seizure activity.



If your doctor suspects that your seizures may be caused by irregularities in your brain tissues, 他或她可能会建议做影像学检查. 脑组织不规则可能是由肿瘤、病变或疤痕等引起的. 常见的影像学检查包括:

  • 计算机断层扫描(CT)X-rays that provide your doctor with a series of brain images that can reveal things like cysts, 肿瘤, 或者异常出血.
  • 磁共振成像(MRI)This scan uses magnets and radio waves to create a detailed map of your brain that doctors use to find lesions or other abnormalities.
  • 功能磁共振成像(fMRI) - 这些详细的测试定位了说话时使用的大脑区域, 内存, 运动, 以及其他关键功能. Doctors use this information to more accurately pinpoint the areas of the brain affected by the seizure.
  • 正电子发射断层扫描(PET)扫描 Your veins will be injected with a small dose of radioactive material that creates a visual of your brain activity and may reveal abnormalities. PET扫描通常用于患有多种脑部疾病的患者. 它们可以显示你大脑化学和新陈代谢的变化.
  • 单光发射计算机断层扫描(SPECT)扫描 If your doctor is unable to pinpoint the location of seizures in your brain using an MRI or 脑电图描记器 tests, 他或她会建议进行SPECT扫描. 这些必须在癫痫发作时进行. 测试在监视单元中进行,您在那里等待发作发生. The test occurs in two phases: the first takes place 在 the seizure and the second occurs after the seizure is over. At each stage, we will inject imaging agents to help visualize the blood flow in your brain.


Your doctor needs to correctly diagnose the cause of your seizures to effectively treat you. He or she will use imaging and other tests in combination with neuropsychological testing to get a more complete picture of where the seizures are occurring inside your brain. 这些因患者而异,包括:

  • 演讲技巧,
  • 认知评估,或
  • 记忆测试.

例如, a patient who has trouble with 记忆测试 could show that the abnormality causing the seizures is in a specific part of the brain.


和田测试 is sometimes performed after video-脑电图描记器 monitoring to determine which parts of your brain control language and 内存. Our specialists will look at images to see if your language and 内存 functions are on the same side of the brain as your seizure focus. 如果是这样,手术前可能需要进行功能性核磁共振或其他脑部测绘.


  • neuroradiologist,
  • epileptologist,
  • 神经心理学家.

在测试期间, our doctors will put one side of your brain to “sleep” for a short period of time using medication, 然后测试你的语言和记忆功能. 在你的大脑“醒来”之后, 大发娱乐会让对方进入睡眠状态并进行额外的语言和记忆测试. 一旦双方都清醒了, 你将被要求回忆你在测试中看到的东西, 大发娱乐会确定你大脑的哪一边控制着你的记忆和语言.


在某些情况下, our doctors will not be able to determine the cause of your seizures from the initial imaging tests or 脑电图描记器 (electroencephalogram). 你的医生可能会让你进入长期监护病房. 门诊病人的脑电图只能捕捉到一半的异常脑电波活动, but long-term monitoring will capture that information in about 95 percent of patients.


  • 一位专门诊断和治疗癫痫的主治神经学家,
  • 护士和
  • 脑电图技术专家.

在一个长期监控单元, 你的医生会在此之前观察并记录信息, 在, 在癫痫发作后. 这有助于描述以下情况:

  • 你是哪种类型的癫痫发作,
  • 确定你癫痫发作的具体位置,然后
  • 排除任何其他可能有类似癫痫症状的健康状况.­

如果你正在服用抗癫痫药物, 神经科医生会告诉你在检查前减少或停止用药. 这可能会增加你癫痫发作的频率或强度.


Inside the monitoring unit, we may also request that you stay awake all night to trigger a seizure. 你将被全天24小时监控, 脑电图描记器, 参加护士, 和其他工作人员保证你们的安全.

这些停留有时会变得无聊. 请随意带上以下的东西,让你忙碌起来:

  • 书,
  • 工作,
  • 电影,或者
  • 个人电子设备.

Please keep in mind that you will not be able to leave your room because you will be attached to a monitoring unit and need to be on video. 但是,在您入住期间,您可以在您的房间内自由活动.

你将在长期监护病房连续呆三到七天. Your neurologist will gather this information to determine the best treatment plan for your seizures. 它将基于你正在经历的癫痫发作的类型和位置.

风险 & 好处

Before you begin a long-term monitoring test, talk to your doctor about the potential risks. 这些风险与癫痫发作相关的风险相同,可能包括:

  • 肌肉、骨骼、神经和头部受伤,或者
  • 轻微死亡风险. 然而, this risk is minimal because the test is conducted under constant supervision in a controlled hospital setting.

在大多数情况下, the benefits of getting a proper diagnosis and treatment plan outweigh the potential risks.


如果医生仍然找不到癫痫发作的部位, 或者你对药物没有反应, 大发娱乐可以推荐 颅内监控—an invasive surgery where doctors place electrodes inside your brain to monitor brain activity over several days or weeks.


You will need a referral from your primary care physician or another provider to be seen in our 癫痫临床. 你可以打电话 801-585-7575 在转介后安排初次预约. Our team will help coordinate your care to see an epileptologist (a neurologist who specializes in epilepsy) for evaluation and schedule any necessary testing as part of your treatment plan.

We will also work with your insurance carrier to determine what epilepsy tests and treatment are covered under your plan, 并且在你的保险范围内获得预先授权. If you have questions about your insurance coverage, contact your insurance carrier directly.

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