
你正在听的是 谁在乎男人的健康?:

35: At Home Genetic Test - Listen Before You Spit


Direct to consumer genetic health tests are popular but is taking one a good idea? 大发娱乐请来了遗传学顾问 卡琳削弱 解释家庭基因测试的现实,以及为什么在你往杯子里吐口水之前充分了解情况很重要.


这个内容最初是为音频创建的. Some elements such as tone, sound effects, and music can be hard to translate to text. 像这样, the following is a summary of the episode and has been edited for clarity. For the full experience, we encourage you to subscribe and listen— it's more fun that way.

We Have a Winner for Our Genetics Test Giveaway

Scot received two at home genetics testing kits last Christmas. 他想分享他的第二次测试, 但制片人米奇已经拍过了, 托伊坚决反对参加考试. He decided to give away his second test to one of our listeners. 看起来简单, 但在过去的一个月里,Who Cares的人一直在深入研究消费者基因检测的现实. 他们的发现是值得讨论的.

比赛的获胜者是听众马特. Matt is a father with one young daughter and a son on the way. 马特想参加这个测试,因为他很好奇自己对某些健康状况的遗传倾向,以及把它们遗传给孩子的可能性.

卡琳削弱 is a certified and licensed genetic counselor at the University of Utah. 大发娱乐请卡琳和马特讨论了消费者基因检测的现实情况,并讨论了他是否还想做这项测试.


大发娱乐问马特的第一个问题是他是否读过基因测试的服务条款. 他没有. 分享一个很多人在谈到基因时不会想到的术语是很重要的:

Once you obtain genetic information, the knowledge is irrevocable. 你不应该假设大发娱乐能够大发娱乐提供给你的任何信息,无论是现在还是随着基因研究的进展,都将是受欢迎的或积极的. You may learn information about yourself you do not anticipate. 这些信息可能会唤起强烈的情绪,并有可能改变你的生活和世界观.

According to Karin, this is something a person should think about taking the test. The goal of genetic counselors is to help people understand the medical, 遗传数据的家庭和社会心理影响及其如何影响他们的健康和整体福祉.

She explains to her clients they can't "unknow something." Once you learn you may be genetically predisposed to a health condition, 你将永远知道那一点信息. It may change your life in ways you don't realize.

卡琳说,作为一个病人和消费者, 你有权不知道一些事情,就像你有权知道关于你自己的信息一样.

A DNA Test May Not Provide the Answers You Seek

遗传咨询的主要目的是确保患者充分意识到其局限性, benefits and risks associated with genetic testing. Many people are like Matt, and looking for a potential genetic predisposition they may have. Unfortunately, genetic tests today don't test for every single condition.

卡琳建议,如果一个人想知道你是否对某种特定的基因状况感到好奇, make sure the test you are taking actually provides results for that condition. Tests may be limited in the diseases and conditions they test for. 市场上没有一种测试能包罗万象. 另外, 大多数可用的测试只能大发娱乐提供可能导致疾病发展的已知遗传因素的一小部分的结果.



这些家庭基因试剂盒报告的大多数情况都是在成年期形成的复杂情况. While there may be a research backed genetic predisposition for these conditions, 生活方式和环境因素对一个人是否会患上这种疾病起着很大的作用.

"[The test] gives you an assessment,卡琳说。, "but it isn't a black and white result."

不管这些测试是如何营销的, there is more involved in the development of a condition like obesity.. While a limited set of genes may suggest a predisposition, 一个人的饮食和生活方式可能对一个人是否超重起着更大的作用.

“我喜欢告诉我遇到的每个人一件事, 病人, 客户的朋友, 你的基因不是你的命运吗.卡琳说,“即使研究结果表明,你的风险增加了,或者你的遗传因素与肥胖的联系增加了。, 还记得, 这只是大发娱乐目前所知道的导致肥胖的遗传因素的一小部分."

There's a limitation on the information genetics test can provide. The results are not - and should not - guide your healthcare plan. These test results should not replace routine healthcare screenings. 仅仅因为你的基因结果显示你患前列腺癌的几率降低了, that doesn't mean you should stop getting your screenings.

像这样, 一些专业人士已经开始将直接面向消费者的基因检测称为“娱乐性基因组学”.”的意思, 测试的结果可能会很有趣, but shouldn't guide how you approach your health.


在得到你的基因结果之后, you may be faced with not only a personal dilemma but an ethical one as well. If you found out you have an increased risk of a certain cancer, that can have a huge impact on your relatives too.

"When you take a test, you're testing a family,卡琳说。.

It's rare that a genetics test will find something that only impacts one person. You share much of the same genes as your parents, siblings, and children. The results you receive may be present in others. Some members of the family might not want to know. 另一方面,如果你发现了什么,你有义务告诉家里的其他人吗? It's important to consider what you are willing to share with these people, 以及它将如何影响他们

Matt has had discussions with his wife about how this information may impact their family. She might have to deal with his genetic results as a wife, and as the mother of their kids. The two of them have discussed how they would approach those topics as a family. He is also considering how he will share his results with his brother.


直接面向消费者的测试在遗传学领域是独一无二的,因为它是一种针对健康人群的测试. 这些测试通常被推销为一种保持健康的方式,通过让他们了解自己,这样他们就可以采取必要的步骤来预防不同的健康状况.

Clinical genetic testing isn't typically for "healthy" people. 临床测试是用来发现患者已经存在的严重健康状况或出生缺陷的原因. 目前还没有一种现成的临床测试,适用于那些仅仅对自己的基因感到好奇的健康人.

There are "adult healthy screens" available in some clinical settings, 但这些通常是非常具体的测试,用于筛查罕见情况下的特定情况.

记住这一点, 遗传咨询师通常不建议进行家庭测试,因为这些测试可以大发娱乐提供的信息有限. 消费者基因检测公司的最终目标是消费者,而不是患者.


卡琳个人拒绝在家做基因测试,尽管她有宗谱观念的父亲极力劝说. 对卡琳, 她觉得现在的测试有太多的限制,它可能大发娱乐提供的信息对她没有任何价值.

“(直接面向消费者的基因测试)不会告诉你任何将以积极的方式改变你的生活的事情,卡琳说。. She has met with people that have regretted what they have learned from these tests. They feel that it has changed a part of their life that they can't get back. There's a time before they learn something, a time after.

考虑到这一点,卡琳解释说,今天不应该急于去做DNA测试. 与实验室值不同,你的基因不会改变. You will have the same genes five, ten, fifteen years from today. 随着基因研究的进步,也许有一天基因检测的结果会更有价值——也许更便宜. There's no reason you can't wait to get the test later in your life.


After all of this discussion with a professional, it comes down to this: Will they still take the test?

马特还是想参加考试. He has spent a lot of time considering the realities of this kind of testing. 他知道局限性. 他知道他不可能不知道他的结果. He knows his test will impact not just him, but his whole family.

但对马特来说,他认为自己还年轻. 了解他的基因可能会大发娱乐他更好地了解他在自己的生活中应该采取的步骤. He's thought about what he would do with the information and his kids. He's making an informed decision about his genetics, and that's what Karin supports.

在考虑了几个月后,斯科特决定不参加考试. For him, he was moved by Karin's discussion of not being able to "unknow" something. 他努力工作以过上健康的生活. He has a good understanding of his family history. 他觉得今天的考试不会告诉他什么对他的生活有积极影响的东西.

Scot may consider taking the test in the future, but he recognizes that there's no pressure to take the test today just because it's trendy.


在这一集 把这个留在大发娱乐, 斯科特让特洛伊猜他的耳朵出了什么问题,特洛伊非常讨厌刮胡子,他开玩笑说想用激光脱毛.


If you have any questions, comments, or thoughts, email us at hello@thescoperadio.com.