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20: Time Your Meals to Lose Weight

Oct 08, 2019

Want to lose that last bit of stubborn fat? Quit eating that after dinner snack! Nutrition expert Thunder Jalili 分享为什么你吃东西的时间和你吃什么一样重要. 了解将禁食纳入你的日程安排并开始减肥是多么容易.

Episode Transcript

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When Trying to Lose Weight, Find a Diet You Can Live With

如果你想减肥,有很多选择. Especially if you search online. 网上有很多来源,声称他们有绝对最好的饮食计划. It can be hard to decipher what will help you lose the weight.

Thunder Jalili, 博士是犹他大学营养和综合生理学研究生研究主任. 他懂得营养学,也愿意告诉你如何最好地大发娱乐你减肥.

According to Thunder, no single diet is perfect. It's more important to pick something that works for you. 选择一种你可以坚持一辈子的饮食.

如果你选择的饮食与你已经吃过的完全不同,那就很难了. It may be food you don't like. 这可能是一种奇怪的饮食模式,最终会大发娱乐你减掉顽固的额外10磅, but one you start eating "normally" again, you'll put the weight right back on.

Don't try to 'diet' just to lose a few pounds. 专注于改变你的日常饮食习惯,以大发娱乐改善你的健康和健身.

When You Eat is as Important as What You Eat

It may come as a surprise to some, 但是你每天吃饭的时间和你吃的食物种类一样对减肥有很大的影响. 人的生理机能在两种状态之间循环:进食和禁食. 进食后的进食状态是指你的身体增加胰岛素,并利用食物中的营养物质为未来储存能量. In the fasted state, 身体使用这些营养和储存来保持你的功能而不会崩溃. 当人体每天能够在这两种状态之间来回转换时,它的功能是最好的.

不幸的是,大多数人最终整天都呆在联邦政府里. Think about it, you wake up and eat breakfast. Then at work you may have a snack before lunch. Then you eat a snack to help get you through the afternoon slump. Go home for dinner. Then probably a late night snack before bed.

一般人在早上7点到晚上10点之间每隔两到三个小时吃一点东西并不罕见. 你的胰岛素水平一直很高,你的身体在一天的大部分时间里都处于兴奋状态. 记住,进食状态的特点是身体储存营养和积累脂肪.

Try Getting at Least 12 Hours of Fasting a Day

给你的身体足够的时间进入禁食状态比你想象的要容易. According to Thunder, if you want to lose weight, it's important to get in at least 12 hours of fasting every day. If you're able to get 14 hours or more, even better. 为了使你的益处最大化,禁食时间需要持续和连续. But when are you ever going to get that fasted time in your day? Simple: when you sleep.

如果你每天晚上6点左右吃晚餐,直到早上8点才吃早餐, that's a full 14 hours of fasting. 你所需要做的就是按时吃早餐和晚餐,并且不吃任何饭后零食. Your meal times don't need to be exact, 只要记住,即使两餐之间相隔12小时也会给你的身体带来好处.

雷霆的一个大学伙伴通过思考他的禁食状态减掉了10磅. His friend was very active, always watched what he ate, 但他似乎总是有一点超重,他似乎永远也减不掉. 他是那种总是在睡觉前喝一大杯蛋白质奶昔的人,因为他认为那能大发娱乐他增加肌肉量. 这种高热量的奶昔实际上是在打乱他的进食时间. By cutting out the shake before bed, but keeping his active lifestyle and diet the same, he finally lost that stubborn extra weight.

You Will Not Lose Muscle By Fasting

Some guys are afraid that fasting will make them lost muscle mass. That's just not true.

According to Thunder, 只要你在白天按时吃饭,禁食就不会影响你的肌肉质量. 当你的胰岛素水平高时,大部分肌肉都会生长. Every time you eat, insulin and amino acids are created, which in turn give your body the building blocks to grow muscle. 只要你的身体在一天中多次进入进食状态, your muscles will be fine.

雷还解释说,男人常犯的一个错误是吃大量的蛋白质来增加肌肉. That's just not true. 一般人每餐需要20克蛋白质来刺激肌肉生长. 对于一些人来说,他们的基因和新陈代谢在每餐25到30克的情况下会达到最佳状态. 每餐摄入更多的蛋白质并不能大发娱乐你长出更多的肌肉.

Basically, 你不需要每顿饭都吃大量的蛋白质来增加肌肉量. 不要每天早上狂喝奶昔或吃半打鸡蛋. Just make sure you eat 20-30 grams of protein several times a day, 而不是在一天结束的时候摄入大量的蛋白质.

Remember, more protein in a day doesn't lead to more muscle growth. 在一天中间隔摄入蛋白质,并保持合理的份量.

You Won't Be That Hungry During Fasting

大多数男人都害怕他们会因为任何程度的节食而感到痛苦的饥饿,. especially late at night before bed. 大发娱乐都知道,深夜饥饿往往会导致糟糕的饮食决定. 当你在半夜饿的时候,沙拉是你最不想要的东西. You'll skip straight to the cookie dough in your freezer. 那么,如果一个人不吃晚饭后的零食,他怎么能避免饥饿感呢?

"Short answer, man up," says Thunder, "You'll get through [your hunger] really quick, and it won't be that bad in the morning."

Thunder says that the hunger isn't as bad as you'd think. 大多数人在最后一餐后的五、六个小时左右会感到饥饿, but then it goes away relatively soon afterward. If you time your dinner correctly, you may be a little hungry before you climb into bed, but the hunger should be gone by morning.

"You'll get over it," says Thunder.

Another strategy is to add exercise first thing in the morning. Your body will naturally feel less hungry right after exercise. 所以如果你发现自己一醒来就感到饥肠辘辘, 考虑在早餐前锻炼,大发娱乐你获得12-14小时的禁食,你需要大发娱乐你减肥.

Just Going to Leave This Here

On this episode's Just Going to Leave This Here, 特洛伊参观了帕克城的一座历史悠久的矿山,并一直在思考它是如何影响犹他州的历史的. 与此同时,斯科特在推特上寻找健身计划的理想组成部分.

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