What the New FDA Salt Guidelines Means for You

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What the New FDA Salt Guidelines Means for You


Recent studies have shown that people in the U.S. 在日常饮食中摄入过多的盐,在某些情况下超过了推荐量的30%. 高钠饮食会导致严重的健康问题,比如高血压, 心脏病, 和中风. In response, the FDA has issued 新的指导方针 for food 制造商 and individuals about how much salt to put in food. Dr. 外裙琼斯 解释新的建议对你和你最喜欢的食物意味着什么.


Salt, 糖, and fat, what's not to like? 好东西过犹不及,盐可能就是其中之一.

We evolved as humans in a low-sodium environment, the inlands of Africa. 大发娱乐的味蕾专门针对盐,氯化钠,大发娱乐大多数人都喜欢咸的东西. We may be the sweatiest animal on the planet, and we lose salt when we sweat from heat and vigorous exercise. So we do have dietary needs for a little bit of sodium chloride, the chemical we usually mean when we use the word "salt" in terms of food. But is there such a thing as too much salt?

大发娱乐知道喝海水非常不舒服,因为它太咸了, and you can't survive by getting your water needs from seawater. 你就得死.

And when we eat a lot of salt in our food, 吃薯片,午餐吃盒装通心粉和奶酪,晚餐吃商店买的披萨,里面有奶酪和意大利辣香肠, 大发娱乐会口渴. We drink a lot of water, and we wake up all puffy. And who wants to wake up puffy? And all that puff shows up on the bathroom scales. 好吧, 肿胀意味着你的身体保留了水分来大发娱乐稀释你昨天吃的血液中的盐, and holding on to extra water means that your blood pressure can go up. And when your blood pressure goes up, it puts you at risk for 心脏病 和中风s 还有肾衰竭.

美国的高盐饮食, 平均3,000 to 6,每天000毫克, has been linked to high blood pressure, a leading risk of heart attacks, 中风, 还有肾衰竭. More than 4 in 10 American adults have high blood pressure, and among black adults the number is 6 in 10.

The issue of salt in food is a complicated one. 当然,有些人对饮食中盐的增加很敏感. 研究将盐敏感人群定义为盐摄入量增加1%的人群,000毫克钠, about half a teaspoon of table salt, increases their blood pressure by 5%. 现在, that doesn't sound like very much, but it's a significant difference when it comes to health outcomes. Some people are genetically salt sensitive, 有些人对盐敏感,因为他们已经患有慢性疾病,高盐饮食会使病情恶化.

当然, there are studies that suggest that people who eat sodium at the 3,000 to 6,并表示他们并不一定会对健康造成不良影响. An international study of more than 100,这表明盐摄入量和高血压之间存在联系, 如果你没有高血压,没有超过60岁,也没有吃太多盐, salt won't have much impact on your blood pressure. 然而, 大多数研究表明,低钠饮食对老年人有益, 超过50, who are African American descent, who have high blood pressure or diabetes, or whose blood pressure is gradually creeping up.

医学研究所, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 美国心脏协会建议将钠摄入量限制在2毫克以下,每天300毫克. 大约是一茶匙. 患有心力衰竭和肾脏疾病的人被建议将钠摄入量控制在1,200 milligrams a day or about half a teaspoon. And for the very significant percent of Americans who have kidney stones, 包括你真正的, 饮食中过量的盐有助于形成最常见的肾结石. 哎哟. I had to have that explained to me by my urologist.

现在, low-sodium diet, that's easy, you say. 你不会每天往食物里放半茶匙盐. 事实证明,大发娱乐饮食中钠的主要来源来自商店里的预制食品, that boxed macaroni and cheese, 准备汤, 面包, 准备好的沙拉酱. 据美国食品和药物管理局称,人们摄入的约70%的钠来自预制或包装食品.

考虑到这一点, 美国食品和药物管理局最近为食品行业发布了自愿指南,以降低预制食品中的钠含量, 制造商, 餐厅, 食品服务经营者. 这些指导方针是自愿的和暂时的,旨在减少平均钠摄入量从大约3毫克,400毫克到3毫克,每天000毫克, about a 12% reduction over the next 2.5年. 现在,这不是很多,但它可以对人群产生影响.

A recent study published in "The New England Journal of Medicine," done in China in 600 rural villages, 随机分配家庭在烹饪中使用普通盐和盐替代品, 他们把盐瓶里25%的氯化钠换成了氯化钾. This isn't enough for most people to taste the difference. They were encouraged to use a little less salt in their cooking, but could use other sources of sodium, 比如酱油, 以通常的方式. This is a very small dietary change. The control villages did their regular cooking. 这项研究约有21,000人参与,平均随访时间约为5年. The average age of the participants was 65年. 其中一半是女性. About 72% had a history of stroke, and 88% had hypertension. That's a pretty high risk group. 在这5年中,盐替代品组的中风,主要心血管事件和死亡减少了15%, 如果你谈论的是10亿人或10年,这将是相当重要的. 所以这是一件大事.

Other studies have shown similar effects in the U.S. in people who adhere to the DASH diet, which stands for dietary approaches to stop hypertension, sort of a Mediterranean diet with lower sodium. They have lower blood pressures.

So how much sodium in your diet if you're mostly healthy? About 2,300 milligrams or one teaspoon of table salt. 如果你有遗传或医学上的问题,吃盐的风险更大,那就更少. 如果你像普通美国人一样,从预制和包装食品中获得70%的钠摄入量, 阅读标签.

今天美国人在饮食中摄入的盐比50年前多得多. Largely this is a change in how we cook or rather how we don't cook. Many more meals are pre-prepared from the store, and many more meals are eaten out with a lot of salt. 妇女通常负责在家里购买食物和准备食物. 显然情况并非总是如此,很多时候很多人都不做饭. 他们在外面吃饭,他们在餐馆里吃的食物通常钠含量很高,很少有人能给你足够的钠, but sometimes you can look it up online. Or they eat in prepared or prepackaged foods.

钠对你的健康非常重要,食品和药物管理局在包装背面的食品标签上会告诉你每份食物的钠含量. Your local pizza place with high sodium crust, 高钠奶酪, 还有高钠辣香肠, 好吃。, won't have the sodium content. You can make choices in the food you buy. 许多预制食品公司, 比如金宝汤, have offered lower sodium soup options in their canned soups. Even the chip aisle in the grocery store has chips with lower sodium.

So what do the labels on the front of the box mean? 无钠或无盐, each serving in this product contains less than five milligrams of sodium, 钠含量极低. Each serving contains 35 milligrams of sodium or less, low sodium. 每份含有140毫克或更少的钠,减少或更少钠. The product contains at least 25% less sodium than the regular version, 但对于一些汤来说,这可能意味着每份汤的钠含量从700毫克增加到500毫克, 这仍然是很多. 不加盐或不加盐,在通常含盐的食品加工过程中不加盐. 所以这仍然是咸的.

所以,你要下定决心,在家多做些从头开始的食物,多吃天然食品, 全谷物, 蔬菜和豆类, and don't add salt when you cook. Let people add the salt at the table if they need. 添加香料, 胡椒, 或者柠檬可以在不添加额外钠的情况下增加家庭食物的味道. Do you like sea salt on your chocolate chip cookies? Forget adding salt to the dough and sparingly grind a few flakes, a very few flakes on the top of the cookies.

即使你和你的家人可能对盐不敏感,或者有风险因素,所以低钠饮食很重要, 总有一天你们中的一些人会的. Getting out of the salt habit, 多吃别人在家做的食物对你和你爱的人都有好处. 是不是每个人都至少有一些时间参与到食物的购买和烹饪中,并指导这些选择, and that will help everyone be more independent in their sodium, 糖, 还有卡路里的选择,也许吃完披萨后你的脸就不会那么肿了.