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Vasectomy or Tubal Ligation? 对你和你的伴侣来说什么是最好的选择?

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Vasectomy or Tubal Ligation? 对你和你的伴侣来说什么是最好的选择?

Mar 04, 2020

你的家庭是完整的——你和你的伴侣正在考虑永久避孕. 父亲会做输精管切除术,还是母亲会做输卵管结扎术? According to Dr. Alex Pastuszak, the decision should be easy. He explains why he’s strongly in favor of vasectomy 以及为什么它应该是你家庭永久避孕的首选.

Episode Transcript

Permanent Birth Control

Interviewer: 你和你的伴侣想要的孩子都有了. 你的家庭是完整的,现在你正在考虑永久避孕. But how do you decide who gets it done? 是父亲做了输精管结扎,还是母亲做了输卵管结扎?

Dr. Alex Pastuszak is a urologist and a fertility expert at University of Utah Health. 你怎么看待这个问题,输卵管结扎还是输精管切除术?

Dr. Pastuszak: 所以,斯科特,我要直截了当地说我强烈支持 vasectomy.

Interviewer: All right. But that's what you do, so I would expect that. Do you have some more support for it?

Dr. Pastuszak: Right, yeah. So, no, this has nothing to do with my pocket.

Interviewer: Okay.

Dr. Pastuszak: 但这与两种手术的安全性和成本有关.

Interviewer: All right. Break that down.

Dr. Pastuszak: 所以我会告诉你们输精管结扎术比输卵管结扎术更安全更便宜. 那么大发娱乐继续,就像你说的,把它分解.

Tubal Ligation Risks

So what are the risks of tubal ligation? 所以大发娱乐知道,就像输精管结扎术一样,它可能包括出血和感染. Unlike vasectomy really, though, 它可能包括对其他器官的伤害,因为你要处理的是女性骨盆内的管子, 哪些离其他敏感结构很近.

输卵管结扎需要全麻或强局部麻醉, so the anesthesia is already more significant, 这样做的副作用可能比输精管切除术更严重. And then just in terms of pregnancy itself. So while tubal ligation is just as effective, effectively, as vasectomy, so more than 99 percent, 你仍然有可能发生异位妊娠或输卵管不完全闭合,从而导致怀孕.

Vasectomy Risks

Now, 如果你将这些与输精管结扎的风险相比较, 那你说的就是流血, infection, some pain, 输精管结扎失败可能是主要的风险. Very few.

Interviewer: 输精管切除术的恢复速度也比输卵管结扎快得多.

Dr. Pastuszak: Right. Because tubal ligation, again, you need to make an actual hole in the abdomen, which by surgical standards in this case, it's a minor surgery, 但它仍然比输精管结扎术重要得多.

Interviewer: Gotcha. What about the cost? 我想大发娱乐会聊得很短因为输精管结扎术更便宜.

Dr. Pastuszak: Well, it's cheaper, 它更便宜的原因是你可以在办公室局部麻醉下做.

Interviewer: Gotcha, gotcha. 有什么原因可以解释为什么一对夫妇想要做输卵管结扎而不是输精管结扎尽管你刚刚给出了原因? Is there anything that you're aware of?

Dr. Pastuszak: 所以除非有真正的原因一个男人不能做输精管切除术, 我一时想不出一个来, they may exist, 或者这个女人已经在接受另一个手术, like a Caesarian section, 在手术的时候想要进行输卵管结扎, 我看不出有任何理由认为输卵管结扎比输精管结扎更可取.

Ectopic Pregnancy After Tubal Ligation

Interviewer: 不同的是,尽管输卵管结扎,怀孕仍然可能发生 . . .

Dr. Pastuszak: That could be damaging to the woman.

Interviewer: Yes, exactly.

Dr. Pastuszak: In the setting of, say, an ectopic pregnancy.

Interviewer: Which means?

Dr. Pastuszak: 这意味着怀孕实际上是从输卵管开始的吗, and since that fallopian tube is now closed, that fertilized egg can't get to the uterus, and so it starts growing in the fallopian tube, 这对女性来说是一个紧急或紧急的手术情况.

Interviewer: And, as of right now, 在美国输卵管结扎比输精管切除术要多, isn't there?

Dr. Pastuszak: That's right.

Interviewer: Yeah. 尽管另一个是明显的赢家,但在我看来.

Dr. Pastuszak: Yes.

Interviewer: So, in this conversation, 你有什么其他的建议可以推荐给夫妇们去考虑吗, 除了你列出的那些事实?

Dr. Pastuszak: 所以我认为这对夫妇确实需要了解事实,因为,你知道,男人都害怕. 我不应该说害怕,但是男人不倾向于寻求医疗护理,对吧. 在美国,女性往往是自己、伴侣和家人医疗保健的主导者. 所以这是更多男性接受输精管切除术的一个障碍. In fact, maybe not most, but 我在办公室里看到的很多男人来是因为他们的伴侣, their female partner asked them to come, not because they have taken the responsibility.

You know, 我想把这个问题放到男人的法庭上,只是想说, well, 你觉得你的女人觉得你有多性感, you know, 如果你坐在那里反对输精管结扎术? What do you think she would think if you said, "Honey, I'm going to go ahead and get this vasectomy, 我要为大发娱乐大发娱乐的家庭做这件事。”?

Interviewer: 是的,因为这是一个更安全、更经济、更便宜的选择. That's pretty sexy.

Dr. Pastuszak: I think so.

Interviewer: So I think, finally, if in spite of all this information, 有个男的还在纠结输精管结扎手术, what would you say at that point? 因为,对我来说,行动的过程似乎是显而易见的,但男人仍然会犹豫不决. What would you say at that point?

Dr. Pastuszak: 所以我真的认为信息就是力量,我知道男人会犹豫. You know, at the very least, go get the facts. 去找个懂行的人谈谈吧. Go see your local urologist. Just talk to him about it. 他不会答应你那天在办公室做输精管切除术. 这是你的决定,但至少客观地知道你要面对的是什么. 我告诉你们,你们大多数人在和他谈过之后都会选择输精管结扎术.