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Smoking e-Cigarettes Can Cause Heart Attacks

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Smoking e-Cigarettes Can Cause Heart Attacks

Jan 08, 2019

大多数人都知道吸烟和患肺癌的危害, but did you know that, just like nicotine cigarettes, e-cigarettes, 对心脏不好,会导致心脏病发作吗? Cardiologist Dr. John Ryan 谈论它们对你的心脏的影响,以及为什么电子烟真的应该让你害怕.

Episode Transcript

Interviewer: 电子烟是如何影响你的心脏的,而且是不好的, 而且它可能并不比吸烟好. 接下来大发娱乐将与心脏病专家, Dr. John Ryan on The Scope.

Announcer: 健康信息来自预期,由研究支持. 来自犹他大学健康中心,大发娱乐是

大发娱乐开始讨论电子烟以及它们如何影响你的心脏健康之前, 我认为重要的是,大发娱乐要说香烟和电子烟与许多不同的健康问题有关. 但是今天,大发娱乐只关注一个特定的问题,那就是与心脏有关的问题. So, Dr. 瑞恩,电子烟是如何影响一个人的心脏健康的,威胁是真实的吗?

How Does Smoking Affect Your Heart?

Dr. Ryan: I think the threats are real. I think the concerns are legitimate. 电子烟的一个特别问题是,它确实使吸烟重新正常化, nicotine consumption, and tobacco use within North America. Some of it, the science is uncertain. 大发娱乐不确定电子烟对心脏或肺部疾病的长期影响. 由于长期接触尼古丁,合理的担忧也随之而来, chronic and also varying exposure to nicotine. 其中一个特别的问题似乎是每个电子烟的尼古丁摄入量有明显的差异.

Interviewer: Because when you get the little vapor things, it tells you how many milligrams per whatever, 但这是不规范的,所以大发娱乐不知道这是否准确.

Dr. Ryan: Exactly. And the anticipated is .05 is what's often quoted. 它可以达到15根,而你的香烟大约是2到3根. 所以在这方面,有一些变化值得关注. Also, 电子烟和尼古丁消耗的一些生理影响, in general, are concerning, in particular, high blood pressure, fast heart rate, endothelial dysfunction, 哪一层是心脏血管的内膜, in particular, 哪一种会引发动脉粥样硬化 coronary artery disease.

所有这些都受到尼古丁摄入的影响, in particular, 通过电子烟尼古丁的消耗以及电子烟中的其他化学物质. And as you rightly pointed out, 这方面的监管很困难,也不像许多医生和科学家所希望的那样有力. And that just raises further concerns.

Nicotine and Heart Health

Interviewer: 你提到了很多电子烟可能带来的不良后果, and it's related to nicotine primarily, the raising your heart rate, the blood pressure, your blood vessels narrowing, high risk of hardening of the arteries. What does that do, then, that causes heart failure or heart attack or stroke?

Dr. Ryan: So a lot of it we don't know, first of all. That specifically raises concerns, but the issues, in particular, that are raised with high blood pressure, with fast heart rates, 心脏血管变窄, the coronary arteries, as you mentioned, this puts extra strain on the heart. 很明显,心脏依靠血液流动来获得氧气, and in the setting of high blood pressure, fast heart rate, decreased vessel size, 你确实会增加心脏病发作的风险.

So the essential concern, in particular, is for heart attacks, that the use of nicotine, e-cigarettes, 吸烟会增加患心脏病的风险. And also, it's not necessary, 这就是我回到北美烟草消费和尼古丁消费正常化的原因. 这不是大发娱乐必须做的事情. This distinguishes it from . . . 对此也有争议,但是饮食消耗,脂肪消耗等等. However, we do need to eat. 大发娱乐不需要吸烟,也不需要吸电子烟.

Interviewer: 所以可以肯定的是,大发娱乐知道尼古丁会对心脏造成这些负面影响.

Dr. Ryan: Exactly.

Popcorn Lung

Interviewer: What about the other chemicals, like . . . I've heard the flavoring chemicals. 即使你服用了不含尼古丁的剂量,他们也发现它会导致其他疾病.

Dr. Ryan: Yeah, 所以这种调味料最近被认为与爆米花肺或闭塞性细支气管炎有关, 哪一种是炎症性和纤维化性肺病. The reason this raises concerns is, first of all, lung disease, therefore, puts a strain on your heart. And secondly, if there's chronic inflammation, 大发娱乐在空气质量差和压力大的环境下看到了什么, 它会导致心脏病发作或心脏病. 所以我认为你提到的电子烟中的化学物质主要有两个问题.

Interviewer: 如果你面前有个抽电子烟的病人, 你要如何说服他们不要这么做? 因为很多人从中得到乐趣,或者这是一种上瘾的习惯,他们无法停止. It takes a lot of willpower to quit.

Dr. Ryan: 在说服别人做事方面要足够敏感. Ultimately, 我认为你必须介绍与这种疾病有关的风险, the risks associated with the risk factors, and hope that they make an informed, educated decision about their habits. 所以我试着向他们展示电子烟的不确定性. 我试着向他们表达我对电子烟和尼古丁消费的一些担忧. And then, hopefully, 当他们离开诊所和回家的时候, 他们能够自己获取资源,自己做出正确的决定,并对自己所做的决定感到满意.

Interviewer: 我认为,从本质上讲,这是一件你不必对你的心脏做的事情.

Dr. Ryan: Exactly, yeah. You don't have to do it to your heart. You don't have to do it to your lungs.

Announcer: Have a question about a medical procedure? Want to learn more about a health condition? With over 2,与大发娱乐的医生和专家进行了000次访谈, 你很有可能会找到你想知道的. Check it out at

updated: January 8, 2019
originally published: January 26, 2016