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Most research says getting less than the recommended seven to nine hours of sleep a night can be detrimental to your health. 但 as many as 10 percent of Americans report that getting six hours or less a night seems more than enough. 研究人员 葆拉·威廉姆斯布莱恩·柯蒂斯 discuss their study on whether or not short sleepers can 真的 be healthy.

有关研究的更多信息或参与,请访问 restlab.心理.犹他州.edu.


播音员: 由研究支持的专家大发娱乐提供的健康信息. 这是来自犹他大学健康中心的scoperadio.com.

面试官: We all know someone that sleeps six hours or less each night 和 then they claim that doesn't bother them. 事实上,他们说他们睡得少. 这是真的吗,还是真的对他们的健康有害? 葆拉·威廉姆斯 is an associate professor of clinical 心理ology at University of Utah. 布莱恩·柯蒂斯是一名临床心理学博士生. 和 they are part of a research team that is researching a phenomenon called "short sleepers," 和 these are people that sleep six hours or less a night 和 report no ill effects.

So the first thing I think we need to do, 和 Paula, would you please define what a short sleeper is? 我总结了一下,有没有漏掉什么?

Dr. Williams: Well, at the broadest level, it is someone who sleeps six hours or less a night on average. 建议睡眠时间为7到9小时. 然而,大发娱乐感兴趣的人也是习惯性的短睡眠者. 这是, 不管工作安排还是假期安排, 这些人往往只睡6个小时或更少.

面试官: 是的. 大发娱乐都知道,也许你就是其中之一. 你睡眠时间短吗?

Dr. Williams: 我不是.

面试官: 你呢?? 布莱恩,你睡眠时间短吗?

布莱恩: 我是失眠症患者,但那完全是两码事 . . .

面试官: 哦,真的?

布莱恩: 是的. 我失眠了. 我妈妈有失眠. 我的三个哥哥有失眠症. 所以这是家族遗传的.

面试官: 听起来是的. 我绝对不是一个睡眠时间短的人. 但 about 30% of the United States are short sleepers the way you define them. 但是还有10%的子集. 解释一下这个群体是什么样的.

Dr. Williams: 正确的. So about a third of the population report they don't sleep more than six hours. 在这个群体中, 然而, 有一小部分, 大发娱乐认为可能是10%, 在6小时或更短的时间内感觉良好. 他们不会像大发娱乐大多数人那样感受到通常的负面影响. 这包括疲劳和易怒等.

面试官: 他们声称他们几乎是不同的. 看起来.

Dr. Williams: 是的. 对一些人来说,这是一种荣誉勋章,“我能行,我感觉很好。. 我不需要太多的睡眠. 我感觉很好." 和 so they're a fascinating subgroup of people that we want to underst和 better.

面试官: 和 it can be concerning because the question is, is that 真的 the case? Or are they just as susceptible to the detriments of lack of sleep that the rest of us are?

Dr. Williams: 正确的. 至少,大发娱乐可以说他们感觉好多了. 这就是它本身. 但还有很多关于认知上的问题, objectively they are functioning as well as they perceive themselves to be. There is a whole area of 心理ology that is looking at the discrepancy between self-assessments 和 objective assessments. 这是大发娱乐感兴趣的.

面试官: 和, 布莱恩, short sleepers think that they function just as good as somebody who's gotten the seven to nine hours if not better. 他们为什么这么想?

Dr. Williams: 这是一个非常重要的问题.

Dr. 布莱恩. 这就是为什么它让我大吃一惊. 我是说,他们就是这么想的. 我的意思是, they are reporting that in fact they feel just as good 和 in my experience, 与这些人交谈, 通常更好. 我的意思是, these people they tend to be almost the flipside of what you would expect, 至少是他们报道的, of somebody who has been sleep deprived or who's sleeping six hours or less. In other words, instead of having less energy, they report having more energy. 正确的? So this concept of behavioral drive, these people are always on the go it seems.

A couple of these participants have told me that their idea of hell is just nothing to do. 比如大发娱乐把你关在房间里, 你没带手机, 你没有什么可读的, 正确的, 这对他们来说非常, 非常讨厌.

So this high degree of stimulation, behavioral drive 和 they just feel fine. 很多人都这么说过, 很多人要么是自己有问题,要么是, 你知道, 这对健康有很多负面影响, 但他们只是感觉很好.

面试官: 所以我希望每天能多睡两个小时? 那么,有没有一种方法可以让我成为一个短睡眠者呢? Are there strategies that they're using to actually survive on less sleep, 或者他们只是基因上和你我不同?

Dr. Williams: 正确的. 大发娱乐不知道,这就是大发娱乐研究这个问题的原因. It's a question that we get a lot because everybody wants to do more in less time, 为了有更多的时间, 等.

但, 你知道, there's too much research out there on short sleep duration 和 health consequences that we need to look at this subgroup more specifically.

面试官: 看看这是否适用于他们.

Dr. Williams: 完全. 所以有可能有些人感觉很好,但他们并不好. 所以大发娱乐需要知道更多. 大发娱乐还需要知道他们的伴侣是如何看待他们的. 所以研究的部分内容是, what do other people report in terms of their behavior 和 their functionality.

面试官: How could a person determine if they or a loved one are a true short sleeper? 我的意思是, is it just simply cut 和 dry as they're not getting the seven 和 nine hours of sleep that they should?

布莱恩: 我认为最重要的是, 如果不考虑社会责任, you take away needing to wake up early for work or to stay up late to study, 无论你的环境是什么决定了你的睡眠时间表. 如果在周末有很多机会, 正确的, 你每晚的睡眠时间仍然不超过6小时, 如果你在度假, 现在仍然是这样, often with these individuals this isn't something that started in college or when they got a high pressure job. 很多人都说他们一直都是这样, 追溯到很久以前, 即使到了童年.

和 it's also not uncommon to hear that they may not be the only person in their family that tends to have this sleep pattern as well. 所以这似乎是一种家族性的短睡眠模式. 和 that's been borne out at least in one study that our research colleagues, 克里斯·琼斯和他的遗传学合作者, 他们在一对母女身上发现了突变. 和 when you put that human mutation into mice, you now have short sleeping mice. 和 not only short sleeping mice, but these mice run more on their running wheels during the day. 这是一只行为驱动型老鼠.

这是在2009年. 差不多有十年了. 和 since that time, we haven't found a similar slam dunk mutation in families. So it does appear that these genetic short sleepers may be very, very rare. 但 assessing them objectively into the lab 和 getting more of these people is the goal now.

面试官: 如果我现在是一个睡眠不足的人,我会有点害怕, 因为所有的证据都表明, “如果你睡不到7到9个小时, 你知道, 它可能对你的健康有害.“大发娱乐不太清楚它是否存在. 所以如果我是一个短睡眠者,我会担心吗? 我该怎么办?? 我应该多睡一会儿吗?

Dr. Williams: No. 这些都是重要的问题. 但 the reason we don't know is that the vast amount of medical research is epidemiological. 它考察了整个人群并考察了关联. 大发娱乐现在想要了解的是个体差异. 也就是说,人与人之间的影响是否存在差异? 大发娱乐知道至少在感知上是有的.

面试官: 但就行为改变而言, 如果我睡眠不足或者有爱人, 真的, 此时此刻, 你不应该做什么. 我的意思是, 如果这是真的短睡眠, 你不是, 你知道, 起床是因为你有责任, 你睡不着是因为压力, 但你会自然而然地这么做, 6个小时后起床.

Dr. Williams: 你知道, 我会问别人的一个问题是, 他们是怎么保持清醒的, 例如, 因为大发娱乐认为一些短睡眠者, given what 布莱恩 just said about behavioral drive is that they are seeking out stimulating activity in the night. 我的建议是去除所有的环境刺激. 你知道, what we should be sleeping in is the equivalent of a cool, dark cave. 如果你把自己放在那种情况下,你还睡不着吗? 正确的?

面试官: 是的. 所以这可能是一个很好的检查.

Dr. Williams: 是的.

面试官: 一个很好的实验.

Dr. Williams: 我会这么做的. 以及大发娱乐所知道的一切, 比如有一个例行公事, 想在同一时间睡觉, 没有在炎热的环境中, 嘈杂的环境, 所有这些, 遮光罩. 尝试所有这些方法. 然后看看你的睡眠情况.

面试官: 你可能会发现,原来你是一个规律睡眠者.

Dr. Williams: 正确的. Or, 我的意思是, part of what I study is personality 和 so that's part of what we see is that people are behaviorally different around sleep. 事实上,睡眠可能真的是性格的一部分.

面试官: So if somebody is concerned that maybe they should take a look at some of their sleep hygiene things or some lifestyle things. 最终,他们可能只睡了6个小时, 因为这就是他们的天性, 在这一点上, 我的意思是, 此时此刻, 然后你做什么?

布莱恩: 他们会和大发娱乐联系.

面试官: 并成为你研究学习的一部分.

Dr. Williams: 研究的一部分.

面试官: 好吧. 他们会怎么做呢?

布莱恩: 大发娱乐的实验室有一个网站. 这是restlab.心理.犹他州.edu. 和 on that website there there's a section for the short sleepers study. 他们可以去那里,阅读一些背景资料. 如果他们仍然感兴趣, there's a quick questionnaire that they can complete online about eligibility criteria. 和 then a member of a research team will get back into 和 go forward from there.

播音员: 对医疗程序有疑问吗? 想了解更多关于健康状况的知识? 大于2,与大发娱乐的医生和专家进行了000次访谈, 你很有可能会找到你想知道的. 请登录thesoperadio查看.com.