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直到大约100年前,十分之一的妇女死于分娩. 分娩后的一段时间也同样微妙. If women survived a difficult birth, they often were left weak and anemic. The same mothers then would have to provide milk for their babies. In the Chinese culture, women are told to stay inside for a month after giving birth. Nobody comes in; nobody goes out. This period of rest also meant no baths or showers and no cold fluids. 在美国,大发娱乐做事有点不同. 妇女健康专家 Dr. Kirtly Parker Jones from the University of Utah talks about the do's and don’ts of postpartum care in the US, 以及为什么它与世界上其他地方不同.


Dr. 琼斯: 每年, tens of millions of Chinese women observe a practice of staying inside for a month after giving birth. 这种习俗被称为“坐月子”.“这是个奇怪的风俗吗? 大发娱乐推荐什么呢?? 这是博士. Kirtly Jones 妇产科 at the University of Utah Health and this is about the rituals we practice after having a baby on the Scope.

播音员: Covering all aspects of women's health, this is the Seven Domains of Women's Health with Dr. Kirtly Jones在范围上报道.


Dr. 琼斯: 世界各地, 在大发娱乐成为人类的数十万年里, 生孩子是一件非常危险的事情. 直到100年前,每10名妇女中就有1人死于分娩. Of all the ways women met their death, giving birth was one of the most common. 如果他们在难产中幸存下来, they were often left weakened and anemic with trauma to their pelvic tissues. 如果他们的孩子存活下来,他们需要成功 母乳喂养, 因为当时没有婴儿配方奶粉. Mothers who found themselves barely alive had to also provide the milk for their babies to survive.

世界各地, there are cultural practices around this very delicate time after childbirth for the mom and the baby. In fact, we still use the word EDC, estimated date of confinement, as the term for the due date. 但是什么是坐月子? 中国女人都做些什么? 我在波士顿妇产科接受过培训. Lying in was the term for the rest period for woman after giving birth, 许多产科医院的名字里都有这个短语.

The laying in period in the US was anywhere from two weeks to two months, 即使是对健康的女性来说,也是她们的坐月子. 当然,对于有一定经济实力的女性来说,这是一种奢侈. Many women in the 1800s had no choice but to get up shortly after birth, 照顾好孩子, 所有其他的孩子, 在农场帮忙. 虽然, 大多数妇女由家里的其他妇女照顾, 或者教堂社区, 希望, 熟练的助产士, 他们没有两周或两个月的卧床时间.

直到第一次和第二次世界大战, women who gave birth in a hospital stayed in bed at the hospital for a week or so, 从分娩中恢复. 当受伤的士兵需要病床的时候, the time in the hospital was decreased from two weeks to one week, 到四天, 现在的48小时. The good news is that the frequency of a condition called Milk Leg, or blood clots in the leg from lying around that might have progressed to blood clots in the lungs, 当女性在分娩后起床时,会显著减少.

So what about those Chinese women in the practice of, quote, "sitting the month?“女人不能出门. 家人不能进来. The guidelines are set to help women restore their energy balance to their bodies and protect their babies. Women are not allowed to bath or shower or go outside, drink cold fluid, or eat spicy foods. 他们不能吃生蔬菜或水果,也不能喝咖啡. 没有咖啡.

所有 fluids have to go between room temperature or hot, and they have to bundle up and stay very warm. These practices have been noted in documents going back 2000 years. Today's affluent Chinese women can go to special confinement center, 又出现了“禁闭”这个词, 每天500美元就能满足他们所有的日常需求. So we know that women are often exhausted and beat up after the birth of a child, 尤其是第一个.

他们经常精疲力尽,伤痕累累. 他们的膀胱不工作. 他们的痔疮也疼. And breastfeeding every two hours doesn't help with the sleep problems. About 70 percent of women have the baby blues in the first couple weeks postpartum, 大约5%的女性会发展 产后抑郁症. 那么什么是好的医疗实践呢?


前两周很艰难. That's the time that moms are establishing their milk production and their feeding schedule. 他们需要喝很多液体, 吃全谷物的均衡饮食, 给你的屁股添了很多纤维, 水果, 蔬菜, 和蛋白质. They may continue taking their prenatal vitamins several weeks for iron replacement if they had significant blood loss, 可以推荐富含铁的食物或铁替代品.

女士们需要好好休息. 但只要他们适应了, 剖宫产或难产后的, 他们需要站起来走动. 这对于降低血凝块的风险很重要. Family can help by taking on the cooking and cleaning responsibilities in the home for the first two weeks or maybe the first two months or maybe two years. 至少两周吧.

In the US women are often given an appointment to see their OB six weeks after the birth of a child. That six-week idea was made up as the time by which women should have her pelvic organs back to normal. 这是一个完全荒谬的计划. 到六周时,新妈妈们要么会自己下潜,要么会自己游泳. If they're suffering 产后抑郁症, they're already well into it. If they have a bladder problem, they've been suffering for over a month. If they're not breastfeeding, they may by already pregnant because they can ovulate at four weeks. And 50 percent of women resume intercourse before their, postpartum visit.

In Europe and Great Britain, it's common for home nurse visit by a 助产士, 或者是护士,出院后一周左右. 这为新妈妈大发娱乐提供了支持和回答问题. A randomized trial of a midwife home visit at 10 days and three weeks, 而不是去看六个星期的医生, 发现女性更有可能采取避孕措施, 更有可能成功母乳喂养更长时间, 更有可能让他们的孩子接种疫苗, 更不容易抑郁, 如果他们安排了助产士上门.

那么产后六周的拜访是为了什么? 大发娱乐过去常常做子宫颈抹片检查,并在那次就诊时开始避孕. 但现在, 巴氏涂片检查每两到三年做一次, and women should have started contraception or had a plan before they left the hospital.

家庭医生, 谁做产科,谁还要照顾孩子, 看看两周后的妈妈和宝宝, 好主意. Combined group care with the pediatrician and an OB or midwife at two weeks would make a lot easier for new moms to, 不用一次把所有的东西都堆在车里, 但是要一遍一遍地重复. So we're thinking about that here at the university and it's 好主意.

What are the cultural practices around the postpartum period in your cultural background? We certainly should celebrate the birth of a new citizen of the planet, and the woman who put her body and her life at risk to accomplish this miracle. 作为产科医生, we should give up the arcane and useless rituals like the six weeks postpartum visit, and see women and their babies in a more evident space timing and do a more family friendly combination of services.

And if you can get your family to take over the cooking and cleaning for two years after the birth of a child, 给你更多的力量.

播音员: 对医疗程序有疑问吗? 想了解更多关于健康状况的知识? 大于2,与大发娱乐的医生和专家进行了000次访谈, 你很有可能会找到你想知道的. 去scoperadio看看吧.com.
