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The HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccine prevents seven different types of cancers, 癌前期, 还有生殖器疣. 但有些家长不要求这样做. 迪安娜·凯普卡,公共卫生硕士,博士, from 亨茨曼癌症研究所 says some parents fear that getting the vaccine will make their child sexually active. 然而Kepka说大量的研究反驳了这种恐惧. 她讨论了为什么HPV疫苗很重要, proven protection for kids who may encounter cancer later in life without it.


面试官: HPV virus vaccine, questions that are answered, that's next on 范围.

播音员: 健康信息来自预期,由研究支持. 来自犹他大学健康中心,大发娱乐是scoperadio.com.

面试官: 迪安娜·凯普卡来自 亨茨曼癌症研究所. 这次采访, we want to get to some of the common misconceptions that people might have about the HPV vaccination. Maybe some common reasons why they don't have their children get it in time when they should. But first of all, let's start with why should somebody get the HPV vaccination. 为什么它很重要??

迪安娜: 你为什么要让你的孩子得到 人乳头状瘤病毒疫苗? 这是因为大发娱乐有预防癌症的疫苗. But it's not that it prevents seven different types of cancers, it also prevents a lot of 癌前期 and hundreds of thousands of cases of genital warts each year in the United States.


面试官: 但很多孩子都不明白. First of all, what are the CDC recommendations for when a child should get the vaccines by?

迪安娜: 儿童应该在11岁和12岁时接种疫苗. 他们应该收到时,他们是 接受其他免疫接种 at the same time, which is the Tdap vaccine and the meningococcal vaccine. 如果他们在13岁以上接种疫苗, 这被认为是一种晚期免疫, but they can still receive the HP vaccine all the way up until their young adulthood years.

面试官: 好吧. 但建议在这些早期阶段就服用.

迪安娜: 11岁和12岁或更小.

面试官: And don't just assume that it's going to be something that your physician's going to offer, because a lot of them just make it optional or don't even mention it.

迪安娜: 完全. That's one of our biggest barriers is that it's not presented strongly by primary care providers.

面试官: 既然这是一种预防癌症的疫苗,就应该如此.

迪安娜: 作为家长,你需要主动要求.


面试官: 好吧. 所以让大发娱乐来谈谈一些常见的误解. And I think one of the main ones is that they're afraid that they give their boys or girls that are 11 or 12 a vaccine that prevents not only cancer but a sexually transmitted disease that now, 突然之间, 他们的孩子会变得更加性活跃.

迪安娜: 是啊,但那不是真的. 这只是一个神话. And it's been disproven by a lot of research that's been shown that even if you vaccinate kids at a younger age with the HP vaccine and then you take others and you don't vaccinate them and you randomize the groups, the kids that received the vaccines aren't any more likely to engage in sexual activity at an earlier age than the ones who did receive the vaccine.

面试官: 好吧. 对很多父母来说也是如此, 这似乎是某种自我的东西, 好像我的孩子不会那样做似的. 这似乎是一个很大的障碍. 他们很难忘记这一点.

迪安娜: 我是说,大发娱乐大发娱乐的孩子 . . . we have no problems giving our kids the Hepatitis B vaccine as babies, do we? 这是一种性传播感染. I'm thinking that when you're talking about a sexually transmitted infection, 你的孩子分别是11岁和12岁, 父母开始变得真的, 我不知道, 寒冷的脚, a little queasy because puberty is right around the corner or right there. And I think that sense of anxiety around that time in their child's life just makes them turn off and shut down instead of thinking about this vaccine as a cancer prevention vaccine.

面试官: 你写得比我好得多. 谢谢你!. So another one of the misconceptions is a lot of people think it's a new vaccine, 所以没有太多副作用的历史. 这也不对.

迪安娜: 它已经存在了10多年. 大发娱乐有成千上万, hundreds and hundreds of thousands of doses have been given in the United States. And the CDC does an excellent job collecting adverse responses to vaccinations in our country, 不良反应报告, and this vaccine doesn't have any higher rates of adverse reactions than any other immunizations that we give our children in our country.

面试官: And then there's another misconception that it's just a girl's vaccination.

迪安娜: 这是不正确的. 有许多癌症只影响男孩或男性. 还有与hiv相关的阴茎癌. HPV-related 口咽癌 affects both girls and boys or men and women, because it does affect people when they're in their older years, 五六十年代, 但在男性中发病率更高. Meaning that more man than women have HP 口咽癌 than women. 所以当你给你儿子注射HP疫苗时, 你不仅是在防止传染给女性, 但你也在保护你的儿子远离与hp相关的癌症, 包括肛门癌, 阴茎癌, 口咽癌, 还有生殖器疣.

面试官: And there's also a really good reason to get it at a young age. Tell me about how that actually helps develop stronger protection.


迪安娜: 正确的. Studies have shown that your immune system is stronger at those younger ages, 11 and 12. You're more likely to develop a stronger immune response, and we have data to prove it. And that's why we have the recent CDC recommendations out now where if you get the vaccine under age 15, 父母们的好消息, you only need to get two doses now because two doses is strong enough. 如果你在15岁及以上接种,你需要三剂疫苗.

面试官: 好吧. And here in Utah, there is some additional challenges for the HP vaccine. 解释一下这些是什么.

迪安娜: 我知道,我很难过,因为大发娱乐 . . . 我在亨茨曼癌症研究所工作, 大发娱乐有这种癌症预防疫苗, 这是我过去十年的热情所在, 当数据出来后, 大约一年前, 大发娱乐是全州第49名女生.

面试官: 不是以一种好的方式.

迪安娜: 不是以一种好的方式. We had one state doing a little bit worse than us, and that's Wyoming, our neighbor. 所以我也和他们一起工作. And this means that we have less than half of our girls getting this 人乳头状瘤病毒疫苗 in the state of Utah. 所以大发娱乐在这方面还有很大的改进空间.

面试官: Any final thoughts or anything that I forgot to mention when it comes to misconceptions of people have about the HP vaccination and why they should get it?

迪安娜: I think we all need to think about friends and family members that we know who have struggled with cancer, 谁与癌症抗争过, 患有癌症的人, 与癌症, 死于癌症. If you ask any of them if they could've prevented their cancer with the vaccine at ages 11 and 12, 他们会同意并接种疫苗. 所以请为你的孩子这样做.

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