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唐顿庄园 到"艾比·诺格尔 Dr. 外裙琼斯 explains the variations in women’s breasts and how cultural, 少数民族, and developmental differences influence the perceptions of what constitutes normal. She gives suggestions and guidelines for those who may want to change the size of one breast. She also discusses whether the size discrepancy has any effect on the breasts’ function.


播音员: Questions every woman wonders about her health, body, and mind. 这是“我正常吗??——来自范围.

面试官: 我正常吗?? 今天大发娱乐将和Dr. 外裙琼斯,女人方面的专家. The situation is, I have one breast that's bigger than the other. 我... 这很奇怪吗??


Dr. Kirtly Parker Jones: 好吧, it turns out that no woman is completely symmetrical. Even women who have had their breasts enhanced will not be completely symmetrical, just because the nature of who they were before they had the add-ons.


So there are two breast buds, they start growing at the very beginning of puberty. Sometimes one grows faster than the other for reasons we don't particularly understand. Occasionally, there are women, and this is quite rare, where one breast bud won't develop at all. 这不正常.

面试官: 好吧.

Dr. Kirtly Parker Jones: 但是在体积的20%以内, meaning one breast can easily be 20 percent smaller than the other. 这是否令人担忧?? 一个乳房可以垂得低一点, 不是说年轻女人的乳房会下垂, 当然, but if one breast seems to be a little lower than the other, 这也是正常的. 这对于 青少年 to know that breast development isn't completed until about five years after the period, so no interventions should be taken for "correcting" a disparity in breast size or augmenting breast size until women are at least 17 to 18, because at that point their breasts are relatively developed. 乳房大小不一致是很常见的. 15%到20%的大小差异是很常见的.

面试官: 有多普遍?

Dr. Kirtly Parker Jones: 90%的女性至少有这么多.

面试官: 好吧,真的很高.

Dr. Kirtly Parker Jones: A very high percent of women have 10 to 15 percent disparity in breast size. They may only notice it when they are in their bra and notice that the bras, 哪些被设计成对称的...

面试官: 当然.

Dr. Kirtly Parker Jones: ...可能感觉有点不同,一个和另一个. Or the cleavage may be pushed over toward the middle a little bit more than one side or the other.


那么乳房大小呢? 什么是正常的乳房尺寸? 好吧 every woman who walks down the street can tell that the range of normal from A cup to DD cup is all within the range of normal. Now what makes large breasts different than small breasts isn't the amount of breast tissue, isn't the amount of tissue that is able to lactate or produce milk during pregnancy, 它是指乳房里有多少脂肪. So some women develop and deposit fat in their breast more than others.

非常苗条的女人并不常见, 没有臀部和大胸部, because we tend to put fat in our breasts and our hips somewhat equally. But very slender women may not have that much breast development either. 乳房发育也因种族而异. So Asian women will have smaller breasts than Caucasian women. The range of normal from A size cups to DD size cups, 这是一个非常大的范围, 它们都在正常范围内.

时尚来来去去. During the 20s, with those really straight shifts, those really straight dresses that we all saw on 艾比市中心没有DD罩杯. 大发娱乐都知道公爵夫人, 谁的胸部很大, 还有她穿的裙子. But the beautiful young women were all A cups and flat as can be, and women also bound their chests so that they could be a little flatter in those really straight dresses.


面试官: 好吧, 我有一个问题, and I'm going to ask this for all the 女士们 out there that have this question. Is there any way I can naturally change the size of my breast? 还是我得去把它们修好?

Dr. Kirtly Parker Jones: 好吧, 最好的办法是顺其自然, 房间里传来一阵咯咯的笑声, the best way to make your breasts be a little bit larger is to be pregnant, 然而...

面试官: 这不是一个选择.

Dr. Kirtly Parker Jones: Yes, pregnancy and breastfeeding makes your breasts larger. 后母乳喂养, 虽然, many women find that their breasts are actually smaller than they were before they were pregnant. 现在你总是可以增加很多体重, and hopefully if you have a tendency to gain weight by putting fat in your breasts, 你的乳房可能会变大, but at the expense of your hips and your thighs and your belly. 我认为那不值得.

面试官: 这听起来不是个好主意.

Dr. Kirtly Parker Jones: 所以尽管有很多 隆胸 维生素或锻炼, 事实上, exercises just increase the size of your pectoral muscles, 哪些在你的乳房下面. 而且女性很难得到巨大的胸部. So getting pecks that are really big to put your boobs on is not going to be all that delicate. I would say that larger breast size for women who are small breasted, 认为它很时尚, 花更多时间看电视 艾比市中心. 花更多时间跑步, in which case you will certainly appreciate your breast size or take up a little archery.

“亚马逊”这个词," which is not just a very large distribution company, 指的是一个叫做mezos的女性部落, 无苏格兰胸, and they took off the breast that was in front of their arrow so they could be better huntresses, so Amazon was a single breasted group of women hunters who took of a breast so they could hunt better. 所以对于你们这些胸小的女人, well this is mythological 当然—so all you small breasted women, 花点时间在 艾比市中心, run a little bit more and you'll appreciate your breast size, or think about taking up archery.

面试官: My mom says it's actually nice when you have the smaller breast because when you grow older, 你的乳房不会下垂.


Dr. Kirtly Parker Jones: 当然,这是另一件事... count your little breast blessings all you small breasted women, 因为你有很多乳房的祝福. And those of you large breast women, count your breast blessings too. It's better to count your blessings than to add or subtract from what you were given. 除非你在正常范围之外. So our cup size that are fashionable or desirable depends on your 少数民族ity, 你的比赛, 时代文化, 而是在A和DD之间, 女士们, 你们都很正常.

播音员: 对医疗程序有疑问吗? 想了解更多关于健康状况的知识? 大于2,与大发娱乐的医生和专家进行了000次访谈, there’s a pretty good chance you’ll find what you want to know. 去scoperadio看看吧.com.
