Choosing the 正确的 Mattress For You

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Choosing the 正确的 Mattress For You


选择床垫时要考虑哪些重要因素? 睡眠专家 Dr. 弥尔顿蔡 says comfort is different for each person, and things 就像 spine posture, 肌肉张力, and body weight should all be considered. 了解当你在床垫店时需要考虑的其他因素, and find out where the expression "sleep tight" comes from.


面试官: Picking the right mattress, according to a sleep expert. That's next on "范围."

播音员: Health tips, medical news, research, and more. For a happier, healthier life. From University of Utah Health Sciences, this is "范围."

面试官: 你知道, 当你走进家具店,看到那里有那么多床垫,而你只有一个小时左右的时间来选择一个你未来10年或更长时间都要睡在上面的床垫时,这可能是一个有点压倒性的提议. I mean, 就像, how firm, how soft? What's better, a spring-based or a memory foam mattress? 有很多问题,希望大发娱乐能回答其中的一些. Dr. 弥尔顿蔡's a sleep expert at University of Utah Health, and he's going to help us through this process. 我的第一个问题是,你们用的是哪种床垫?

Dr. 蔡: 我家里的只是普通的,随便从亚马逊买的记忆泡沫.

面试官: Oh, it's a memory foam, okay.

Dr. 蔡: 是的.

面试官:大发娱乐来讨论一下,我应该买那个床垫吗? 记忆泡沫是 . . . this could be the shortest interview ever.

Dr. 蔡: 这取决于 on what your comfort is, what you find comfortable. And there are some studies trying to . . .

面试官: 这就是定义.

Dr. 蔡: 定义什么是舒适. So . . .

面试官: 是的, because it could be something different to each person.

Dr. 蔡: 正确的, 好吧, there's a study that was done, 当你睡觉的时候,最舒服的姿势是当你的脊椎和你站立的姿势相似的时候. So, when you're standing straight, 你的脊椎弯曲度应该和你仰卧时一样. 所以如果你选择一个太软的床垫,你的脊椎会下垂. 如果你选一个太硬的床垫,它就会太直. 然后你就会背痛.

面试官: 好吧, and does that change from person to person?

Dr. 蔡: 它. I mean, it depends on your body weight. 这取决于 on your 肌肉张力. 因为如果你做大量的运动,你会得到更多的肌肉张力,真的 . . .

面试官: Does that help you stay in that sleep position better?

Dr. 蔡: Well, again, it depends on the mattress that you have.

面试官: 哇,好的. So let's go back quickly to good sleep quality. What exactly does that mean? Does that mean the ability to sleep through the night, or does that mean not waking up with aches and pains? 这是否意味着? Is there some additional stuff there?

Dr. 蔡: So, when we're looking at sleep in a sleep lab, we're looking at sleep stages and, you're going through different stages of sleep, light stage up to deep stage. And then you have the rapid eye movement. When we say that you're getting good sleep quality, 这意味着你晚上不会醒很多次. So most of the time when we're waking up at night, it's to maybe change position, or it's because we're having some trouble breathing, or it's just comfort or we need to go to the bathroom. 所以大发娱乐尽量减少夜间的兴奋次数. And at least having a good, 舒适的床垫, 让你的脊椎保持在那个位置的那个会很舒服.

面试官: 好吧, so I'm in the mattress store. 我在考虑我想让我的脊椎保持站立时的状态, taking into consideration my weight, 我的健康水平. 当我躺在店里的床垫上试用时,我应该注意什么呢?

Dr. 蔡: 你知道,这很有趣. When I did my research on these mattresses, I went to different mattress stores and tried out myself, because I didn't know anything about this myself. So I went to some mattress stores. I didn't find anything really standing out. 然后我去了一家商店,那里有可调节的床垫,可以让床垫变软或变硬.

面试官: Those air mattress-type things.

Dr. 蔡: The air mattress-type things.

面试官: Not mentioning any brands, but . . .

Dr. 蔡: Not mentioning any brands. 但是当你第一次躺在这些床垫上的时候,你的感觉是多么的不同,当你躺在床垫上的时候,它们会观察你的压力点. And they're onto something for sure. 所以他们会检查压力点,确保你感到全身压力均匀.

面试官: 好吧, so regardless of the type of mattress, 无论是空气式床垫,记忆泡沫还是传统的弹簧, 你要找的是一种一致性 . . . what was your verbiage again?

Dr. 蔡: 即使压力.

面试官: 即使压力 throughout the body.

Dr. 蔡: 全身.

面试官: That's what you're kind of feeling for.

Dr. 蔡: 这是一个,是的.

面试官: 好吧, because when you go into the mattress store, 就像, 这有点不公平,因为你一次只尝试了几分钟. 你不知道累积效应会如何影响你. I think the tendency is to pick, "Oh, this one feels the most luxurious," but that might not be the best choice. 但是试着去感受一个贯穿全身的持续的压力才是你所要感受的. Are you getting that support all along the whole body? 好吧. What else should I look for?

Dr. 蔡: 另外一件事是, 确保床垫不会太冷或太热,也不会吸收温度,过一段时间后会变得太热或太冷. 它n't really absorb that heat.

面试官: 让你. So I wouldn't have considered that. What else should I look for as I'm laying on that mattress? 我想我应该试试我睡在床垫上的睡姿, whether I'm a back sleeper or a side sleeper.

Dr. 蔡: 所以,大发娱乐再一次看到当你侧卧时脊柱应该在什么位置. 如果床垫太硬,你的姿势就会很糟糕.

面试官: 没错,但你应该尝试一下你的睡姿,即使感觉有点傻.

Dr. 蔡: 是的.

面试官: 好吧. 你应该在床垫上躺多久才会注意到?

Dr. 蔡: 所以我从亚马逊或市场买床垫的原因之一是他们会送床垫, 就像, 30天的试用. And then you try it out 30 days. If you feel comfortable, then that's it. If you don't, then they'll pick it up from your house.

面试官: 是的, so regardless of who you purchase from, 看看他们是否有30天的试用期,你可以退货.

Dr. 蔡: 正确的, and I think most mattress stores have that. So . . .

面试官: And don't feel badly if you have to take it back?

Dr. 蔡: 是的.

面试官: 好吧. 大发娱乐讲了很多关于床垫的内容,有各种各样的床垫. 大发娱乐的祖先呢?? 没有这些漂亮的床垫,他们怎么睡得舒服?

Dr. 蔡: 是的,我一直被问到这个问题,大发娱乐有一种想要追根溯源的趋势. 为什么大发娱乐的祖先 . . . you know, they survived without mattresses or beds. 真的,如果你仔细想想,他们不需要床,或者他们当时不应该有床. 如果他们睡在床上,在这段时间里他们睡了六到八个小时, they would wake up their breakfast or their dinner. So as we evolved, what happened is we get more safe. 大发娱乐建了房子,现在大发娱乐更安全了,所以大发娱乐试着寻找更舒适的地方.

If you look at beds, even our ancestors had makeshift beds. 他们把树叶放在上面. 然后进化出了一个升高的床来消灭地面上的害虫. But if you also look at some of the ancient times, 有些人过去常常睡在倾斜的床上,这样当敌人来袭时,他们就能马上从床上跳起来.

面试官: 好吧, so our times have changed quite a bit, meaning our ancestors didn't know eight hours of sleep. 当然,我的意思是,大发娱乐大多数人都不知道八小时睡眠,尽管大发娱乐应该知道,对吧? 他们一次只睡一两个小时,所以他们的需求和大发娱乐的非常不同.

Dr. 蔡: 正确的.

面试官: 让你. 一张床垫能撑多久,我就得考虑换一张了?

Dr. 蔡: 这取决于. 这取决于. 我是说,如果你 . . .

面试官: Does it come back to that same thing? Once you feel that it's not giving you that even support, then it's time to start thinking about something else?

Dr. 蔡: 是的,是的.

面试官: It all comes back to that.

Dr. 蔡: 正确的. 哦,关于这一点还有一件事,你有“睡得很香”这个表达." So, 在古代, when they were making beds, they made it on a weave of either leather or maybe a cloth. 当你睡觉的时候, or before they go to sleep, 他们把绳子系紧,这样他们的背上就有了支撑. So that's where the expression comes from. 所以当你说,你知道,“你什么时候换床垫,当它下垂?“换掉它。.

面试官: When you're no longer sleeping tight.

Dr. 蔡: 完全.

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