What to Do When Someone is Having a Severe Asthma Attack

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What to Do When Someone is Having a Severe Asthma Attack


A severe asthma attack can be dangerous and an alarming situation for both the victim and those around them. Do you know what to do if you find yourself needing to assist someone during an asthma attack? 急诊室医生 Dr. 特洛伊马德森 walks through step-by-step what you should do to assess the situation and best help during someone else's asthma attack.


面试官: What should you do if someone you know has a very severe asthma attack? We're going to find out next on 范围.

播音员: Health tips, medical news, research and more for a happier, healthier life. From the University of Utah Health Sciences, this is 范围.

面试官: Dr. Madsen, I want to do a scenario here. If somebody has a very severe asthma attack, and I'm there, what should I do? 我将 imagine that that person knew they had asthma, and I'd hoped they had an inhaler. Would that be the first place I'd start?

Dr. 马德森: 可能因此, 但你也必须思考, is this someone you just need to 拨打911 for and 送他们去急诊室. 在我心中, the way I really judge the severity of an asthma attack is, 首先, 这个人能跟我说话吗? If a person cannot breathe well enough, where they can't really get out more than say a one word answer, 这真的很严重. And in that situation, before I go looking for their inhaler, I'd say 拨打911. 叫救护车过去, 送他们去急诊室, because even if they take a couple of puffs of their inhaler, it's probably not going to do much in that situation.

面试官: 好吧, 非常严重, 不要乱动它, 不要犹豫, 拨打911, 请专业人士到场.

Dr. 马德森: 我将.

面试官: 如果没有那么严重的话, they're able to get some sentences out, 他们可以和你交谈, 那时候你会怎么做?

Dr. 马德森: 通常在这种情况下, 如果他们有哮喘, 他们有个吸入器, 所以他们可能会说“嘿, 你能帮我把吸入器拿来吗?" Maybe they're feeling kind of winded, they just want to sit down, try and relax a little bit. But they're talking to you, they're not breathing so fast they just can't get anything out. 你看着他们, they look like they're working a little bit to breathe, but it's not like when they breathe you see all of their neck kind of sucking in because they're trying to get air in. So it's not a real severe case, so certainly I think an inhaler is going to help there.

即使在这种情况下, if it's that bad they might take a couple of puffs of their inhaler, 他们可能会感觉好一点. But I often find even in those scenarios, they may need some more treatments in the ER, including possibly steroids which are going to help out as well, which typically they don't have at home.

面试官: 好吧, one of the ABCs is breathing. And any time that somebody is having trouble breathing, that is one of the rules that you use that you should go to the ER. 所以这是至关重要的. 这时你该怎么做呢, while you're waiting for help to arrive, 是不是吸入器坏了, 也许他们没有, 他们跑完了, 他们呼吸困难. Is there anything you can do to help them at that point?

Dr. 马德森: Really the best thing you can do is whatever you can do to just keep them calm, because if someone is having trouble breathing, that's going to make you feel anxious. You can just imagine that drive you have to breathe, and when you're struggling with that you're going to feel incredibly anxious. The problem with asthma is that anxiety is going to make it even more difficult to breathe, it's just going to compound the problem.

所以实际, the only thing you can do there besides say having them take some puffs of their inhaler, would be to do whatever you can do to help them calm down. 打开电视, 打开一些音乐, something just to help them relax a little bit, while you're waiting for the ambulance. Reassure them they're going to be fine, 告诉他们你呼吸正常, 你在跟我说话, 这太棒了, ambulance should be there hopefully within 5 to 10 minutes. 在这一点上, they're going to get them on some continuous breathing treatments and get them where they need to be.

面试官: 所以在夏天, it sounds like if somebody is having a severe attack like that, just 拨打911 because there are things that you can do in the emergency room to help them, and just a breathing problem is not something you want to mess with.

Dr. 马德森: 完全正确. Like you said, we talk about the ABCs, that's what B stands for. 一旦你谈到呼吸, 你必须解决这个问题, and usually you're not going to be successful at home. Keep in mind that asthma is a very serious disease. It kills thousands of people every year, so you have to take it seriously to get them the help they need.

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