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With summer almost here, many people are rolling out those dusty lawn mowers to trim their lawns. 急诊室医生 Dr. 特洛伊马德森 discusses some common injuries that lawn mowers can cause and offers important safety tips to follow.


面试官: Lawnmower safety from an emergency room physician's perspective, that's next on 范围.

播音员: This is From the Front Lines with emergency room physician Dr. 特洛伊马德森在范围报道.

面试官: It's that time of year when you get the lawnmower out, and maybe this is even going to be the year where you let your kids mow the lawn for the first time. I know it's kind of like a transition into adulthood. But, you should really think about lawnmower safety. We're going to find out more about that right now from Dr. 特洛伊马德森. He's an emergency room physician at University of Utah Health.

I think most of us hear lawnmower safety and go, oh we're being safe. But, there are actually a couple of things that could surprise you. I'd also like to get your thoughts on what are some of the more common things that you see so people can avoid them.

Dr. 马德森: 确定. 是的,你说得很对. I think we all think well as long as I turn the lawnmower off I'm fine. 我可以调整. 我可以调整轮子的高度. I can get some lawn out from the blade that's stuck there. This is one of these things where it is a little bit deceptive. 我见过这种情况. 这是罕见的, but we've talked about snowblowers before and snow getting stuck in there and someone sticking their hand in there and the blade taking off a finger. 割草机也是如此.

Sometimes you can get that lawn that'll build up in there, 也许是潮湿的草坪, long grass that's built up around the blade. You reach in there to try and pull that grass out and that blade will flip even though the motor is off, 它没有运行. I have seen cases where it at least cuts the finger or takes a finger off. That's one of these things that's surprising where we think, “嘿, 我知道该怎么做,“但它仍然会发生.

面试官: 是的. What are some other things that you would say about lawnmower safety especially . . . I mean I think we need to think about it a little differently if we're having our kids mow the lawn for the first time from the perspective that we kind of take all these safety things for granted. 大发娱乐必须把它们教给孩子们.

Dr. 马德森: 当然,是的. I think first of all before you get the lawnmower out it's worth getting it checked out. 至少你自己看一遍. Make sure all the nuts and bolts are tightened down, that a blade's not going to flip off or anything crazy like that.

Then, with kids, you've got to think about leg protection. You can have rocks that flip up from lawnmowers hit you in the leg. 这可能会引发问题. You've got to think about eye protection as well, maybe stuff that we even don't pay too much attention to when we're doing it ourselves. 这是你的孩子. 一定要小心. There's always a potential for eye injuries, leg injuries, things like that.

面试官: I think another good thing maybe is just, besides what you said where that blade can flip back, never ever leave a lawnmower running and go in to do any sorts of adjustments like adjusting the height of the lawnmower platform or anything like that.

Dr. 马德森: 是的,完全正确. 它可能具有欺骗性. Someone might see some parts of the lawnmower that look like there's no contact with a blade there. They might kind of reach under adjusting a wheel height and have something hit their hand. You've got to make sure you're careful there.

再一次。, I think the most common thing would be rocks and things like that that get flipped by the blade that may hit a person in the leg, maybe stuff that kicks up and gets in their eye. 不寻常的事, 有点像大发娱乐看到的疯狂的事情, is some of these finger injuries that occasionally come in after trying to reach under there even with the mower off.

面试官: 是的, and also probably supervise even though you're teaching responsibility, because I've seen some YouTube videos of people doing things with lawnmowers that you wouldn't . . . 孩子们探索. They want to try and see what it would look like for themselves. 这可能非常危险.

Dr. 马德森: 哦,有可能. I don't know, as a kid, I remember mowing the lawn. I don't know how many sprinkler heads I hit. You probably want to supervise just for that reason alone. 在院子里找找石头. Make sure all that stuff's out of the way before you send your kid out there.

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