Is a Natural Approach to Family Planning 正确的 For You? 

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Is a Natural Approach to Family Planning 正确的 For You? 


你是否想要一个孩子, 许多孩子, 或者根本没有, 今天的夫妻有一系列的选择,从主动, technical approaches to more natural methods of family planning. 女人的专家 Dr. Kirtly Parker Jones 说话 Dr. 约瑟夫·斯坦福他是家庭和预防医学系教授,也是美国儿科学会会长 Intermountain FertilityCare 服务, who assists families with natural family planning and procreative methods. 了解一些夫妇如何以及为什么会选择自然的计划生育方法来大发娱乐怀孕, 或者避免怀孕.


Dr. 琼斯: How do you plan when and how 许多孩子 to have? 这是博士. 来自犹他卫生保健大学妇产科的Kirtly Jones,这是“生不生孩子”,的节目."

播音员: 涵盖妇女健康的所有方面,这是“妇女健康的七个领域”. Kirtly Jones on "范围."

Dr. 琼斯: 大发娱乐大多数人都想要孩子,大多数人都想在合适的时候拥有他们. 然而,为了实现这个家庭的目标,大发娱乐到底愿意付出多少? 有些人喜欢采用更自然的方法,有些人喜欢采用更技术的方法. 自然计划生育大发娱乐提供避孕方法和生育方法,以便在适当的时间建立适当规模的家庭.

Today in "范围" studio, I'll be talking with Dr. 约瑟夫·斯坦福,家庭和预防医学系教授. Dr. 斯坦福大学对自然计划生育和自然生育技术特别感兴趣. Dr. 斯坦福和我一直致力于大发娱乐人们拥有他们想要的孩子, but we take different approaches and we're going to talk about that today. 欢迎,博士. 斯坦福大学.

Dr. 斯坦福大学: Thank you, great to be here.

Dr. 琼斯: So let's just throw it out there, what is family planning to you?

Dr. 斯坦福大学: 计划生育, 对我来说, means couples being able to choose how 许多孩子 to have, and when and how to have them.

Dr. 琼斯: 我完全同意. 所以自然计划生育有很大的知识和实践领域.

Dr. 斯坦福大学: There's some considerable science and there's also . . . my interest is a lot of things we're still learning, 但是是的, there's a considerable body of science behind it.

Dr. 琼斯: 好吧. 跟我说说你的夫妻咨询或者自然计划生育实践吧. 这是什么意思??

Dr. 斯坦福大学: 所以自然计划生育意味着夫妻知道女人什么时候排卵, when the days are that intercourse would result in pregnancy, and then making choices to either have intercourse or abstain. 或者大发娱乐可以谈谈他们在那段时间可能做出的各种选择,决定是否尝试怀孕.

Dr. 琼斯: 那么它的效果如何呢?

Dr. 斯坦福大学: 如果一对夫妇知道他们可能怀孕的日子,并且在那些日子里不做爱, it's highly effective for avoiding pregnancy. The controversy about effectiveness comes when couples take chances or say, “嗯, maybe I'll see what happens." That's where the gray areas and the controversy come for effectiveness.

Dr. 琼斯: 正确的. 好吧, so, for me, I would say I take a more technical approach. 当然,我从小就被教育要学习生殖内分泌学以及避孕药方面的避孕科学, 节育激素, 宫内节育器和注射, 因为我的训练告诉我,当人们想到性的时候,他们的行为是最不可预测的,他们想要做的和他们真正做的之间的差异是很大的. We know that people want to take their birth control pills and they . . . 10% of them screw up and they don't take them right. 好吧, what about the natural family planning? 你看到的一定是一群非常独特的人,他们很有上进心,很有上进心.

Dr. 斯坦福大学: 是也不是. 我想说,自然计划生育的成功用户出于各种原因都有很强的动力,并找到了一种方法来实现这一目标, and find it beneficial to their relationship over time. So in that sense, 是的, they're highly motivated. I would also say that they, 平均, 对于什么时候想要孩子,他们的观点会有所不同. I think natural family planning users, 平均, 可能还会有一些, one or two more children than the contraceptive users, 这是因为他们的世界观决定了他们想要多少孩子,以及他们想要用什么方法来达到这个目标.

Dr. 琼斯: So I think the people who provide this service may have a unique worldview. That would be you versus what mine might be, 那些可靠而成功地实践了这种方法的人可能会有一点不同的世界观, 所以我认为 . . .

Dr. 斯坦福大学: 但我也想说,人们使用自然计划生育或大发娱乐称之为生育意识方法的原因有很多. Some are coming at it from a religious point of view, some are coming at it from an ecological point of view, 他们不需要荷尔蒙, 有些人从不想有障碍的角度出发,或者他们喜欢理解自己的身体. 所以这是一个光谱. It's not a monolithic group that use natural family planning.

Dr. 琼斯: 正确的, 我理解, having grown up sort of in the granola culture, 很多女性不想在自己的身体里植入任何东西,也不想服用任何不自然的东西,她们是受过良好教育的女性,她们更愿意做出自己的个人选择, 我可以看到,如果她们在一生中都能可靠地采取避孕措施,这可能对她们非常有用.

Kids who might be sexually active, when they're still not reliably ovulating or women postpartum, 或者40多岁的女性, 对于排卵不稳定的女性,有什么特殊的工具可以使用吗?

Dr. 斯坦福大学: 大发娱乐来谈谈40多岁的女性或者排卵不稳定的女性. Those are cases where I think we do need more research, 但我确实认为,大发娱乐有足够的工具让那些想让它发挥作用的人发挥作用. Is it always the easiest thing? No, sometimes it requires a little more patience. It can work for that group. 我希望大发娱乐将来有更好的方法使它工作得更顺利或更容易.

青少年,这是另一个动机和整个社会背景的问题 . . . . I believe that teenagers should all be educated in their sexuality, including their fertility and their fertility cycles. 不管这是否意味着大发娱乐要依靠它作为她们不怀孕的唯一途径, I would think you need to look at social context and social norms, 还有其他问题. And in some social context for some teenage populations and families, they may think contraception's part of that, but I think that for all teenagers, they should understand their fertility.

Dr. 琼斯: 正确的. I 虽然t that if they had sex, they were reflex ovulators like cats, 意义, 是的, 成年女性排卵是有规律的,而青少年只在做爱时排卵,因为似乎只需要一次, at least that's what they've told me.

Dr. 斯坦福大学: 好吧, 你知道, 这是一个有趣的问题,我认为大发娱乐需要更多的研究, 但事实并非如此 . . . 没有证据, 这么说吧, 女性可以通过一次性交从没有成熟卵泡到排卵.

Dr. 琼斯: 连我都知道. 好吧,我接受了 . . . 我从避孕的角度出发,希望在几乎没有投入的情况下,失败率很低.

Dr. 斯坦福大学: 正确的.

Dr. 琼斯: So for those of us who are interested in what we call long-acting, 可逆的避孕, or highly effective 可逆的避孕, we want something that's highly effective and reversible, and you don't have to think about it, that has some side effects, 虽然. It has some downside and women, the tradeoff for highly effective and reversible is some side effects, 但我想 . . . what is the failure rate if you follow the rules? 大发娱乐谈过这个吗?

Dr. 斯坦福大学: 是的,1%到2%.

Dr. 琼斯: One to two percent, that's pretty good, per年?

Dr. 斯坦福大学: er年.

Dr. 琼斯: 每年.

Dr. 斯坦福大学: So I would say that is a fundamental difference in philosophy. Natural family planning is, 在某些方面, the complete opposite of long-acting, 可逆有效避孕的目标是尽可能少的用户投入, make it completely independent of the user.

Dr. 琼斯: 正确的.

Dr. 斯坦福大学: Natural family planning is the radical opposite of that. 用户, 而且不只是女人, but the woman and the man together, 需要合作,了解正在发生的事情,并合作实现双方的目标. So it is a radically user-dependent method, which I think some people see as a weakness, but it is also a strength.

Dr. 琼斯: 我认为这是一种力量,我真正想要的是女性有自己的选择.

Dr. 斯坦福大学: 正确的.

Dr. 琼斯: And for couples to have their choices.

Dr. 斯坦福大学: 正确的.

Dr. 琼斯: And I think that's important to both of us, 以及你是否选择了非常技术性的个人避孕方法, 或者你想要, 我称之为激进的 . . .

Dr. 斯坦福大学: User-dependent . . .

Dr. 琼斯: . . . user-dependent method, 意义 your control and your body

Dr. 斯坦福大学: 正确的.

Dr. 琼斯: We want to have both people to be successful.

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