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Aug 12, 2016

It may be hard to wrap your head around, 但体温计上的高数字并不一定意味着你应该去急诊室. Believe it or not, 发烧不可能“煮坏你的大脑”,也不需要担心具体的数字. Emergency room physician Dr. Troy Madsen 在去医院之前,你应该寻找发烧的更重要的迹象.

Episode Transcript

Interviewer: 什么时候发烧严重到你应该去急诊室? We'll examine that next on The Scope.

Announcer: 大发娱乐是《大发娱乐》急诊室医生. Troy Madsen, on The Scope. On The Scope.

Interviewer: Dr. 特洛伊·马德森(Troy Madsen)是犹他大学医疗保健中心的急诊室医生. 什么时候发烧到需要去急诊室的程度? Dr. Madsen, shed some light on that for us.

Dr. Madsen: Yeah. 你提出这个问题很有趣,因为最近也有人问我. They've said, “高烧到什么程度才会把我的大脑烧熟?要烧到多高才能把我的大脑烧熟?”?

Interviewer: That can't happen. Right?

Dr. Madsen: 我没见过这样的事,我告诉他们了.

Interviewer: Okay.

Dr. Madsen: And it's something that's out there. I remember hearing that too, like people saying, "Wow, you got to keep your fever down, or you're just going to fry your brain." I can't say I've seen that. 所以当我想到发烧的时候,我想到的不是发烧的绝对数值. We define a fever as being 100.5 degrees Fahrenheit or greater. 所以我认为发烧更多的是你有什么症状或者你有什么医疗问题.

这是一个孩子,一个年幼的婴儿,不到12周大,他们发烧了100华氏度.5或以上,你就得去急诊室因为在那里,大发娱乐会担心严重的感染. 如果这个人有免疫系统问题, who's on chemotherapy, or maybe has HIV, 或者是某种影响他们免疫系统的东西, again, another reason to go to the ER. 我不关心它是105还是100.5、如果他们发烧了,他们需要做检查.

Interviewer: If they are in that particular group?

Dr. Madsen: Exactly.

Interviewer: Okay.

Dr. Madsen: If they have immune system problems, if they're very young, and then, of course, if they're very old, people who are very old also. 这很有趣,因为年纪很大的人真的不会像20多岁的人那样发高烧. 所以在他们身上,发烧或100度的温度.5, that's pretty significant. 再一次,这可能是一些非常严重的事情正在发生的迹象. 而普通人走路的时候, who's healthy, who has really no medical issues, maybe they have a cough, maybe they have a fever up to 102, even 103, in my mind, that's not so concerning.

So when I think of fever, I think of more the whole person, 他们有什么样的医疗问题. 然后,除此之外,我想“好吧,还有什么发生了?" If it's someone who has a fever, who says the light bothers my eyes, my neck is stiff, I'm confused, 或者有人向我报告说他们很困惑, then I think of meningitis. Fever with a really severe cough, 或者咳嗽已经持续一周了, and won't go away, 我想是肺炎或鼻窦感染. Certainly, fever is with your unary symptoms, back pain, 大发娱乐会考虑肾脏感染和其他问题.

再一次,你要画出整个画面. 所以我认为最重要的一点是,我家里甚至没有温度计. I don't check my own temperature. 我知道我是热还是冷,或者家人是热还是冷. 我听过一些儿科医生说:“把体温计丢掉. 只是不要在你的孩子身上使用,除非他们是12周以下的非常小的孩子," Because there, 你又看到了全局. It's not just the fever.

Is the child lethargic? Are they feeding well? Are they eating? 他们还在排尿吗,这意味着他们体内还有足够的液体吗? 除了发烧,你会看到所有的东西.

Interviewer: 这对我来说是一个很难理解的范例,因为我认为很多人只是被“哦, 103 fever. That's burning up. That's a major problem.“但听起来你是说把它作为一个指标来评估, 是否还有其他问题这些问题实际上是你去急诊室的原因?

Dr. Madsen: That's exactly it. 你可能会发103度高烧,有点普通的感冒, and you could feel absolutely miserable, 但这并不意味着你要急着去急诊室.

Interviewer: Okay.

Dr. Madsen: And you can. 如果你很担心,不要犹豫,打电话给你的医生. 千万不要犹豫去看急诊或急诊室. 但在你的脑海里,我想把它想象成,“好吧. 这个绝对温度意味着你生病了,低于这个温度意味着你没有病." Like I said, some people with 100.5度的温度,还有其他问题,那就很严重了. 而另一个人的体温是103度, probably very well, just could be a viral infection, and it isn't that big a deal.

Interviewer: 所以这对某些人来说可能是难以接受的信息因为我想象如果他们正在听这个, 他们担心身边有人发烧了. 如果他们不属于这两类, the very young, the very old, they're going to want to do something. 但听起来你说的发烧应该只是表明你应该看看是否有其他症状?

Dr. Madsen: That's exactly it.

Interviewer: Yeah.

Dr. Madsen: Yeah. 我不会仅仅因为发烧就急着去医院. Look at the whole picture. Look at all the symptoms. Look at how the person is acting. If they're acting fine, and they're eating well, and drinking well, and they're alert, and they're not confused, and they've got a temperature of 102, they're probably okay. You can give it some time. 你可以吃一些泰诺,一些布洛芬,让他们退烧,看看情况如何.

Announcer: 大发娱乐是你每日的健康、科学和对话栏目. 大发娱乐是犹他大学健康科学电台的Scope.