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Jul 19, 2016

脊柱侧弯是一种退行性脊柱疾病,在行走时可能导致腿部极度疼痛或无力. 在某些极端情况下,它甚至会导致脊柱弯曲,从而导致进一步的并发症. 对许多病人来说,物理治疗可以大发娱乐,但对其他人来说,可能需要手术来缓解. 手术包括安装钛硬件来大发娱乐脊柱愈合. Dr. Darrel Brodke, a spine specialist, 带领大发娱乐完成这个“大手术”,这个手术对病人来说成功率极高,可以大发娱乐他们再次摆脱行走的痛苦.

Dr. Miller: Surgery for spinal scoliosis. We're going to talk about that next on Scope Radio.

Announcer:大发娱乐的专家大发娱乐提供有关您今天面临的最大健康问题的深入信息. The Specialists with Dr. Tom Miller is on the Scope.

Dr. Miller: Hi, I'm Dr. Tom Miller and I'm here with Dr. Darrel Brodke他是犹他大学的一名骨科医生. He's also a spine specialist. Darrel, 在保守治疗后,有些病人可能没有预期的那么好,他们又回到了你的手中,你可能会建议手术. 告诉大发娱乐一些关于这个期望和发生了什么.

When is Scoliosis Surgery Needed?

Dr. Brodke: Patients often with adult scoliosis often caused by degenerative disease, degenerative disc disease, 因此在随后的畸形中还有其他与腰椎相关的问题. Specifically low back pain and pain radiating into their legs. 他们也可能有伴随麻木、虚弱和疲劳的疼痛. 尽管非手术治疗,所有这些都可能会恶化, despite physical therapy, medications, even injections. 然后大发娱乐开始讨论手术干预. And surgery often necessitates a big surgery, not a little surgery, 我说的大手术是指可能要花很多小时,需要在医院呆几天,需要几个月的恢复时间的手术.

Scoliosis Surgery: Procedure 

Dr. Miller: 这是因为你要对脊柱的多个部位进行手术, 试图拉直那条不应该在那里的曲线.

Dr. Brodke: Exactly. We're working both on making room for the nerves, 减压任何压迫神经的东西, 然后挺直脊柱,用金属器械固定住它:螺丝,棒和垫片.

Scoliosis Surgery Recovery

Dr. Miller: 所以这是一个漫长的手术,但我想恢复也很长.

Dr. Brodke: Yes. The surgery itself can take many hours. 这取决于牵涉到脊柱的多少层以及大发娱乐需要做多少手术. The recovery, likewise, can vary but usually is on the order of months, not on the order of hours or days.

Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation 

Dr. Miller: So tell us how you advise, 听起来手术后的康复是治疗的重要组成部分. 你是让病人接受物理治疗还是让他们去看物理治疗医生? Tell us a little bit about that.

Dr. Brodke: Postoperatively we're working with physical therapy immediately after surgery. While still in the hospital, 病人站起来走路,在理疗师的指导下学习运动和平衡技巧. Once they leave the hospital, 有些病人可以直接回家,走路作为他们的主要治疗方法,在接下来的几个月里,他们的治疗方法是走路,因为骨头正在愈合. 有些病人还没有完全准备好回家,最终会在康复中心接受每天的物理治疗,直到他们的力量和平衡恢复过来.

Dr. Miller: And that's very intensive

Dr. Brodke: It can be very intensive, 每天工作几个小时,以达到他们可以在家里甚至在外面走动的程度.

What Do Surgeons Use for Scoliosis Surgery?

Dr. Miller: 现在你提到你在背部放了一些硬体来挺直脊柱, 我认为你可以使用金属棒和挂钩之类的东西,这听起来有点吓人,但它确实有助于挺直脊柱.

Titanium Screws & Rods

Dr. Brodke: Yes, 这听起来确实令人生畏,但当病人和他们的家人看到x光片时,大发娱乐使用的螺钉和棒却给人留下了深刻的印象, mostly made out of titanium today, 大发娱乐大发娱乐挺直脊柱,在脊柱手术愈合期间保持脊柱在那里.

Surgery Benefits

Dr. Miller: 所以硬件一旦植入就不会引起疼痛. It actually helps prevent it.

Dr. Brodke: Exactly. It helps prevent the pain, it helps hold the position that we want to hold, and it doesn't really hurt long-term either. Most patients don't need their hardware removed. 不管剩下的时间有多长,它都只是随波逐流.

Dr. Miller: So for our audience, 这听起来像是一小部分患者需要手术来修复脊柱侧凸. 基本上这是一个漫长而复杂的过程,接下来是几个月的康复,但最后如果一切顺利,你会感觉更好, you're going to have a better . . . 疼痛会减少,你的生活也会更正常.

Announcer: is University of Utah Health Sciences Radio. 如果你喜欢听到的内容,请在Facebook上关注大发娱乐,获取最新内容. Just click on the Facebook icon at

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