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Study to Investigate How to Keep Your Pelvic Floor Strong after Vaginal Birth

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Study to Investigate How to Keep Your Pelvic Floor Strong after Vaginal Birth

Jul 07, 2016

Human beings have developed large brains to give us a leg up as a species. 但是一个大脑袋意味着一个大脑袋,而一个大脑袋会使婴儿在分娩时很难出来. Vaginal birth can lead to a weakening of the pelvic floor in a minority of women. Age and other factors also can weaken the structure and cause complications. 事实上,五分之一的美国女性会接受骨盆底手术来修复损伤. Dr. Kirtly Parker Jones sits down with urogyneocologist Dr. Ingrid Nygaard 谈论女性可以做些什么来保持骨盆底的强壮,以及美国的一项新研究是如何研究女性在分娩后如何重建骨盆底的力量.

Episode Transcript

Dr. Jones: As human beings have evolved, our big brains evolved to be bigger than our pelvis has evolved to be bigger. 因此,生育变得有点困难,对女性造成了一些更长期的影响. This is Dr. 来自犹他大学医疗中心妇产科的Kirtly Jones,这是把孩子弄出来的问题范围.

Announcer: 涵盖妇女健康的所有方面,这是妇女健康的七个领域. Kirtly Jones on The Scope.

Dr. Jones: It has clearly been an advantage for humans to have a big brain. So with the big brain comes a big head. Today in The Scope studio I'll be talking to an expert on the pelvic floor, Dr. Ingrid Nygaard. She is a professor at the University of Utah and a urogynecologist, a gynecologist who specializes in pelvic floor problems. So what is the pelvic floor really? Not something you scrub with Ajax or something but give it to us.

Dr. Nygaard: No, definitely not. 它是一种重要的结构,只有当它没有像大发娱乐希望的那样正常运作时,大发娱乐才会真正欣赏它. The pelvic floor is made up of the muscles, ligaments, connective tissues and nerves that support our internal organs, like the bladder, the uterus, the vagina, rectum. 骨盆底肌肉从前面的耻骨延伸到后面的脊柱底部. They're shaped like a sling and they hold your pelvic organs in place.

Dr. Jones: So it's kind of like a sling or a hammock but you don't want it too sling-y. You don't want it too hammock-y. You want it to be strong. So all these muscles and connective tissues keep our insides in. What happens when a baby comes out that way?

Dr. Nygaard: Well, as you can probably imagine, to allow the baby to pass through, the structures in the pelvic floor all have to stretch quite a bit. Luckily our body starts preparing for this long before labor even starts. 但盆底肌肉有时会在分娩后变弱,然后随着年龄的增长,它们会进一步变弱.

Dr. Jones: Well, 世界各地的女性都是顺产的,但为什么有些女性在顺产后会出现问题,而有些则没有呢?

Dr. Nygaard: Well, 大发娱乐知道盆底肌肉衰弱或功能失调会导致问题, 比如令人烦恼的尿漏或盆腔器官脱垂,其中一个或多个盆腔器官突出到阴道内. 但对于大多数女性来说,这些情况直到中年或老年才会发生. 大发娱乐对年轻女性分娩后骨盆底功能的变化知之甚少. 公平地说,大多数女性在分娩后都会注意到一些小的变化,但事实上,大多数顺产的女性不会有长期的问题, I think, to how amazing our bodies really are.

Dr. Jones: 所以作为年轻女性,她们可能会受到最初的侮辱,甚至可能受到最初的伤害,但这些都不会显现出来,直到年龄、重力和时间把它们混合在一起. Is that how it goes?

Dr. Nygaard: Right exactly.

Dr. Jones: Right. So if women have a problem after vaginal birth, could it get better on? 所以你的意思是他们没有注意到它或者它会自己变好?

Dr. Nygaard: No, absolutely it could get better on its own. 在分娩后,大发娱乐的身体会进行许多促进愈合和恢复的过程. Over the first couple of months for example, 子宫恢复到正常大小,骨盆底肌肉开始恢复力量, 这意味着一些女性在分娩后注意到的症状通常会在几个月内消失. If it doesn't get better, is there anything we can do to help? Well, 大发娱乐很幸运,仅仅是时间就能大发娱乐许多女性在分娩后恢复良好,但大发娱乐对其他可能大发娱乐女性在阴道分娩后恢复良好的因素知之甚少. 但有一件事女性可以做,以大发娱乐盆底恢复形状产后盆腔肌肉锻炼. Some people call those Kegel exercises. I encourage women who notice some urinary leakage for example, to do these. 这是一个好主意,有人给你一些指导,以确保你正确和有效地做这些, 女性健康理疗师是一个很好的资源,你也可以向你的医生或护士寻求建议.

Dr. Jones: Oh and they're really easy to do. I just did them. 我现在甚至可以在Scope电台讲话的时候做而且我不用屏住呼吸,我的脸也不会变红.

Dr. Nygaard: It's not getting red.

Dr. Jones: But someone in the studio is kind of laughing. 好吧,那大发娱乐来谈谈生育会不会造成长期的问题? We talked about that a little bit.

Dr. Nygaard: Well, over the course of her lifetime about one in five women undergoes treatment, often surgery, for pelvic floor disorders. 分娩是一个因素,但也有许多其他因素,从衰老到中风等神经问题,再到肥胖和基因也起着作用.

Dr. Jones: 我在什么地方读到,女伞兵有更多的脱垂,但这只是题外话. 那么你参与了哪些关于分娩问题的研究呢?

Dr. Nygaard: 令人惊讶的是,尽管美国每年有近400万妇女分娩, most of them vaginally, 关于分娩后如何最大限度地恢复盆底健康的研究确实不多. So we are conducting a study called the MAPH study, which is short for Motherhood And Pelvic Health, 这项研究的目的是找出大发娱乐可以推荐的大发娱乐女性在阴道分娩后恢复良好的方法. We're specifically looking at how things like physical activity, 腹内压力和肌肉力量影响产后第一年盆底支撑和症状. 大发娱乐认为这项研究是制定产前和产后方案的重要一步,将促进更好的盆底健康. We're planning to enroll about 1,500 women across the Salt Lake Valley. 大发娱乐的参与者都是第一次做妈妈,大发娱乐非常感谢她们抽出时间和参与大发娱乐大发娱乐了解分娩后的盆底健康.

Dr. Jones: So for those of you who are still having babies or about to have your first, 好消息是,大多数情况下都很好,对于那些有长期怀孕后果的女士来说, there's hope and there's help, and thanks for joining us on The Scope.

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