未来, Your Local Pharmacy Could Be Very Different Than it is Today

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未来, Your Local Pharmacy Could Be Very Different Than it is Today


How might your neighborhood 药店 be different five or ten years from now? Dr. 迈克Feehan, visiting professor in the 犹他大学药学院 talks about how one day, you may be more likely to visit your local pharmacist for routine acute care than you would your doctor. He is conducting the largest survey of its kind to determine a new model for pharmacies that works best for consumers, 药剂师, 保险公司. The research is being done in collaboration with Mark Munger, PharmD, and is supported by the Skaggs Foundation for 研究.


面试官: In the future, your neighborhood 药店 may be very different than it is today. 大发娱乐将在接下来的《大发娱乐》节目中讨论这个问题.

记录: Examining the latest research and telling you about the latest breakthroughs. 《大发体育官网》在范围频道播出.

How Will Pharmacies Change In the Next Five to Ten Years?

面试官: 我正在和医生谈话. 麦克·费汉,美国大学的客座教授 犹他大学药学院. Dr. Feehan, in five or ten years, how might our neighborhood 药店 be different than it is today?

Dr. Feehan: 这真是一个有趣的问题. 我认为未来可能会改变的是, be a greater likelihood that you might not just be going in for your high blood pressure medication. You might be going in there to get your bottled milk, and at the same time you've been noticing that you've had this earache that's been building for the last couple of days. So rather than make an appointment to see your physician, you might just see a practice nurse at the 药店 当你在那里, 进行诊断, 开个抗生素处方, and talk to the pharmacist about what the risks and benefits of that medication are for you. 出去的时候把牛奶拿过来.

卫生保健 & 医药服务

面试官: 所以也许更多的是随需应变的医疗保健?

Dr. Feehan: Yes, and we're seeing this happen now with the likes of CVS with their Minute Clinics. You can go and you can get seen for a limited range of primary care needs. 你很快就会被发现, and relatively affordably without having to go through the process of traveling and visiting your doctor.

面试官: One possibility is that the 药店 would become more part of the health care continuum.

Dr. Feehan: 正确的, 完全, sort of acute care needs that might not require complex medical consultation but still require a trained health care professional providing advice. What we would like to see is a world where 药剂师 are not being, 也许, 见过这么多在配药中的作用, but in a much more counseling the patient about what constitutes good health care, 良好的依从性, 诸如此类. Working in a model where that patient participation is encouraged.

面试官: So you're actually doing research to try to figure out what this future 药店 of the future will look like. 跟大发娱乐说说你在做什么.


Dr. Feehan: 确定. 大发娱乐正在做世界上最大的, most comprehensive surveys looking at what people might want in the potential range of services that could be offered by their pharmacies. We're also interviewing a large portion of 药剂师 to see what services they may or may not be willing to provide. We're also looking to survey reimbursement decision makers to see whether these services would likely be reimbursed.

The basic approach is we'd like to build a linked model where we basically try and output, 什么是最佳的药房, given all the range of services that you could provide? What is the 药店 service package that will attract the most customers and provide 药剂师 with the greatest degree of personal and occupational satisfaction. And to be sustainable, what are the services that are most likely to be reimbursed?

面试官: Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is kind of a new approach, right? I mean it's kind of looking at it from more of a business perspective than . . .

Dr. Feehan: 是的,这是看待它的一种方式. When we think about any purchase decision we make, human beings are very good simulators. 大发娱乐的大脑是非常好的计算机. So, 如果我今晚问你, 你的晚餐计划是什么,或者你会去哪里, 你可能会想, “嗯, 我可以去麦当劳, 我可以去当地的IHOP, 或者我可以去露丝克里斯牛排店." That choice is made up of you determining which of all the different attributes are most important to you. Whether it's location, price, travel time, whether it's going to rain, and is there good parking?

So you factor in all those attributes and then you make a decision that's the optimal for you. 这在工业中一直都是这样做的. 大发娱乐将建立纵向谨慎选择模型, where we model what is the optimum configuration of any product or any service.

面试官: So you present people with different choices, and they pick from among those choices.

Dr. Feehan: What we try to do is present people with a real-world experimental choice. 如果我问你, 作为消费者, what is most important about whatever service or product you might want, 可能每件事都变得非常重要. 在医疗保健方面, 如果我问你什么是重要的, you're going to say that you want your health care to be delivered easily. 你想要良好的访问. 它必须便宜. 它必须是可承受的. Unless we put a trade-off in there then you get this common sense response that everything is important. We all know that everyone wants the best quality health care for free or as close to free as possible.