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在一个完美的世界里,每个人都应该得到同样质量的医疗服务. But in reality, many factors get in the way, including a patient’s ethnicity and cultural upbringing. 黛布拉Penney, 她是犹他大学护理学院的副教授, conducted research to identify barriers that prevent Iraqi Muslim refugee women from receiving equal healthcare. She found problems ranging from how the visit to the clinic is structured to assumptions made by health care providers. 她解释了障碍,以及克服它们的方法.


面试官: Understanding some of the barriers that prevent refugees from receiving equal medical care up next on 范围.

播音员: 检查最新的研究,告诉你最新的突破. 《大发娱乐》在范围频道播出.

面试官: 黛布拉Penney是护理学院的副教授. She's investigating the barriers to providing standard health care to Iraqi Muslim women including refugees. 在你开始这项研究之前, why did you suspect that Iraqi women did not receive the same quality of care as, 说你或我愿意?

黛布拉: 我照顾过很多不同的女人, 我发现语言是获得良好护理的最大障碍之一. 它抑制了你从女性身上收集到的数据,她们的历史. It inhibits to a great degree the amount of education you can give and the depth of education.

面试官: So, how did you go about doing this study and what were you hoping to find out?

黛布拉: 好吧, I was really curious if the recent war and the previous Gulf War had an influence on providers' attitudes towards Muslims, 在一般情况下, 只是因为媒体上有太多的负面报道. And I wanted to know if women felt that repercussion in the health care encounter.

The other part is there are very few studies done on women and Muslim women seem to be a curiosity for most Americans, so I was really curious to see if some of the discrimination that had been going on in public was 实际上 transferred to the health care encounter. 我发现它并没有大发娱乐提供者那么远, but there were subtle forms of racism and stereotyping bias that are just common to human nature that did exist. 我想知道他们在获得医疗保健方面的障碍是什么.

面试官: 那么,从这些采访中得出的一些主要主题是什么呢?

黛布拉: One of the main things that Iraqi women struggled with was they're familiar with western medicine basically. They have MRIs and they go to the doctor to get whatever they treatment they need, and their health care system was pretty comparable before to the wars to ours. When they came here they are taken by either international Rescue Committee or Catholic Community 服务 as an agency with an interpreter who picks them up, 通常开车送他们去约会.

这是一个很棒的服务, 至少他们那里有人, but they were really floored because they could only mention two things that were wrong with them or that were a problem. 然后,医疗访问本身是受时间限制的. 所以你不仅需要更多的时间来解释, but at the same time they were cut short because the need for interpretation and how much time that takes.

面试官: And you were talking earlier about just who is doing the interpreting can really affect the outcome of this visit.

黛布拉: 女性, several women had said that they were stifled because not just the time limits, 但是他们没有女翻译. And they came right out and said, "We're going to express a lot more if we have a female interpreter." So, 实际上, 在他们对翻译的整个描述中, 一旦他们有了一个来自这些机构的常规项目, 他们真的发现那个私人翻译是一个朋友, 在访问中作为他们的倡导者和支持人员. 他们确实信任他们,这真的是一件好事.

有时有些家庭会选择退出. 他们有一辆车, 几年后,他们就知道如何开车和四处走动了, 他们不想要一个陌生人, an interpreter that they didn't know so they would take one of their kids who knew English a little better, 或者说一个丈夫为妻子翻译. And that worked fine until they got to personal questions of either gynecological nature or something like that because in their families they don't mention that. And for a daughter to hear about her mother's menstrual problems or something was very disconcerting for them. 所以,我称之为文化窘迫.

Other things that might be just common place that we need to ask as women's health providers are, “你有什么性方面的问题想谈谈吗??" because a lot of times patients aren't willing to bring these up on their own. So, 大发娱乐问这个问题,大发娱乐有时会在年度考试中根据模板来做, 有时大发娱乐会忘记这一点, 哦哇, this question might be really offensive to someone who just doesn't normally think like we would in the US about people having sexual preferences.

面试官: So, 你应该问的标准问题, 作为一个医疗保健大发娱乐提供者, 在这种情况下可能是非常无礼的?

黛布拉: 是的, and it's hard to filter that all the time and to know enough about a culture to know what is going to be offensive and what isn't.

面试官: 是的,正确的. 那么从 ... 嗯,我想这涉及到医疗服务大发娱乐提供者的问题. 我的意思是你从他们身上学到了什么关于获得适当护理的障碍?

黛布拉: 所以,大发娱乐提供者的知识是相当不错的. 他们懂得斋月,懂得斋戒. 他们据此调整了药物. 我印象非常深刻, but the depth of what they knew of the individual woman and how it might have differed from the majority was still lacking. 这些供应商接待了很多难民.

大发娱乐有阿富汗人,索马里人,苏丹人,伊朗人和约旦人, 他们可能都戴头巾或头巾. So, a lot of providers got them a little bit confused as far as their identity. They may have mixed up the fact that most Iraqi women are fine with birth control whereas Somali women aren't. So, 他们会混淆一些特征, and wearing that headscarf did label them as Muslim and kind of put them in a little box.

面试官: So, now that you kind of have this understanding that there are specific issues with these women and receiving the care they need, 我的意思是, 大发娱乐可以用这些信息做什么, 大发娱乐怎样才能继续前进?

黛布拉: One of the things that women complained about was the repetitive nature of questions, 这意味着一个医疗助理会进来回答问题, 然后医生进来重复问题. 所以,宝贵的时间都被重复的问题消耗掉了. So, I think somehow streamlining that and also having more times for patients. Maybe having an initial visit where the whole family comes and they get to know them a little better so they'll have a basis to work from.

有一个健康保健指南或健康保健工作者的整个概念, that's 实际上 part of the clinic that speaks the language that sees these people on a regular basis and is part of the clinic would be really helpful. 我相信《大发娱乐》涵盖了这一点. So, that's something that needs to be instituted to give these women better care. 而且供应商很多时候都处于亏损状态. 他们在有限的时间内尽力做到最好, 但这可能是医疗保健遇到的一个很好的资产.

播音员: 有趣,内容丰富,而且都是为了更好的健康. 大发娱乐是Scope健康科学广播.