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If you or someone you know takes opioid-based pain medications or has a history 与 heroin abuse, 家里的纳洛酮可以挽救他们的生命. 在很多情况下, the overdose is an accident: A child gets into a grandparent’s medicine cabinet or a patient forgets they already took their pill and takes another one too soon. 通过纳洛酮注射,这种致命的过量可以逆转. In Utah, you can get a kit prescribed by any doctor if you express a need. 了解更多关于纳洛酮的信息 Dr. 詹妮弗·帕朗柏犹他州纳洛酮. She talks about how it works and answers some common questions people ask her.


播音员: Medical news and research from University of Utah physicians and specialists you can use for a happier and healthier life. 您正在收听的是范围.

面试官: Every house has different things around in case there is an emergency. 就像你可能有急救箱一样, 灭火器, 如果你有过敏的人,甚至可以用肾上腺素笔. 还有一件事你应该加进去. 这叫做纳洛酮试剂盒. Dr. 詹妮弗·帕朗柏是犹他纳洛酮的创始人之一.org. 你也是儿科急诊医师. 所以我想知道你能不能先讲个故事, 也许, about having a naloxone kit in your house could change the outcome of an otherwise tragic situation.

Dr. 帕朗柏: We see all kinds of scenarios of children overdosed on opioid medications as well as narcotics. One that comes to mind of a grandparent who was being treated for cancer on a chemotherapy regiment and also needed pain medications. And the grandchild, unfortunately, got a hold of one of the pills and overdosed on it.

我只是举个例子来说明这些是多么常见, I personally saw a four-week period 与 four children on my shifts who came in overdosed on medications that they came into contact 与 either in their home or in the home of somebody else. 这些都是八岁以下的孩子. The reality of it is as just about any scenario that you can think of that a kid can get into trouble 与 a medication, 他们可以服用鸦片剂. And unlike other medications that they can get into and take, these medications can kill them. 一粒药就能杀死它们.

面试官:大发娱乐往回看一下. 纳洛酮,它到底是什么?

Dr. 帕朗柏: 所以纳洛酮是一种解毒剂. 它是一种非常纯净的物质. 它的作用就是逆转过量的鸦片. It doesn't relieve pain, it doesn't get someone high, it's not addictive, you can't overdose on it. 所以它只是阿片类药物的解毒剂. 什么是阿片类药物? 阿片类药物是奥施康定. 其中的药物实际上是羟考酮. 你也可以在扑热息痛和其他药物中看到. 美沙酮,吗啡,芬太尼,可待因. These are medications that we've all periodically had in our homes after surgical procedures or traumas. It also is an antidote for heroin and all of those substances are very, very similar biochemically. 非常非常相似.

面试官: 给我来点怪咖. 它究竟是如何工作的? So what causes an opioid overdose and then how does naloxone reverse that?

Dr. 帕朗柏: 绝对. 大发娱乐知道你们这些医生喜欢书呆子的东西.

面试官: 我喜欢听这种类型的故事,因为它让我着迷.

Dr. 帕朗柏: 这真的很简单. 我认为大脑中的受体就像高尔夫球座. They have a little cup and you have substances that trigger those receptors. 大发娱乐的大脑中有各种各样的受体. A receptor that's triggered by opiate medications or opioid medications is exactly that, 阿片受体. So if you picture the opioid coming to sit on that tee like a golf ball, 它在那里, 它做了它该做的事. 它能减轻疼痛,大发娱乐提供镇痛,大发娱乐提供舒适.

不幸的是, 如果有太多的受体被阿片类药物填满, 它会导致过量服用. And an overdose of an opiate medication causes respiratory depression. 所以当你过量服用其中一种物质时,你就会停止呼吸. They look blue or gray if they're darker skinned because they're not getting oxygen. 他们没有呼吸. They also get these really tiny pupils, almost looks just like a fleck of pepper. So these are the things we tell people to look for when they overdose or when they see someone they think is overdosed and that is the cue. “天哪,大发娱乐得打911. 大发娱乐得给这个人注射纳洛酮."

Traditionally, paramedics, EMTs, ER doctors were the only ones that could provide that antidote. 幸运的是, it's now legal for people to have in their home so that if they find someone overdosed, they can start the reversal of the overdose before the EMS personnel even arrive. 大发娱乐总是告诉人们,“打911. 给他们纳洛酮.就这样, 希望, 在理想的情况下, 等紧急医疗服务到达的时候, your loved one's breathing again and you've bought those extra minutes that are so important and so crucial of oxygen to the brain.

面试官: 你说现在任何人拥有它都是合法的. 什么改变了?

Dr. 帕朗柏: In 2014, a bill was passed here that made it legal for a physician to prescribe naloxone to anyone. 这是独一无二的. Anyone who's either at risk of an opioid overdose or at risk of witnessing an overdose. So traditionally, if I write you a prescription, I write it for you. It also made it legal that it could be prescribed 与out a physician-patient relationship, 这是独一无二的.

Normally, I have to have a relationship 与 you, as a patient, if I'm giving you a medication. 好吧, 在这种情况下, 如果我有, 说, a 16-year-old who overdosed on heroin and their parents are desperate to have coverage in the home just in case, 我绝对可以给那个妈妈开处方, 给那个爸爸, 对那个重要的人. And that's unique in the law, but it's very important that it's in the law.

面试官: 它本身危险吗?

Dr. 帕朗柏: 绝对不是.

面试官: 把它放在家里没有危险?

Dr. 帕朗柏: No. If I gave it to you right now you would feel the little prickle from the injection. 你对它没有任何影响. 你不能过量服用. We have people sometimes 说, "好吧, what if it's not an overdose and I give them the naloxone? 如果?“现实情况是,如果你心脏病发作, 如果你中风了, 如果你有脑损伤, 如果与糖尿病有关, 它不会做任何事. 这不会伤害他们, 这对他们没有大发娱乐, 而是当你的急救人员到达那里,因为你拨打了911, they're going to also know this person that's down didn't respond to that Narcan. We need to start thinking about other things as well as the additional medical care. So it really is about as safe as any medication that we know of out there.

面试官: 有很多资源. 是Utahnaloxon吗.org?

Dr. 帕朗柏: 它是.

面试官: 我注意到你有各种关于如何使用它的资源, 当你使用它的时候发生了什么, 去哪里买?. 在大发娱乐结束这次谈话时,你还有什么最后的想法吗?

Dr. 帕朗柏: I think that the thing I would really like to get into people's heads is that this epidemic, 这真的是一种流行病, the CDC has called the crisis we're having in this country 与 opioid overdose as an epidemic, 这真的可以讨论吗. 思考一下真的很好. It's really okay to look at what's going on in your own personal home and 说, "You know what? 大发娱乐真的不想告诉别人这件事, but we need to be prepared and we need to be willing to have this conversation."

和你的医生谈谈. 和你的治疗师谈过吗. Have the conversation 与 people who are involved in your healthcare. If you're not getting anywhere 与 that, have the conversation 与 us. 大发娱乐可以全天候待命大发娱乐可以把纳洛酮送到人们的家里. 拯救生命对大发娱乐来说更重要. 这些都是不必要的生命损失.

播音员: TheScopeRadio.大发娱乐是犹他大学健康科学广播. If you liked what you heard be sure to get our latest content by following us on Facebook. 只需点击scoperadio的Facebook图标.com.
