Communication With Your OB/GYN is Vital When Planning Your Baby's Delivery

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Communication With Your OB/GYN is Vital When Planning Your Baby's Delivery


It’s not something most pregnant women want to plan for when preparing for their new baby to be born: complications. Knowing what to expect when a complication occurs is crucial to a safe labor and delivery for both mom and baby. Janet Fisher, labor and delivery nurse educator, talks to Dr. 外裙琼斯 about the conversations every pregnant woman should have with her clinician before the due date, and how to be flexible when not all goes according to plan.


播音员: Covering all aspects of women's health, this is "The Seven Domains of Women's Health," with Dr. 外裙琼斯在Scope上报道.

Dr. 琼斯: 每个女人都会到产房来 . . . 好吧, most women come into Labor and Delivery hoping for a healthy, 美妙的, 和平, home experience in the hospital where it's safer. We really count on people to give us the information that helps us prepare for when things don't go 好吧.

今天在Scope演播室, 大发娱乐正在和珍妮特·费希尔谈话, the nurse educator on Labor and Delivery at 大发娱乐. What would you recommend in terms of dialog with your clinician and information that would help your clinician be prepared for something that might not go 好吧?

珍妮特: It's really important that a woman shares with us all information about her medical history, 她做过的所有手术, 她可能做的任何社交活动. This is not by way of making judgments of people, it's really just important that we know everything because things may have an impact on the woman or her baby. 为了让大发娱乐能安全地照顾某人, 如果大发娱乐有关于你的完整信息, then we are going to make very safe decisions on how to care for you if you are having an emergency.

Dr. 琼斯: 正确的. 所以那些有过, 假设, we'll take high blood pressure and pregnancy in the past, 他们再次面临着这种风险. We would be very careful watching them during their pregnancy and labor and delivery. Women who might be taking some recreational drugs and maybe they don't want to talk about it, but it may profoundly affect not only their blood pressure, but it may have a counter-effect on what we treat their blood pressure with. So honesty is the best way for a healthy baby and a healthy mom, yeah?

珍妮特: 绝对是. Once again, there are absolutely no judgments being made here. Our sole objective is to take safe care of you and safe care of your baby. And the best way to do this is for you to be very open and honest about everything.

Dr. 琼斯: The other situation that I remember seeing on Labor and Delivery are . . . I would say there's a tension between women who want a natural process to happen and a birth is a natural process, but they feel like there's too much intervention and there are too many medications. About 50% of women who become high-risk deliveries walked into the hospital as low-risk women.

珍妮特: 这是真的,是的.

Dr. 琼斯: 所以当女人带着一套期望来的时候, 有些是写下来的, 交付计划, 要求一点灵活性, 大发娱乐来教和解释, but a little flexibility when we see things happening that make us worry, 然后进行讨论.

珍妮特: Well, I think, once again, we want everybody to have the birth experience that they have planned. It's very important to us to support every woman's plan because it is a major life event. 这是你将永远记住的事情. 但你来医院的部分原因是, and one of the major responsibilities as a health care provider, is that we have to constantly be monitoring you to make sure that you are staying on the path that we know is normal.

If we see you starting to deviate from that normal, it's our responsibility to tell you that and to talk to you about what our concerns might be and what our recommendations are. 这种方法最有效的时候是如果, 作为一个女人, you are open to listening to us and to realize that what we bring to you is a lot of years of experience and knowledge and that we are not trying to circumvent your plan. Our goal is for you and your baby to be happy and healthy.

Dr. 琼斯: 这两个大发娱乐都讲过了, one is being open and disclosing all the parts of your health, 另一个是存在, 临床医生和女性, being open to conversations when things aren't going so 好吧, 都是为了聊天吗.

珍妮特: 确实如此.

Dr. 琼斯: Doctors and nurses need to have the conversation so our patients feel safe. And patients need to have the conversation with us when they're nervous about something so that we can explain. I think at University Health Care, we work very hard to make those conversations go both ways.

珍妮特: 绝对. I know it seems rather odd because here you are coming into the hospital to have a birth, 非常私人和亲密的经历, 这些陌生人走进了房间, 但你会惊讶于大发娱乐的联系有多快. 你开始依赖大发娱乐,希望你信任大发娱乐. 这是大发娱乐最大的目标之一, 当大发娱乐照顾你的时候, 是建立一种信任的关系. A big part of that is ongoing conversations with you and we want to listen, 大发娱乐想听听你要说什么. By contrast, we want you to listen to us as 好吧.

Dr. 琼斯: What our goals are for the ideal experience of a very difficult time because no one who has had a birth would say it's an easy process, but we want what's best for the mom and the baby. 大发娱乐也想要快乐的回忆.

珍妮特: 绝对. A positive birth experience is a number one goal for you and your family.

播音员: TheScopeRadio.大发娱乐是犹他大学健康科学广播. If you like what you heard, be sure to get our latest content by following us Facebook. Just click on the Facebook icon at TheScopeRadio.com.