Your Child Has Just Been Diagnosed with Cancer—Now What?

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Your Child Has Just Been Diagnosed with Cancer—Now What?


Learning that your child has 癌症 is overwhelming. 在你了解它之后, you’ll be on the receiving end of piles of information from your child’s doctor and many other people. 一下子要处理很多事情. Dr. Jennifer Wright talks about how to process all the information and how you and your family can stay emotionally stable during this hard time.


面试官: You've just been told that your child has been diagnosed with 癌症. 现在? 大发娱乐下节课将和Dr. Jennifer Wright在范围上说.

播音员: Medical news and research from University of Utah physicians and specialists you can use for a happier healthier life. 您正在收听的是范围.

Dr. Jennifer Wright is a pediatric oncologist at Huntsman Cancer Institute. What a terrible message to have to deliver to parents, 他们的孩子被诊断出患有癌症. I'm sure the very first question that they're wondering is now what? 现在呢??

Dr. 怀特: 正确的. There's an overwhelming amount of information to give parents when they hear what we call the C-word, 癌症, 大多数父母最可怕的噩梦是什么.

有些是医学上的, but a lot of those things really are about how they can get through this situation outside of the moments they spent in the hospital and getting treatment.

One of the things that's really important is that parents really need to feel like they can advocate for their child, both in terms of making sure they understand the medical plan. They really need to feel like they can interrupt the physician and ask questions if they don't understand, if we as docs are talking at 太 high of a medical lingo level.

面试官: 这是永远不会发生的.

Dr. 怀特: 不,不,不. 这很罕见,但是 . . .

面试官: 你可以说:“等一下. 停止."

Dr. 怀特: “请使用英语."

面试官: 是的,当然.

Dr. 怀特: And so from a medical standpoint clearly understanding what happening to the extent that we can explain it. You know, we don't know all the answers medically why this happens. 因为这太让人难以承受了, what I try and do at a visit is at the end of the day, make sure the family knows what is the very next step. 他们什么时候回来, 下一个测试是什么, because sometimes that's the best they can do at this point is, “好吧, 告诉我接下来要去哪里,“因为他们的头在游泳.

面试官: 是的, 我听说, 太, just even understanding the illness better a lot of times give parents a sense of comfort. Like once you kind of get a grasp of the problem, it's not quite as overwhelming even though it's still quite a terrible thing.

Dr. 怀特: It's not a comfortable position for most parents to be into, be thrown into a medical situation and then be talking to people, 再一次。, 用他们从未听过的语言, and so it's uncomfortable a lot of times but they really need to just force themselves to, 如我所说, be an advocate and get the answers that they feel they need.

面试官: 真正理解事物. And not only with just the doctor, but you're going to get a lot of advice from other people as well.

Dr. 怀特: You're going to get a lot of advice from people that are your dear friends, people that you barely know that think they're your dear friends, 教会的朋友, 家庭成员, 杂货店的收银员. Everyone is going to tell you what they think because their Aunt Betty had 癌症 and this is their experience. So my advice is when that's overwhelming politely thank people and move on.

面试官: 是的.

Dr. 怀特: 你有权无视他们. When an idea sounds interesting, seek out more information on that suggestion.

面试官: So if you hear good advice or you hear something that intrigues you, 然后再去找你的癌症专家.

Dr. 怀特: 这是正确的. 再一次。 . . .

面试官: 并与他们讨论.

Dr. 怀特: 为你的孩子发声. 你可以说:“嘿,你想过这个吗?" Most of the time they have and they have a reason they haven't recommended that specific therapy or supportive care. But you may plant an idea in their head that they haven't thought of, and it could be something that is helpful for your child.

面试官: And what about getting through this emotionally? What type of advice do you give to parents getting it through emotionally? 大发娱乐讨论过要做一个倡导者, 理解发生了什么, but is there some additional thing that you find helpful?

Dr. 怀特: 每个家庭处理这种情况的方式不同. Everyone has a different support system already in place, and everybody finds new support systems that may fall into place helpful to different extremes. 所以有一些支持父母的团体, 还有一些兄弟姐妹互助小组, 有些家庭需要额外的支持, 像咨询. There's a huge variety of possibilities not only advocating for your child that has 癌症 but advocate for your whole family. Step aside, take a look, "How are we getting through this? 大发娱乐要崩溃了吗? 大发娱乐需要什么样的大发娱乐?" And no one will fault you for whatever support or breaks or whatever you might need. This is a very difficult time to get through and there are supports out there. 有时候你只需要问问.

面试官: 好吧, it's also when you go to a place like Huntsman Cancer Institute you have a lot of additional resources for those families. It's not just a doctor and a family and a child with 癌症.

Dr. 怀特: 正确的.

面试官: 所以也要利用这些东西. They could probably help you determine what you need for your own family.

Dr. 怀特: 巨蟹座绝对是一个团队运动. 大多数病人最后都会去看外科医生, 一位儿科肿瘤学家指导化疗, 有时辐射, 营养支持, 物理治疗师, 职业治疗师, 社会工作者, 金融咨询师. 大发娱乐几乎什么都有 . . . acupuncture, acupressure, we have all those available to patients to help get through. 同样,这不仅仅是医疗计划. There's a lot of support that goes into getting through this.

播音员: TheScopeRadio.大发娱乐是犹他大学健康科学广播. If you like what you heard, be sure to get our latest content by following us on Facebook. Just click on the Facebook icon at TheScopeRadio.com.