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当你通过邮件或网络得到化验结果时, it’s possible that you might have results outside the normal range. 这是什么意思?? 你应该担心吗?? Dr. 杰瑞Hussong is a clinical pathologist and director of ARUP Labs at the University of Utah. 他和博士. Tom Miller talk about what your numbers could mean and what you should do if you’re worried.


Dr. 米勒: How worried do you need to be when you receive your lab results in the mail or online before your physician's had a chance to talk to you about them? 我是博士. Tom Miller and we're going to talk about that next on Scope Radio.

播音员: Access to our experts with in-depth information about the biggest health issues facing you today. 专家,与博士. Tom Miller在范围上报道.

Dr. 米勒: 嗨,我和Dr. 杰瑞Hussong. 他是一名临床病理学家,也是ARUP的主任. He's also Medical Director of ARUP and we're going to talk about abnormal lab results that a patient sees and how important those might be and what guidelines a patient might have so they don't worry too much about it before they talk to their physician.

现在, 杰里, I'll have patients call me before I have a chance to talk to them about what I would consider normal lab results, but they will get those lab results and if any of the values, and there are many values that come back with a series of standard lab results, 如果这些值超出正常范围, 它们通常用红色标记. 有时它们几乎不会超过极限. 但 patients can be very concerned about that and worry that the world is about to end. Do you have any comments about how patients should look at those lab results and think about them?

Dr. Hussong: 确定. 我想首先, it's 真的 important for patients to realize that all laboratory test results are going to come with a reference range attached to them. 基本上, 真的, reference ranges are ranges that we establish by looking at normal patients and we establish the reference range by looking at 95% of the normal population or having that as our criteria. So the range will include 95% of the total normal population and that's 真的 . . .

Dr. 米勒: 但5%可能超出了这个范围.

Dr. Hussong: 但5%可能超出正常参考范围.

Dr. 米勒: 正常并不总是正常的.

Dr. Hussong: 这是正确的. And so it's 真的 important to realize that you can be slightly outside that reference range and still not worry or be alarmed. It's important to realize a laboratory test should always be interpreted in the context of the reference range, but also in the context of many other things that are going on with the patient. So we put this in context with the physical examination that you're going to be doing with the patient, other laboratory test results and how far outside the range is that result.

Dr. 米勒: That's one of the things the patient can look at if they have the ability to do that, is to look and see if the number's very far outside the reference range. If it's two or three times the outside limit then there may be an issue. 但 if it's just a little bit outside perhaps not such a big deal.

Dr. Hussong: And it may mean that there absolutely is nothing underlyingly wrong with the patient at all and they just have to realize that. 在某些情况下, this is why we're doing the test to see if there's anything abnormal with those laboratory testing results. 但往往, 如果只是稍微超出了范围, it may not have any indication that there's an underlying problem.

It's 真的 important to realize though that there are some conditions that can 真的 affect laboratory results. Extreme exercise, for instance, can cause you to have a protein in your urine. 例如, in times of dehydration if you've been out in the sun for long periods of time there may be some changes in your electrolyte results that you see. So you have to put it together with all of the other things that may be going on and other circumstances that may be affecting the patient.

Dr. 米勒: One of the things that I've heard is that if you order a lot of tests and get a lot of results back, the chance that you'll have some abnormal results is normally higher anyways. 作为临床病理学家,你能解释一下吗?

Dr. Hussong: 是的. 确定. 正如你所想, the normal range is going to include 95% of the population but 5% of the population will not be included. As you exponentially increase that with a number of laboratory tests that you perform, you can imagine that your odds of being outside the reference range on any one of those tests greatly increases.

Dr. 米勒: 所以基本上, if I have 100 test results probably five of those are going to be normal but outside the reference range.

Dr. Hussong: 绝对. 这是有可能发生的. 但, 再一次。, to realize that we're doing these tests for a reason and sometimes the abnormal results indicate that there's something abnormal going on with the patient. 但 if they're just slightly outside the reference range it may not indicate disease or an underlying issue at all.

Dr. 米勒: So the key thing is to take a deep breath and make sure you get in touch with your physician so he can interpret the findings and help you understand them. 和本质上, if they're not too far outside the reference range not to worry too much but definitely to talk to the physician about an interpretation of the lab results.

Dr. Hussong: 我认为这完全正确.

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