How Unwanted Hair Can Be Related to Problems in Your Reproductive System

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How Unwanted Hair Can Be Related to Problems in Your Reproductive System

One in ten women have polycystic ovarian syndrome, a disorder that can cause irregular periods, 毛发生长异常, 生育问题. But many women have it and don’t even know about it. Dr. 约瑟夫·斯坦福 talks about what causes this common disorder and its symptoms. He also discusses how you can get treated for it.


面试官: Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome causes irregular periods, 不需要的毛发生长, sometimes weight gain and infertility, but it's very treatable with lifestyle and medication. We'll examine the condition and what you can do if you think you have it coming up next on 范围.

播音员: Medical news and research from University Utah physicians and specialists you can use for a happier and healthier life. 您正在收听的是范围.

面试官: Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a common but under-recognized disease. It is very treatable and we're going to learn more about it from Dr. 约瑟夫·斯坦福. He's with the 犹他大学医疗保健. First of all, what is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome?

Dr. 斯坦福大学: 好吧, the main features of the syndrome really don't have anything to do with the ovaries: irregular periods, 不需要的毛发生长 on the face or other parts of the body and then there are multiple small cysts on the ovaries and that's where the name comes from. Women only have to have two of those three to have the condition.

面试官: 哦,好吧. When does it usually come on in a woman's life? Could it come on young, old, anytime?

Dr. 斯坦福大学: Usually young So women who have it will usually develop it in the teen years.

面试官: And is it literally at one point all of a sudden you start getting some hair growth?

Dr. 斯坦福大学: 它可以更加渐进. I wouldn't say it's sudden overnight.

面试官: 好吧. And typically, where do you find that hair growth?

Dr. 斯坦福大学: 在脸上. So women who have to pluck and remove hair on the face and sometimes other parts like the chest or belly that's 不需要的毛发生长.

面试官: 这种情况有多普遍?? 有多少女人懂这个?

Dr. 斯坦福大学: So Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome as a whole is about 10% of women and that would be similar numbers for the 不需要的毛发生长. There can be other causes of that as well. 这不是唯一的原因.

面试官: 好吧. 为什么它没有被识别出来?

Dr. 斯坦福大学: I think women, if they've heard anything about it, they think about cysts on the ovaries. And that's, like I said before, not the main feature of the condition. It's one of the three pieces and not one that women know about unless they've had an ultrasound or something like that. The public is not generally aware that this syndrome involves these other problems, severe irregular menstrual flows, irregular periods and 不需要的毛发生长.

面试官: 是什么引起的呢??

Dr. 斯坦福大学: So what we know now is that it has a lot to do with insulin resistance. Sort kind of like a pre-diabetic condition where women don't use insulin quite as well and the ovaries don't respond to insulin quite as well and that causes hormonal imbalances like the excess male hormones that cause hair growth and the irregular periods.

面试官: 为什么它不好呢?

Dr. 斯坦福大学: Certainly it can cause problems with the 不需要的毛发生长 and it can make it harder for women to lose weight or make them gain weight that they don't want to. 从长远来看, it can give them a higher risk of diabetes and other complications that come from diabetes like heart disease.

面试官: Are there any other effects other than the symptoms that could be negative on a woman's body?

Dr. 斯坦福大学: Certainly, it can cause infertility for women who are at the point they want to get pregnant. 这可能是个问题. So it's definitely something to pay attention to and treat for better health.

面试官: And what are some of the treatments?

Dr. 斯坦福大学: Briefly, I'd say treatments include diet and medications.

面试官: 哦,好吧. 它会完全消失吗?

Dr. 斯坦福大学: It can be managed to where it's pretty much not a problem.

面试官: 好吧. 那囊肿呢? 它们也会消失吗?

Dr. 斯坦福大学: 他们通常也会变得更好.

面试官: 没有手术?

Dr. 斯坦福大学: 正确的.

面试官: Oh, well that's probably a relief for a lot of women.

Dr. 斯坦福大学: 正确的.

Dr. 斯坦福大学: 手术通常是不必要的.

面试官: 好吧. 杰出的. So are there any final thoughts you have? Is there a question I forgot to ask or anything you feel compelled to say?

Dr. 斯坦福大学: I would just say for women who have irregular periods or 不需要的毛发生长 should get it checked out and not just think, “我就是这样. 我必须处理它." And we're here to answer any questions. 很高兴能帮上忙.

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