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Apr 01, 2015
The new School of Dentistry is opening at the University of Utah, but it’s exciting for everyone, not just future dentists. Dr. 格伦·汉森是一名教授,也是新牙科学院的临时院长. He says oral health is an important component of overall health, 这所新学校正在为那些原本可能得不到照顾的人大发娱乐提供照顾. There are also new clinics and research facilities. 请收听本期播客,了解有关新牙科学校的所有信息,以及它如何使你受益!

Episode Transcript

Interviewer: 为什么你应该对犹他大学新的牙科学院感到兴奋. We'll examine that next on The Scope.

Announcer: We're your daily dose of science, conversation, medicine. This is the Scope, University of Utah Health Sciences Radio.

Interviewer: 犹他大学牙科学院在他们全新的建筑里,这是一个令人兴奋的理由. Why? We're with Dr. Glen Hanson. 他是犹他大学牙科学院的教授和临时院长. 为什么这对犹他大学医疗保健系统如此重要?

Dr. Hanson: 如果你关心整体健康,那么你就不能忽视口腔健康. That has to be at the table when you have that discussion. And up until now, that hasn't been here at the University of Utah. We've had all the other pieces, 但多年来,口腔健康这一块一直没有被提及. And now the package is complete.

所有的拼图都在一起了,现在大发娱乐可以处理整个系统了. We can truly be a holistic health care system. Insurance companies, and Federal, and state compensation programs are going to be based on outcomes, they're not going to be based on procedures, which means if your patient is healthy, and healthy is the whole body, 如果你的病人很健康那么你就能得到最大的补偿.

Well, 为了使整个身体健康,你必须在讨论中代表所有的领域. 如何预防一般的疾病,而不仅仅是鼻子和眼睛的疾病? It's disease throughout the whole body, 牙医的影响力和专业知识与其他任何人一样多. It represents those various aspects of body and body health.

Interviewer: 你说牙科学院给犹他大学医疗保健带来了完整的健康图景. 不过,还有其他地方可以让一个人学习成为一名牙医. What makes this School of Dentistry different?

Dr. Hanson: 因为大发娱乐是一个非常重视研究的机构的一部分,大发娱乐有完整的医疗保健方案,现在牙科学院是独一无二的. 在这样的环境下开办牙科学校已经有近30年了.

Interviewer: Here in the state?

Dr. Hanson: No, anywhere. Throughout the country.

Interviewer: Oh, really?

Dr. Hanson: 曾经有过一些独立的牙科机构, they've run their own thing, but they've not been part of the larger healthcare system, and they've not been part of the research establishment. So they've been standalone, some of them proprietary, whereas we are state-owned, 大发娱乐是一所大学的一部分,这所大学在健康的各个方面都以出色的研究和出色的医疗保健而闻名.

Interviewer: 所以谈谈学校将如何为服务不足的人群大发娱乐提供服务. 我知道这是犹他大学牙科学院的重要使命之一.

Dr. Hanson: We wanted to identify a specific mission that, one, 能不能让大发娱乐训练学生去做牙科学生应该做的事情,这样他们就能走出校门,成为优秀的临床医生. But, two, we felt that there the University, or the School of Dentistry, had a responsibility to give back to the community. 大发娱乐认为实现这一目标的最好方法就是为那些无法获得牙科服务的人大发娱乐提供牙科服务. And so we wanted the Dental School to be a tool to accomplish that. So our students, one, get the training to be good dentists; two, they provide a service to their community; and, three, 他们了解到,他们有社会责任与他们的技能.

Interviewer: 所以犹他大学的牙科学院不仅仅是一所学校, but also it's research, and you also have a clinic. 谈谈诊所,因为大发娱乐有一些专门的东西.

Dr. Hanson: Well, there's a large area of clinical chairs. Some 60+ clinical chairs where our dental students, 他们甚至在第一年结束时就开始去诊所. 然后,到了第二年,他们开始为病人看病并为他们做手术. We have an Oral Surgery Clinic, then we have a Pediatric Dentistry Clinic, 这将是大发娱乐牙科学校的重点之一.

大发娱乐有几把椅子在椅子上方安装了监视器, the children can see the monitors, they can have either television programs or movies running, 还有经过特殊训练的儿科牙医和大发娱乐的学生一起学习如何应对这些人群. They have special dental needs.

And then we have a Diagnostic Clinic, where we do the screening. And then we also are doing faculty practice, 所以大发娱乐的一些教员每周会在诊所的其他地方练习半天到一两天. 所以大发娱乐在临床环境中做了很多不同的牙科手术. 这是一个非常活跃的区域,大发娱乐现在有两节课,大发娱乐有四节课,那里每天都会很热闹, morning and night.

Interviewer: How many students will that be then?

Dr. Hanson: We started off with 20 students. When we began, 大发娱乐做出了承诺,大发娱乐将在该州找到最优秀的20名学生. But we're a regional center. There are not many dental schools in this area, and then there are states, surrounding states, like Idaho, and Wyoming, and Montana, and North and South Dakota, New Mexico, they don't have dental schools, so all of their students have to leave the state. 所以大发娱乐觉得大发娱乐可以成为一所地区性的牙科学校. 大发娱乐预计每班将有40名学生,其中20名是州内学生,20名是地区学生, but we have the capacity eventually to get up to 50 per class. And that will probably take awhile before we get there.

Interviewer: So 200 total students in here.

Dr. Hanson: 按照大楼的组织方式,大发娱乐可以轻松容纳200名学生.

Interviewer: Wow. Just got to get more teachers.

Dr. Hanson: There you are. 大发娱乐正在做的另一件事是大发娱乐试图创造卫星诊所的机会. 所以学习如何在这个被大发娱乐称为牙科学校的非常成熟和可控的结构中实践是一件事, 获得让你对私人执业感到自在的经验是另一回事. And so that's what these satellite clinics will allow us to do. It's to put them into a more real-life dental setting, 他们会在一个更像他们的诊所的环境中看病人吗. 此外,它还为大发娱乐大发娱乐提供了另一个机会,与那些经常无法获得牙科服务的人群互动.

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