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Apr 03, 2015
当涉及到写医师助理申请的个人陈述时, 许多人在想不出该写什么的时候会感到恐慌或沉默. 多丽丝·道尔顿(Doris Dalton)是犹他大学医师助理项目的招生主任. 她分享了一些内幕消息和秘密(是的,他们会阅读整篇文章)!) about essays and applications. She gives her top three tips for writing an essay, what is the most important thing to include, and extra resources for PA school applicants.

Episode Transcript

Interviewer: It can be the toughest job in the application process. It’s the dreaded physician assistant application personal statement. It's a hard to write essay by any other name, so how can you best highlight who you are in 5,000 words or less. We'll talk about that next on The Scope.

Announcer: Navigating your way through med school can be tough. Wouldn’t it be great if you have a mentor to help you out? 不管你是第一年还是第四年,大发娱乐都会为你大发娱乐提供保障. The Dalton Med Student Mentor is on The Scope.

Interviewer: Admission essays for a physician assistant school are tricky. Thankfully we’re going to get some inside tips from Doris Dalton. 她是犹他大学PA项目的招生主任, going to give us some do's and don’ts of a good personal statement, some of the things she likes and some of the things that she doesn't. 首先,为了做任何事情,你必须知道它的工作是什么,它的目的是什么. What, in your mind, is the purpose of the personal statement?

Doris: When you look at the entire application together, 你的学术背景会告诉大发娱乐你是什么样的学生, your work background will tell us where you’ve been professionally, your references will tell us what other people say about you. This is you only tool to speak for yourself.

Interviewer: Okay, so who look at this, 因为很多时候,了解你写的东西的读者是很有好处的.

Doris: With any writing exercise, 写作是一种交流的形式,当你和任何人交流时,你总是要把你的听众放在心上. 看你个人陈述的人是一群助理律师.

Interviewer: Okay, how am I going to connect with that group of people?

Doris: 对于你未来可能成为同事的私人助理,你会怎么评价你自己,以及你想成为这个行业的一员的愿望, your fit for it, your passion for patient care? Communicating all of those things is very, very difficult.

Interviewer: What kind of person you might be to work with.

Doris: 其中一些可能会在你的推荐信中体现出来,但是关于你自己,你想说什么呢?

Interviewer: Sure. Got you.

Doris: It's difficult to sell yourself without sounding arrogant.

Interviewer: Yeah, that is a challenge, isn’t it?

Doris: People don’t want to beat their chest.

Interviewer: What's your advice to somebody who says that?

Doris: 我认为最难处理的个人陈述是当人们沉浸在他们的脑海里太多的时候, when they sit down in front of that keyboard and ask themselves, "What am I suppose to say and what do they want to hear?以及“我怎么做才能让自己听起来像一个富有同情心的未来大发娱乐提供者??”

Interviewer: Yeah.

Doris: 天哪,我甚至无法想象自己要这么做,所以这是一项非常非常艰难的训练.

Interviewer: 但是你仍然应该谈论你完成的事情,因为我想这是你想听到的. Right?

Doris: You do, but there's where that self-reflection comes back in.

Interviewer: How am I going to do it in a way . . .

Doris: 你的个人陈述不应该读起来像你申请的其他部分的段落形式. We've already found out something about you and your background. If you, for example, worked in a nursing home as a certified nursing assistant, 你可能想借此机会反思一下你每天照顾的弱势病人群体. 这是一个分享的机会,不仅仅是你为研究生医学教育和未来的实践所做的准备.

Interviewer: 似乎你还需要记住一件事,那就是你想成为人类. I mean, you want to reflect that humanity, 很多人都不想这么做,因为这会让大发娱乐变得脆弱.
Doris: I think vulnerability is a plus. 大发娱乐确实希望候选人能够分享他们对病人护理的热情, 他们是富有同情心的人,很适合从医.

Interviewer: 你在个人陈述中寻找的是什么东西让你觉得“哇,这太棒了”?

Doris: I like something that's really heartfelt. People think we don't like “touchy, feely” things, 但它确实有助于个人陈述,使其不那么通用.

Interviewer: How often do you just get in a paragraph into it and you just quit? 因为我一直认为,你必须立刻抓住听众或读者的注意力. 这很重要吗,还是每个人都要通读一遍.

Doris: We will read the entire thing. 我曾见过一些个人陈述开头并不安静,但中间却有一些非常好的东西, maybe a strong, maybe not a strong conclusion. 但是除了你和其他人一样有资格之外,你还能分享什么呢?

Interviewer: I'm going to say try to start strong, though. That’s going to be my advice, 但很高兴知道你读了整篇文章,因为这样可以减轻我从正确的事情开始的压力.

Doris: We want to know who you are.

Interviewer: 组织叙述是很困难的,因为有时候有很多不同的方式来讲述一个故事. What do you recommend?

Doris: Feedback from others. Your personal statement should be well structured and have a flow. Not everyone is a good write, 很多人都需要一些大发娱乐,这并没有什么错. 但是你的个人陈述确实应该写得很好,并且有条理, so that it's easy to read. You don't want your reader to lose interest.

Interviewer: The mechanics part is just as important as the content part.

Doris: It is and no one is judging the quality of your writing, but again . . .

Interviewer: It's still says something about you, though.

Doris: Making the effort to have a good personal statement that reads well, 这很容易读懂,而且真正分享一些关于你自己的事情肯定会有所不同 .

Interviewer: 申请人会犯哪些常见的错误? Let's go with three.

Doris: Generic statements. “I really like to help people, I really love medicine, I'm fascinated by the human body,” those sorts of things.

Interviewer: All right. How about number two?

Doris: 我认为当一个应聘者写个人陈述的时候,他们没有问自己,这是很困难的, 这听起来像是任何人都可以写的个人陈述吗?” Because we do see a lot of that. 我想说,我看过的70%到80%的个人陈述都相当笼统.

Interviewer: It could have been anybody.

Doris: Could have been anybody, anybody could have said that. Share something from your personal experience.

Interviewer: How about number three?

Doris: 你不希望你的个人陈述读起来像一篇论文. We know that. 一群私人助理会看你的个人陈述. 我知道候选人正试图传达他们理解PA的作用,他们希望在未来成为它, but that something that you're going to waste space on.

Interviewer: Okay, finally, any resources that you recommend books, 当涉及到写个人陈述或论文时?

Doris: 有一些资源在那里,你当然可以利用关于如何进入医学院的书籍, 关于写个人陈述的建议,无论一个人在医疗保健领域从事什么职业,都可以得到非常相似的建议.

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