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Can Men Get Breast Cancer? Absolutely.

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Can Men Get Breast Cancer? Absolutely.

Mar 10, 2015

乳腺癌不仅仅是女性的问题——大约2岁,今年将有000名男性被诊断出患有这种疾病. Ginger Johnson, president of GetScreenedUtah.她说,男性定期检查自己很重要,但要寻找的不仅仅是肿块. 她为彻底的自我检查大发娱乐提供了一些有用的建议,男性和女性都可以使用.

Episode Transcript

Interviewer: Can men get breast cancer? Turns out the answer is yes. Find out more about that next on The Scope.

Announcer: 来自犹他大学医生和专家的医学新闻和研究,你可以用它来过更快乐、更健康的生活. You're listening to The Scope.

Interviewer: 姜·约翰逊(Ginger Johnson)是GetScreenedUtah的总裁.com. Mainly, 你倡导女性接受乳腺癌筛查, 但当你说我真的有患乳腺癌的风险时,我很惊讶. How common is that?

Ginger: It's not very common, but it is possible. Men are a little bit different. 她们一生中患乳腺癌的风险约为千分之一. 但有趣的是,很多男人甚至不知道他们是否有家庭成员, 有血缘关系的人患乳腺癌的几率会增加. 所以对男人来说,意识到自己有胸肌是非常重要的. 这些胸肌上面也可能有脂肪组织,也就是乳房组织. And that tissue can be susceptible to disease, 就像女人的乳房容易患病一样.

Interviewer: So, as a man, 如果我更重,脂肪组织更多, does that increase my risk?

Ginger: 脂肪是一个有趣的东西,因为脂肪倾向于保持激素. 这些激素实际上会在你的一生中引发不同类型的癌症. 这就是为什么当女性被诊断为乳腺癌时,要检查她们的雌激素或孕激素是否呈阳性或阴性. 但大发娱乐发现,男性并没有意识到,如果他们的胸部有肿块, they just kind of blow it off. 他们不会说,“嘿,这是我需要看的东西吗??“因为他们连思考的知识都没有, "Oh, this might be breast cancer," because it's such a foreign idea to them.

Interviewer: Yeah. It's fairly rare. Not a lot of guys are diagnosed with it, right?

Ginger: Not a lot of guys are. 男性患此病的几率比女性低100倍. But, 大发娱乐看到的是仍然有大约2个,今年将会有000例新的浸润性乳腺癌病例被诊断出来.

Interviewer: 你肯定注意到我开始检查自己了 . . .

Ginger: You did.

Interviewer: Right?

Ginger: That's okay.

Interviewer: So is that what a guy should do? Is it, you're looking for a lump?

Ginger: 乳腺癌可以以多种不同的方式出现. 实际上它有12种不同的方式出现在肿块旁边. 当然,肿块是很容易看到的东西. You can feel it. But, it doesn't have to be a big lump. 它可以是很小的东西,比如针头,甚至是坚硬的、不可移动的东西. 如果你把乳房组织想象成一个柠檬. 世界乳腺癌组织有一个很好的活动.com that actually shows lemons. And, this is a great way for guys to really . . . that this can be, too. 但是,在他们对柠檬的比喻中,你要找的是坏种子. So it's going to be hard. It's going to be immovable.

It's going to be something that you go, "Oh, this, this isn't soft," like a bean, or something squishy, which could be fat tissue, or even a lymph node. This is actually hard and immovable.

不过,其他症状可能是皮肤发红、痒不去、发热. 如果你觉得皮肤上有腐蚀, 或者你的皮肤开始倒转,看起来像橘子皮. 皮肤会发生很多不同的变化. This is for men and women.

Interviewer: Okay.

Ginger: 但是,很多时候男人并没有得到这样的教育.

Interviewer: Yeah. Sure. 我从没想过皮疹会是男性乳腺癌之类的东西.

Ginger: If it doesn't go away, it's always best, if it doesn't go away, 如果它在几周内保持一致, go in and get it checked. 去吧,这样你就知道是什么了. 因为,你肯定想在感受到它之前找到它.

Interviewer: So, are you recommending guys do self-exams? Are you recommending that they just be aware?

Ginger: I would say I would be aware. 因为你的风险更小,我会说,“注意你的组织."

Interviewer: Okay.

Ginger: Be aware of your body. I would, honestly, talk to your doctor. 我的意思是,男人不常去看医生,大发娱乐知道这是怎么回事. But, 如果你要去找你的医生谈谈, and if you do have a family history of a mom, or a sister, an aunt, somebody in your family, just say, "Hey, Doc, what is this? Tell me what you know." Now, if the doctor you go to does not know, 然后你要自己做一些研究因为通常医生, themselves, we love them, 他们用他们所拥有的知识做尽可能多的事情, 但有时他们可能不了解你. So you might need to get a second opinion.

Interviewer: Yeah. It might not necessarily even be on the radar . . .

Ginger: It's true.

Interviewer: 因为它是,它确实发生了,但有点罕见.

Ginger: It's true.

Interviewer: So, do guys then get mammograms, at that point? Just like a woman would?

Ginger: They would. They would have to go in . . .

Interviewer: Really?

Ginger: 做一些乳房x光检查,ìMan-o-gramî如果你愿意的话. But, they might do an ultrasound. 他们可能还会为你做一些其他的事情. 但我知道有些先生确实做了乳房切除手术, where they've had to have that tissue removed. Now, it seems foreign to a guy to do that. But, 他们实际上必须进入并移除肌肉上方的乳房组织这样他们才能移除病人身上的任何疾病.

Interviewer: All right. Any final . . . 我不知道现在还能问什么,除了,我要开始注意了. 如果我看到什么东西没有消失,或者感觉有任何奇怪的肿块,我会和我的医生谈谈. And I'll know that if my doctor is, "What?" then I need to, perhaps educate myself. Anything beyond that?

Ginger: That's . . .

Interviewer: As a man?

Ginger: 这是最好的事情,而且要意识到,男人,你对你生命中的女人有多大的影响力. 我觉得男人没有意识到他们要说的话的影响力, "Hey, women, 这是大发娱乐所有人都需要关注的事情. If I can get it, then obviously you can get it. Go in and get your mammogram." That's something they recommend for women, age 40 and over, to start with that baseline, and go regularly thereafter.

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