Med Student Mentor: The Advantages and Disadvantages of Being a Chief Resident

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Med Student Mentor: The Advantages and Disadvantages of Being a Chief Resident

What do chief residents do and what are their roles on the medical team? If you’re considering whether or not becoming a chief resident is the right fit, the Residency Program Director for Internal Medicine at the University of Utah has some advice for you. Med Student Mentor Natasha Kwendakwema talks to Dr. 关于责任的问题, 好处, and also gets some tips on how medical students can prepare themselves to become a chief resident.


面试官: So you've all heard of chief residents, but what do you really know about them? What do they do, and what's their role in the medical team? 你如何决定你是否想成为其中一员? 接下来请收看范围.

播音员: Navigating your way through med school can be tough. Wouldn't it be great if you had a mentor to help you out? Well, whether you're first year or fourth year, we've got you covered. 《大发娱乐》上了《视野.

面试官: So you're considering becoming chief resident, but you're not sure if it's the right fit for you. To tell you more about the role and 好处 of a chief resident, we have Dr. Caroline Milne who is currently who is the residency program director for internal medicine at the University of Utah. She was also a chief resident during her last year of training here. Dr. 米尔恩,什么是总住院医师?

Dr. 米尔恩: A chief resident is different depending on specialties. Internal medicine is quite unique in that the chief resident is an extra year of training. 在大多数其他培训专业, the chief resident is the resident that is in their last year of training. 所以如果你是总住院医师, 说, you are in your fifth year of general surgery training. 在全国范围内, being chosen to be a chief medical resident in internal medicine is considered to be a great honor. Usually the best and the brightest people that have the support of their peers and the faculty, 大多数时候, 那些想在学术界发展的人.

面试官: What responsibilities and duties do chief residents have that other residents don't have?

Dr. 米尔恩: When I describe the chief resident's year to people that are considering the year, 我把它描述为初级教员年. It's definitively a year when you're bridged between residency, where we feel like you know the needs of the resident better than most faculty members, 但你也在考虑, 更详细地说, the need of a department and the hospital in ways that residents really aren't taking into consideration those roles.

面试官: I guess we're all kind of wondering, is being a chief resident a huge time commitment?

Dr. 米尔恩: 我想这取决于你问的是谁. 如果你问总住院医师,他们会说是的. If you ask a busy young faculty member, they would 说 no. It's a really nice year, different than residency in that you're not really assigned shifts of work. So coming out of residency in a specialty like internal medicine, you're used to working overnights and longer shifts, and the chiefs here don't have as much clinical responsibility. But administration is time consuming in its own way.
Most of the chief residents that I've had over the last 12 years would tell me that the role that they found most interesting, 也是他们最不喜欢的角色, is, 不幸的是, dealing with different personalities and different people. Because I recently read that there's no leader that's liked by everybody, 当然,总住院医师就是这样的人. 我的培训项目中有120名住院医生. 你无法让120名居民满意. A part of the troubles and the struggles in the chief residency is learning how to appropriately deal with people.

面试官: Right, definitely a lot of people skills and leadership skills that you develop during that year.

Dr. 米尔恩: 正确的.

面试官: Okay, so how do you think being a chief resident enhanced your career?

Dr. 米尔恩: Well, I would 说 actually a program director is a glorified, long-standing chief resident. 我有更多的责任, 但我的角色还在继续, the same roles that I picked up as a chief resident. As you pointed out, leadership is really important. And prioritizing things that you want to or should be accomplished in the year become a really important skill set that you have. 人际交往能力,非常非常重要. Learning how to diplomatically deal with people when you're telling them an answer they don't want to hear. Learning how to keep morals high in times that it's difficult to do so, and that's what I do now.
时间管理也很重要. 教授时间管理技巧, because one of the big roles of the chief resident is to mentor any people that are struggling in their training. 然后, 当然, 教学是一个重要的角色,因为, 在大发娱乐的节目中, the chief resident has the major job of teaching at all of our morning report conferences.

面试官: 对于大发娱乐这些还是医学院学生的人来说, 大发娱乐能做什么?, 作为第一年住院医师, to prepare ourselves to eventually become a chief resident?

Dr. 米尔恩: You do have to be the highest quality physician in your group, 因为要成为总住院医师, 并赢得同辈的尊重, 首先也是最重要的, 你必须是一个非常称职的医生. You have to have been a team player all during residency. That means taking more than their share of the workload. Never letting people think that they're actually trying to give other people the rougher end of the stick, 而不是占为己有.
所以人们会做很多小事, 在早期, and I don't think they are actually vying to be the chief resident, but are just really natural characteristics that are obvious that, "Oh, those are the people that are going to lead this training program someday."

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