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Anyone who has glaucoma knows there’s no cure for it and no way to reverse the damage to the optic nerve or the resulting vision loss. Dr. 规范的扎, 莫兰眼科中心的青光眼专家, says exciting new treatments—such as eye drops that don’t need to be taken every day—and other advances are coming. He discusses the latest research into the blinding eye disease.


面试官: 青光眼治疗的未来是什么? 大发娱乐将在接下来的《大发娱乐》节目中对此进行详细介绍.

播音员: Medical news and research from University of Utah physicians and specialists you can use for a happier and healthier life. 您正在收听的是范围.

面试官: Dr. 规范的扎是莫兰眼科中心的青光眼专家, and if 你知道 somebody who has glaucoma or been diagnosed yourself, 你知道你现在不一定能治愈它. 所有 you can do is treat it, and manage it, and keep it from getting worse. 但未来会有什么东西改变这种情况吗? 青光眼治疗的未来是什么? Is it always going to be about managing or are there some cure possibilities in the future?

Dr. 扎布里斯基: 好吧, 大发娱乐当然希望有, and we would love to be able to talk with patients about reversing their disease, or even maybe making it where they didn't have to take drops every day.

面试官: 是的

Dr. 扎布里斯基: So to talk about the first of those, and that is what would make just what we do now easier? 有很多, 例如, extended drug delivery mechanisms and instruments that are being developed right now. For example, maybe an implantable drug that would be good for six months or something like that.

面试官: 所以你不需要每天滴药.

Dr. 扎布里斯基: 所以你不需要每天都喝. 所以这是非常非常重要的一部分. And I 看到 some of those things being relatively near in the future, where either you could put a little plug into your tear duct or you could maybe inject a little medicine that would be good for six months and you wouldn't have to worry about drops for six months.

面试官: 那太棒了,不是吗?

Dr. 扎布里斯基: 然后回来再做一遍,就可以了.

面试官: 是的.

Dr. 扎布里斯基: 那太好了. 事实上,我认为这些在不远的将来就会实现. The other part of that equation is really what we would like to talk about, 这在某种程度上, 以某种方式, 逆转或改善已经造成的损害, 基本上是让视神经再生. 这才是真正的圣杯, 不仅是青光眼,还有脊髓损伤, 中风的, 所有这些东西都在一个篮子里, 可以这么说.

面试官: 是啊,意思是一旦伤害造成 . . .

Dr. 扎布里斯基: 是的,没错. 你怎么把它拿回来? 但是所有的研究, 在我看来, all of the research that's being done in all of those areas will all be cross-applicable. 你知道, 如果脊髓损伤问题解决了, potentially the glaucoma problem will be solved as well because it's all involving the regeneration of nervous tissue.
干细胞, 你知道, is probably what most people look toward as a possible treatment modality in the future where we can actually talk about regenerating lost or damaged nervous tissue which is really what we want to talk about in glaucoma. 没有时间表. There is certainly tons of research being done around the world, 不仅仅是青光眼, 但正如我提到的, spinal cord injury and others that hopefully will unlock some of those answers in the not too distant future.
但这正是大发娱乐所期待的. So the idea there, as I mentioned previously, what we do now is just lower the pressure. But what we'd like to talk about is actually regenerating the optic nerve, or even maybe a step before that would be protecting the optic nerve. Right now the only way we can protect the optic nerve is to lower the pressure. But there is research and attempts being made to try to find drugs and other medicines that might protect the optic nerve from further damage that are pressure independent, 这意味着它们不只是降低压力, but they actually directly inhibit some of the processes that are going on in the optic nerve that result in the damage.
So I'd say those three things are the future of glaucoma treatment. Better drug delivery systems that are much more extended so we don't have to do drops every day, coming up with drugs and treatments that actually protect the optic nerve from damage that is occurring, and that protection is independent of lowering the pressure. 大发娱乐称之为直接神经保护. 然后是最后一个, 最终的, would be to actually be able to regenerate lost or damaged nervous tissue. 那可能是路最远的地方了. 但这正是大发娱乐所希望的.

面试官: What about even before that, preventing that pressure from even happening? 我是说,有人在看吗?

Dr. 扎布里斯基: 确定, that's another important thing of looking at what it is in the processes of the eye and the balance of pressure that caused the pressure to go up in the first place.

面试官: Which is the cause, that's the thing that makes it all happen.

Dr. 扎布里斯基: 在很多情况下, 但是大发娱乐知道, 看到, 大发娱乐知道大概有25%, 30% even of people that never have a high pressure and yet have severe glaucoma. 所以大发娱乐知道这就像其他因素的黑盒子, 可能是遗传易感性, something about that optic nerve that just makes it susceptible to damage, 可能是血流, maybe other factors that we don't even know about yet that are damaging the optic nerve other than pressure. But certainly, pressure is what we concentrate on the most now, because that's what we can treat. And as I mentioned, it has been proven now that lowering the pressure is absolutely beneficial. 我认为这是毫无疑问的.

面试官: But as far as figuring out a way for those instances where pressure is the cause, how do you prevent that pressure from happening in the first place? 现在还不太确定?

Dr. 扎布里斯基: 还没准备好. 你知道, a way to actually go into the system, the drainage system itself.

面试官: 是啊,弄清楚发生了什么.

Dr. 扎布里斯基: 然后把它清理干净或者排干. Again, some of our surgeries are designed a little bit to try to do that. But as far as a drop or something that really gets at that issue, 在这方面没有任何超级有效的东西.

播音员: TheScopeRadio.大发娱乐是犹他大学健康科学电台. If you like what you've heard, be sure to get our latest content by following us on Facebook. 只需点击scoperadio的Facebook图标.com.