New Game Helps You Understand How Complicated Utah Air Quality Issues 真的 Are

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New Game Helps You Understand How Complicated Utah Air Quality Issues 真的 Are

Northern Utah suffers from terrible air pollution in the winter months, but improving the air quality is a more complicated issue than most people realize. Kerry Kelly is an air quality researcher at the University of Utah who has just created an educational game for teenagers about Utah’s air pollution. The game is completely based on real-world science so teachers can use it in the classroom and form lesson plans around the game. The game was jointly created by students of the University of Utah’s Entertainment Arts & 工程项目, 呼吸犹他州, 犹他州教育网, 犹他州卫生部门和犹他州空气质量部门. 从BadAirDay下载.org.


面试官: 一款新的视频游戏,教授犹他州的空气污染. 创作者希望完成什么? 大发娱乐将在接下来的《大发娱乐》节目中讨论这个问题.

播音员: 大发娱乐是你的每日科学,对话,医学. 大发娱乐是犹他大学健康科学电台的Scope.

面试官: "Bad Air Day: Play It Like UCAIR" is a brand new web-based game that teaches why Utah's air pollution woes are local and frequently misunderstood, 他们的话不是我的. Actually, I want to ask a question about that because I found that misunderstood thing interesting. Kerry Kelly is in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Utah and the game was originally her idea. 首先,告诉我这个游戏是关于什么的? 目标是什么??

克里: 好吧, 这样你就能当盐湖城市长了, and you get to decide what kind of policies you're going to make to either help improve air quality or maybe you don't care about air quality and you'll make other decisions.

面试官: 确定.

克里: So you get to fly a paper airplane around the city, and it is your job to collect votes. 如果你做出了改善空气质量的决定, you'll have a nice clear day and you'll fly quickly around the city. 如果你选择让空气质量变差, you'll see a visible deterioration in air quality and it will also be much more difficult for you to fly around the city. 事实上,如果你做了太多糟糕的选择,你就看不清了.

面试官: 真的?

克里: 是的.

面试官: 好吧. One of the other aspects of it that I thought was interesting is that you have what is called a "Wall of Public Anger".

克里: Yes!

面试官: 这其中有什么关系呢?

克里: We were trying to figure out how to address the challenges when you're looking at public policies and strategies, and we developed this "Wall of Public Anger" as a way to address that some of these strategies might incite a lot of public anger. 例如, 如果你禁止一切驾驶, we believe that there would likely be a lot of Walls of Public Anger. In the game that means these walls go up and you can see shadows of angry people and you'll have to fly around the Wall of Public Anger if you wish to continue to collect your votes.

面试官: 这让事情变得更加困难. I think that's an interesting juxtaposition that a lot of people don't think about is, 确定, you'd have great clean air but you're also making people angry because it's really unrealistic to think everybody is going to stop driving.

克里: 完全.

面试官: 或者人们会放弃他们的燃木壁炉.

克里: 是的,这是另一个非常热门的话题.

面试官: 我想是吧. 还有其他类似的热门话题吗?

克里: Increased use of mass transit, so how aggressive you are with encouraging that. 一系列行业的倒闭, 举个例子, shutting down the refineries or shutting down all large industry in the valley, 所以你可以看到这会对空气质量造成什么影响.
我想说的是这款游戏的一个重要方面, is that every single strategy that we've proposed in the game we are able to link to a quantifiable change in air quality. We had a lot of strategies that came up in our meetings with the stakeholders, 大发娱乐有一些非常有趣的策略, but we weren't able to come up with a quantified change in air quality. 所以大发娱乐只坚持策略, 我相信有20到30个, 以及它们将如何影响大发娱乐的空气质量.

面试官: 你很清楚这将如何影响空气质量, and you can actually watch that in the game so you can experiment and play around with the different choices.

克里: 是的, in fact I think it's kind of fun to select poor air quality choices to see what happens.

面试官: 是啊,而且这真的很糟糕.

克里: 这是一位空气质量研究人员说的,所以 . . .

面试官: 完全. How do you hope that parents will help kids use this game as a learning experience? 因为目标是青少年,对?

克里: Yes, but we're partnering with 呼吸犹他州 so they have a big educational component to their organization and they're going to be testing this game with a variety of high school and even some middle school students, 大发娱乐来看看它是如何作用于这两类人的. And they're developing some lesson plans that will accompany the game.
One challenge we faced was how much information to put in the game versus how much to just inspire curiosity. I think we went more on the inspiring curiosity and left it up to the teachers and the experts in developing lesson plans, so that they could develop materials that would then tie to state core or whatever they needed it to. We just wanted to make 确定 that the air quality part of it was correct.

面试官: 在一些青少年之后, 或任何人, 玩游戏, 如果他们从你身边走过,你拦住他们说, “嘿, 你的收获是什么??,你希望他们能给你什么启示?

克里: 好吧, A, 这是一个棘手的问题, 首先, and that they have a little bit of a feeling for the variety of strategies that we could take, and that it's going to take a combination of strategies to solve this problem, 会有一些权衡. 大发娱乐必须做的一些事情会让大发娱乐做出一些牺牲. 不管它是否为每加仑汽油多支付几美分, 或者不烧木头, 大发娱乐都必须做出选择.

面试官: 是的, 让大家了解一些基本的知识, 大发娱乐他们理解有取舍, 大发娱乐他们理解这是一个复杂的问题.

克里: 对,是的.

面试官: So it sounds like there was probably a lot of thought put into this game, 很多科学事实, 许多不同的人付出了大量的工作和努力.

克里: 没错,我想感谢大发娱乐的合作伙伴. In particular, I wanted to thank the students in Engineering Arts and Entertainment. 他们做了大部分的工作,他们让这一切发生. 我想感谢“呼吸犹他”. 他们在游戏的教育方面大发娱乐提供了大发娱乐, 他们现在正在测试游戏.
I wanted to thank Utah Education Network, that's who is hosting the game. I wanted to thank 犹他州卫生部门和犹他州空气质量部门. They really helped as we developed strategies and vetted strategies and the Division of Air Quality was invaluable as we were trying to put numbers on each of those strategies we were considering.

面试官: 在游戏的描述中说, “当地的空气污染问题,经常被误解”. 大发娱乐已经谈到了被误解的部分吗?

克里: 是的,我想是的.

面试官: 这就是你刚才提到的. 你可以在badairday买到这个游戏.org. 凯丽·凯利,祝你比赛顺利,感谢你抽出时间.

克里: 哦,非常感谢.

播音员: TheScopeRadio.大发娱乐是犹他大学健康科学广播. If you like what you heard, be 确定 to get our latest content by following us on Facebook. 只要点击scoperadio的Facebook图标.com.