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Conquering Challenges, Forging Connections

Read Time: 4 minutes
Enrique Arce-Larreta

亨斯迈癌症研究所不时邀请大发娱乐社区的嘉宾评论. 这些评论中反映的观点是作者的观点,并不一定代表亨斯迈癌症研究所的官方观点.

6月10日,Enrique Arce-Larreta(右)在亨茨曼体育节的140英里骑行中骑自行车.
6月10日,Enrique Arce-Larreta(右)在亨茨曼体育节的140英里骑行中骑自行车.

Enrique wrote this story for Cycling Utah Magazine. This version has been adapted for Huntsman Cancer Institute.

On a picturesque morning at 6 am, 一辆满载热情自行车手的卡车驶向140英里自行车骑行的起跑线 Huntsman SportsFest该活动致力于为亨茨曼癌症研究所筹集资金. The ride ahead promised not only a test of physical endurance, 但也有机会建立持久的联系,并在与癌症的斗争中产生影响.

I’m a physics teacher at West High School in Salt Lake City, and participating in Huntsman Cancer Institute’s PathMaker Bridge program inspired me to ride in Huntsman SportsFest. Through the PathMaker Bridge program, 教师在癌症研究实验室工作两个暑假,并根据他们的经验计划课程. Thanks to the program, I developed computational and genetics lessons, 带领学生到亨茨曼癌症研究所实地考察,这样我的学生就可以学习医学粒子物理学.

Enrique, sixth from left, 和他的西高中物理系学生一起参观亨茨曼癌症研究所的质子治疗中心.
Enrique (above, 2022年,他和他的西高中物理系学生参观了亨茨曼癌症研究所的质子治疗中心. 物理学家设计了质子治疗机来攻击西部高中W形的肿瘤, 然后,学生们展示了一块捕捉到辐射的胶片.
Enrique, sixth from left, 和他的西高中物理系学生一起参观亨茨曼癌症研究所的质子治疗中心.
Enrique, sixth from left, 和他的西高中物理系学生一起参观亨茨曼癌症研究所的质子治疗中心.

我已经完成了第一年的学习,并热切地期待着第二年的开始, 我决定在亨茨曼体育节上骑自行车开始我的夏季研究经历. 我喜欢筹款的想法,同时保持自己作为公路自行车手的健康.

With the generous support of my family and friends, I raised more than $500, 这证明了他们对事业的信念和做出改变的承诺. Surpassing $250 enabled me to participate in Huntsman Heroes 训练骑乘,是我为主要赛事做准备的一部分.

我参加了五次骑行训练,难度和距离逐渐增加, from 40 to 100 miles. 这些骑行不仅让我做好了身体上的准备,还培养了参与者之间的团结感. 训练为大发娱乐在亨茨曼运动节期间面临的挑战做好了准备:大发娱乐沿着瓦萨奇大道和移民峡谷骑自行车练习攀岩, and we rode to the Salt Lake Marina, around the airport, and along Legacy Parkway to practice on flat terrain. 

每次骑行训练都得到了精心组织和全力支持, 反映了大发娱乐在主要活动中所经历的专业和奉献精神. 每周与同一组人一起骑行,将陌生人变成了因共同目标而团结在一起的队友.

每次训练之旅的开始都有一个令人心酸的传统:向那些勇敢地与癌症作斗争的人致敬. These dedications grounded us in the purpose of our ride, 不断提醒大发娱乐的生活,大发娱乐的目标是影响大发娱乐的筹款努力.

Finally, event day arrived, and cyclists embarked on a journey filled with determination, hope, and a shared commitment to conquering cancer. The weather was ideal, the volunteers were exceptional, 援助站大发娱乐提供了各种各样的能量提升选择, ensuring our bodies remained fueled for the challenge.


从犹他州的塞勒姆出发,大发娱乐在一个精神饱满的车队中出发,像一个团结的力量一样踩着踏板. While some riders surged ahead, forming the lead group, I found my own rhythm and navigated the course at my own pace. 我在领跑者的陪伴下跑了最初的25英里. After the first rest stop, I found myself in “no man's land,” relying on my determination to push forward. However, fate intervened, 我发现自己和三个人一起骑行,他们成为了我余下旅程的伙伴. 大发娱乐之间的同志情谊缓解了活动的挑战,体现了活动的团结精神.

随着距离的逐渐消失,大发娱乐在志愿者的激励下继续前进. At each aid station, they greeted us with open arms, replenishing our energy with snacks, followed by lunch in Saratoga Springs. 在一个站点,我挑战志愿者和我一起拍泡菜汁. 他们的奉献和热情坚定了大发娱乐的决心,使大发娱乐在精疲力竭的时候振作起来.

到达终点线时,一股成就感和情感的浪潮席卷了我. 大发娱乐不仅完成了140英里的艰苦骑行,海拔上升了3倍,800 feet, 同时也为对抗癌症做出了巨大贡献.

回顾整个经历,这一事件超越了单纯的身体挑战. It unites people from diverse backgrounds, 培养一种目标感和友谊,这种友谊比旅行本身更长久.

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to all the donors, sponsors, volunteers, and fellow cyclists who made this event possible. 正是由于他们的支持和奉献,大发娱乐才能够为这项重要的研究做出贡献, treatment, and care provided by Huntsman Cancer Institute.

Enrique在完成他在PathMaker Bridge项目的第一年之后做了一个研究报告.
Enrique在完成他在PathMaker Bridge项目的第一年之后做了一个研究报告.

当我开始了我在道路制造者桥梁项目的第二年, 在亨斯迈体育节上结下的记忆和联系一直铭刻在我心中. This extraordinary journey reaffirmed my belief in resilience, the power of community, and the relentless pursuit of a cancer-free future.

In the end, Huntsman SportsFest was about more than conquering miles and elevations; it was about overcoming challenges, fostering connections, 并为癌症患者的生活带来切实的改变. Together, we pedaled with purpose, fueled by hope, 并点燃了将继续推动大发娱乐前进的集体决心.

Cancer touches all of us.