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Six New Cancer Research Fellows Announced by 5 For The Fight


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Huntsman Cancer Institute (HCI) at the University of Utah (U of U), in partnership with 5 For The Fight, is proud to announce the 2021 Cancer Research Fellowship recipients. Thanks to a $1 million gift from 5 For The Fight, 六名癌症研究人员将获得支持,大发娱乐他们推进癌症研究项目.

5 For The Fight is a nonprofit, started by Qualtrics, that invites everyone to give $5 for the fight against cancer. 5 . The Fight与世界各地的癌症研究中心合作,为当今正在进行的一些最具开创性的癌症研究大发娱乐提供资金.

“这笔资金代表着成千上万的人为了纪念或纪念他们的亲人而与癌症作斗争," says Lori Kun, Head of Social Impact at Qualtrics. “在亨茨曼癌症研究所现有的9名研究员中,再加上这些有才华的人 announced last year5 For The Fight很荣幸地将大发娱乐的奖学金增加到15名才华横溢的研究人员. 大发娱乐对申请人的质量感到震惊,并感谢他们支持他们最有前途的工作."

这六名研究员是通过竞争激烈的过程选出的,目的是寻找处于职业生涯早期的有前途的研究人员. 这些人参与创新研究,并准备在了解和治疗癌症方面产生重大影响. 在获得癌症实验室资助比以往任何时候都更具挑战性的时候,奖学金项目的资金就来了. 这种性质的奖学金是罕见的,尤其是对职业生涯早期的癌症研究人员来说.

大发娱乐非常激动地宣布另一批才华横溢、多元化的癌症研究人员," says Brad Cairns, PhD, Chief Academic Officer of HCI. "5 For The Fight, Qualtrics, and HCI are dedicated to making a positive difference in the lives of cancer patients. These fellows share that same vision."

5 For The Fight Cancer Research Fellowship Recipients

Photo of Matthew Covington, MD

Matthew Covington, MD, is fighting for earlier, more accurate detection of breast cancer. 作为犹他大学放射学和成像科学的助理教授以及HCI癌症定量成像中心的助理教授, 他的专长是创新乳房成像,以找到更准确地检测和诊断乳腺癌的方法. He received his medical degree from the U of U, and completed his medical training at the Scripps Institute in San Diego, the University of Arizona, and the Mayo Clinic in Arizona. 此前,他曾在圣路易斯市华盛顿大学担任放射学助理教授. Louis.

Photo of Keren Hilgendorf, PhD

Keren Hilgendorf, PhD, is fighting cancer by working to understand why obesity accelerates cancer growth. 她是犹他大学生物化学助理教授,也是HCI的成员,在那里她监督一个癌症研究实验室. She received her PhD from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 随后在斯坦福大学医学院接受博士后培训,担任达蒙·鲁尼恩癌症研究基金会博士后研究员.

Photo of Mary Playdon, PhD, MPH

Mary Playdon, PhD, MPH, is fighting cancer by understanding the role of diet and nutrition on cancer risk, health, and longevity after a cancer diagnosis. She aims to improve survival rates of cancer patients through research focused on diet. A nutritional and cancer epidemiologist, 她在美国国家癌症研究所癌症流行病学和遗传学部门完成了代谢流行病学博士后研究. 她是HCI的癌症流行病学家,也是uu的营养和综合生理学助理教授.

Photo of Alejandro Sanchez, MD

Alejandro Sanchez, MD, 通过了解肾癌和肥胖之间的联系,是否可以争取更好的生存结果. He is an assistant professor of urology at the U of U and a surgical oncologist at HCI. 在Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center的泌尿肿瘤学奖学金培训期间,他获得了美国临床肿瘤学会颁发的青年研究员奖和基础科学主席优秀奖.

Photo of Gita Suneja, MD, MS

Gita Suneja, MD, MS, is fighting to improve access to cancer treatment for marginalized populations. 他是HCI的放射肿瘤学家,也是美国犹他大学放射肿瘤学副教授, her clinical specialties include the treatment of breast and gynecologic cancers. 她的研究重点是加强健康公平,以改善所有人的癌症治疗结果. 她在布朗大学(Brown University)完成了医学学位,并在宾夕法尼亚大学(University of Pennsylvania)接受放射肿瘤学住院医师培训期间担任总住院医师.

Photo of Christos Vaklavas, MD

Christos Vaklavas, MD, 通过将新的研究见解转化为乳腺癌的临床试验来对抗乳腺癌吗. 他是uu of U的内科副教授,在HCI照顾乳腺癌患者. 他是HCI的乳腺癌医师领导,并监督乳腺癌的临床研究. 他的研究获得了美国临床肿瘤学会的青年研究者奖和Susan G .的职业催化剂奖. Komen.


About 5 For The Fight:

5 For The Fight, a Qualtrics-led nonprofit, is a global campaign inviting everyone to donate $5 to the fight against cancer. 每一笔捐款都是为了纪念那些正在与这种疾病作斗争或被这种疾病感染的人. To date, 5 For The Fight has raised more than $27.400万美元用于大发娱乐根除癌症,这些资金100%直接捐赠给世界领先的癌症研究人员. 5 For The Fight是犹他爵士队球衣贴片上的特色,也是NBA唯一与事业相关的球衣贴片. To join the fight, please visit

About Qualtrics

Qualtrics, the leader in customer experience and creator of the Experience Management (XM) category, 正在改变组织管理和改善四个核心业务体验的方式:客户, employee, product, and brand. More than 11,000 organizations around the world are using Qualtrics to listen, understand, and take action on experience data (X-data™)––the beliefs, emotions, and intentions that tell you why things are happening, and what to do about it. Qualtrics XM平台™是一个行动系统,可以大发娱乐企业吸引停留时间更长、购买更多的客户, engage employees who build a positive culture, develop breakthrough products people love, and build a brand people are passionate about. To learn more,

Media Contact

Heather Simonsen
Public Affairs Senior Manager
Huntsman Cancer Institute
801 581-3194

About Huntsman Cancer Institute at the University of Utah

Huntsman Cancer Institute at the University of Utah is the National Cancer Institute-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center for Utah, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, and Wyoming. With a legacy of innovative cancer research, groundbreaking discoveries, and world-class patient care, we are transforming the way cancer is understood, prevented, diagnosed, treated, and survived. 亨斯迈癌症研究所致力于通过科学突破和尖端技术大发娱乐提供最先进的癌症治疗和预防,以推动未来的癌症治疗超越今天的护理标准. We have more than 300 open clinical trials and 250 research teams studying cancer. 亨斯迈癌症研究所发现的遗传性癌症基因比其他任何癌症中心都要多. 大发娱乐的科学家以了解癌症如何开始并利用这些知识开发创新方法来治疗每位患者的独特疾病而闻名于世. Huntsman Cancer Institute was founded by Jon M. and Karen Huntsman.

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