
卵巢癌 病人 Face Increased Risk of Mental Illness


Higher Rates of Anxiety 和 Depression Were Associated With Higher Mortality Risk

Women 诊断 with ovarian cancer were more than three times more likely than the general 公共 to be 诊断 with mental illnesses such as anxiety, 抑郁症, 以及适应障碍, according to results presented during Week 1 of the virtual AACR 2021年年会,于4月10日至15日举行.

卵巢癌 女性最常诊断的第五大癌症是什么. 因为它通常在晚期才被诊断出来, 这种病很难治疗, 结果是一个五年的亲戚 存活率 只有48个.6%.

While some research has examined the quality of life for ovarian cancer patients 和 survivors, few studies have examined the mental toll taken by this deadly cancer type in population-based studies, 该研究的主要作者解释道, Siqi胡, a PhD c和idate in the Department of 家庭 和 Preventive Medicine 在 犹他大学 和 a member of the 哈希贝医生实验室 亨茨曼癌症研究所.

"Mental health issues are important for cancer patients as they face major disruptions to their lives 和 deal with the toxic side effects of cancer treatment,胡说. "We wanted to examine mental health in ovarian cancer patients, who often face a poor prognosis."

在这项研究中, the researchers used the Utah Cancer Registry to identify 1,689 ovarian cancer patients 诊断 between 1996 和 2012 和 matched them with 7,038名没有癌症的女性. They used electronic health records to identify mental health diagnoses, excluding those that occurred before the women were 诊断 with ovarian cancer.

研究表明,与普通大众相比, patients with ovarian cancer were more than three times more likely to be 诊断 with a mental illness in the first two years after an ovarian cancer diagnosis.

患抑郁症的风险为3.11 times higher in the first two years after an ovarian cancer diagnosis 和 1.确诊后2 - 5年的死亡率要高出67倍. The risk of anxiety disorder among ovarian cancer survivors was 3.54 times higher in the first two years after diagnosis 和 1.确诊后2 - 5年的死亡率要高出86倍. The risk of adjustment disorder was more than three times higher in patients with ovarian cancer than in those who did not have ovarian cancer.

The researchers also examined the link between mental health issues 和 mortality risk 和 found that ovarian cancer patients who had received a mental health diagnosis were 1.8 times more likely to die than those who did not have a mental health diagnosis.

胡说,这是基于之前的研究, she expected that ovarian cancer patients would have an increased risk of mental health disorders. “然而, the risks were far higher 和 persisted over a longer time period than we expected,她说.

The study suggests that patients with ovarian cancer would benefit from comprehensive mental health services during 和 after cancer treatment, 说胡.

"Mental health screening among ovarian cancer patients is needed,胡说. "It is important to be aware that mental health may change over the course of diagnosis 和 treatment. Cancer patients may need regular mental health consultations to identify issues such as 抑郁症 和 anxiety. Increased support may contribute to prolonging the lives of ovarian cancer survivors."

The authors said that future research will examine the role that various aspects of treatment play in patients’ mental health. Hu said ongoing research may help oncologists 和 patients underst和 和 prepare for the psychological effects of cancer treatment.

胡指出了这项研究的一些局限性. 第一个, since this study utilized electronic medical records data, less severe mental illnesses that did not necessitate medical care may have been underrepresented. 也, she pointed out th在 high mortality rate of ovarian cancer patients may have resulted in survival bias.

This study was supported by the National Institutes of Health. The Utah Cancer Registry is funded by the National Cancer Institute’s Surveillance, 流行病学, 和 End Results program; the Centers for Disease Control 和 Prevention’s National Program of Cancer Registries. Additional support was provided by the 犹他大学 和 the 亨茨曼癌症研究所. 胡宣称没有利益冲突.


801 581-3194

关于亨斯迈癌症研究所 在 犹他大学

亨茨曼癌症研究所犹他大学 is the National Cancer Institute-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center for Utah, 爱达荷州, 蒙大拿, 内华达, 和怀俄明州. 拥有创新的癌症研究遗产, 突破性的发现, 世界一流的病人护理, 大发娱乐正在改变人们对癌症的认识, 预防, 诊断, 治疗, 并存活下来. 亨茨曼癌症研究所 focuses on delivering the most advanced cancer healing 和 prevention through scientific breakthroughs 和 cutting-edge technology to advance cancer treatments of the future beyond the st和ard of care today. 大发娱乐有超过 300项公开临床试验250个研究小组 研究癌症. More genes for inherited cancers have been discovered 亨茨曼癌症研究所 than at any other cancer center. Our scientists are world-renowned for underst和ing how cancer begins 和 using that knowledge to develop innovative approaches to treat each patient’s unique disease. 亨茨曼癌症研究所由Jon M. 和卡伦·亨茨曼.

