Amir M. Arain
( out of 103 reviews )

Amir M. Arain, MD, MPH

Languages spoken: 阿拉伯语,乌尔都语,英语

Clinical Locations


Salt Lake City
  • Dr. Amir M. Arain is a professor and an epileptologist that focuses on treatment of refractory epilepsy. 他毕业于陶氏医学院, Karachi and did his Neurology residency and Epilepsy fellowship at 范德比尔特大学. There he served on the faculty of Department of Neurology as an epileptologist from 2000-2018. He joined University of Utah in July 2018 and currently serves as chief of Epilepsy division.

    Dr. Arain has been involved in different research projects in epilepsy. He has done several antiepileptic drug trials including levetiracetam, oxcarbazepine, pregabalin, lacosemide, retigabine, brivaracetam, carisbamate, 埃斯卡巴西平和辛奥巴酸. 他发表了几篇同行评议的研究文章,并在不同的科学会议上展示了数据. He has trained more than 100 fellows in epilepsy over the years. 他的研究兴趣是癫痫符号学、癫痫猝死、癫痫护理差异和老年癫痫.


    Board Certification

    美国精神病学委员会 & 神经病学(神经学)
    美国精神病学委员会 & 神经病学(分科:临床神经生理学)
    美国精神病学委员会 & 神经病学(分科:癫痫)

    Patient Rating

    4.6 /5
    ( out of 103 reviews )

    The patient rating score is an average of all responses on our patient experience survey. The rating averages scores for all questions about care from our providers.

    The scale on which responses are measured is 1 to 5 with 5 being the best score.

    Patient Comments

    Patient comments are gathered from our patient experience survey and displayed in their entirety.
    Patients are de-identified for confidentiality and patient privacy.

    September 28, 2024

    Dr. 阿兰是我见过的最好的神经科医生! 相信我,我去过很多. He shows deep concern for his pt's and will get the info you need , 以及大发娱乐作为病人应该得到的惊人的照顾. I am very excited to continue my neuro journey with him and his staff.

    September 05, 2024

    Very nice and helpful and listened to me and answered all my questions

    July 24, 2024

    阿米尔·特拉塔医生是我的新朋友, Ella ha estado much major, 我的主要任务是完成任务, Nosotros agradecemos是一个非常有用的工具,例如atención, 我建议进一步改进.

    July 17, 2024

    医生几乎立刻打消了我的顾虑. 他不听我的,也不听我的担忧,反复问我是否要去心理治疗,看心理医生. He made me feel like my symptoms were fake and didn't matter. I would not recommend this provider to anyone especially any females.

    July 04, 2024

    大发娱乐相信阿兰医生会照顾克林特,满足他的一切需要. He never talks down nor does he speak in medical terms Clint doesn't understand. We trust him, we like him and wouldn't think of seeing another Doctor for [NAME REMOVED].

    July 03, 2024

    I like how he truly knows what is going on with my brain and tells me what is the best outcome.

    June 28, 2024

    这是一次特别的经历. 我没有预料到他会如此慷慨地花时间,如此周密,如此善解人意. 他让我对自己的护理和治疗充满信心. I trust him.

    June 25, 2024


    June 20, 2024

    Dr. Arain是一位出色的医生,也是我儿子见过的第一个神经科医生,当他发现单靠药物治疗无法控制他的癫痫发作时,他立即想要专注于改善我儿子的生活质量,并寻求手术替代方案. 我非常感激他对我儿子的信任,以及他为他的健康生活大发娱乐提供了更多的选择.

  • Dr. Amir M. Arain is a professor and an epileptologist that focuses on treatment of refractory epilepsy. 他毕业于陶氏医学院, Karachi and did his Neurology residency and Epilepsy fellowship at 范德比尔特大学. There he served on the faculty of Department of Neurology as an epileptologist from 2000-2018. He joined University of Utah in July 2018 and currently serves as chief of Epilepsy division.

    Dr. Arain has been involved in different research projects in epilepsy. He has done several antiepileptic drug trials including levetiracetam, oxcarbazepine, pregabalin, lacosemide, retigabine, brivaracetam, carisbamate, 埃斯卡巴西平和辛奥巴酸. 他发表了几篇同行评议的研究文章,并在不同的科学会议上展示了数据. He has trained more than 100 fellows in epilepsy over the years. 他的研究兴趣是癫痫符号学、癫痫猝死、癫痫护理差异和老年癫痫.


    学术部门 Neurology -Primary
    Board Certification
    美国精神病学委员会 & 神经病学(神经学)
    美国精神病学委员会 & 神经病学(分科:临床神经生理学)
    美国精神病学委员会 & 神经病学(分科:癫痫)

    Education history

    Graduate Training 流行病学、生物统计学、临床研究设计等 - 范德比尔特大学 M.P.H.
    癫痫、神经生理学 - 范德比尔特大学医学中心 Clinical Fellow
    Chief Resident Neurology - 范德比尔特大学医学中心 Chief Resident
    Neurology - 范德比尔特大学医学中心 Resident
    Internship Internal Medicine - McLaren Flint Intern
    Medicine, Surgery - 卡拉奇大学陶氏医学院 M.B.B.S.


    Journal Article

    1. Anderson DN, Charlebois CM, Smith EH, Davis TS, Peters AY, Newman BJ, Arain AMWilcox KS, Butson CR, Rolston JD (2023). 在癫痫样活动较少的时期进行闭环刺激可改善癫痫预后. Brain, 147(2), 521-531. (Read full article)
    2. 坎贝尔JM,昆杜B,李JN,米兰达M, Arain A, Taussky P, Grandhi R, Rolston JD (2022). 评估癫痫患者基于功能mri的语言偏侧和Wada测试的一致性:单中心分析. Interv Neuroradiol, 29(5), 599-604. (Read full article)
    3. A, Nguyen D, Newman B, Arain A (2023). Uric Acid Nephropathy Secondary to Generalized Tonic-Clonic Seizures. Neurologist. (Read full article)
    4. Kundu B, Arain A, Davis T, Charlebois CM, Rolston JD (2022). 利用闭环神经刺激系统的慢性记录来捕捉多个丘脑核的癫痫发作. 安·克林,Transl Neurol, 10(1), 136-143. (Read full article)
    5. Charlebois CM, Anderson DN, Johnson KA, Philip BJ, Davis TS, Newman BJ, Peters AY, Arain AM, Dorval AD, Rolston JD, Butson CR (2022). 患者特异性结构连接通知响应性神经刺激颞叶癫痫的结果. Epilepsia, 63(8), 2037-2055. (Read full article)
    6. 米兰达M,阿里亚斯F, Arain A, Newman B, Rolston J, Richards S, Peters A, Pick LH (2022). 美国手语的神经心理学评估:一个聋人癫痫患者的个案研究. Epilepsy Behav Rep, 19, 100558. (Read full article)
    7. Brown MG, Sillau S, McDermott D, Ernst LD, Spencer DC, Englot DJ, Gonzlez HFJ, Datta P, Karakis I, Becker D, Rolston JD, Arain A, Rao VR, Doherty M, Urban A, Drees C (2022). 并发脑反应性和迷走神经刺激治疗耐药局灶性癫痫. Epilepsy Behav, 129, 108653. (Read full article)
    8. Anderson DN, Charlebois CM, Smith EH, Arain AM, Davis TS, Rolston JD (2021). 癫痫患者深部和表面颅电极灰质和白质覆盖的概率比较. Sci Rep, 11(1), 24155. (Read full article)
    9. Jehi L, Morita-Sherman M, Love TE, Bartolomei F, Bingaman W, Braun K, Busch RM, Duncan J, Hader WJ, Luan G, Rolston JD, Schuele S, Tassi L, Vadera S, Sheikh S, Najm I, Arain A, Bingaman J, Diehl B, de Tisi J, Rados M, Van Eijsden P, Wahby S, Wang X, Wiebe S (2021). 立体定向脑电图与硬脑膜下网格在癫痫手术中的比较效果. Ann Neurol, 90(6), 927-939. (Read full article)
    10. Frankel MA, Lehmkuhle MJ, Spitz MC, Newman BJ, Richards SV, Arain AM (2021). Wearable Reduced-Channel EEG System for Remote Seizure Monitoring. Front Neurol, 12, 728484. (Read full article)
    11. Scoville JP, Joyce E, Hunsaker J, Reese J, Wilde H, Arain A, Bollo RL, Rolston JD (2020). 与硬膜下网格相比,立体定向脑电图与减少疼痛和阿片类药物使用有关:一个病例系列. 开放神经外科(黑格斯敦), 21(1), 6-13. (Read full article)
    12. 昆都B,戴维斯TS,菲利普B,史密斯EH, Arain A, Peters A, Newman B, Butson CR, Rolston JD (2020). 影响癫痫患者诱发颅内电位参数的系统探讨. Brain Stimul, 13(5), 1232-1244. (Read full article)
    13. Bornali Kundu, Tyler S Davis, Brian Philip, Elliot H Smith, Amir Arain, Angela Peters, Blake Newman, 克里斯托弗·R·布特森, 约翰·D·罗尔斯顿(2020). 影响癫痫患者诱发颅内电位参数的系统探讨. Brain Stimul, 13(5), 1232-1244.
    14. Zaher N, Haas K, Sonmezturk H, Arain A, about - khalil B (2019). Rhythmic ictal nonclonic hand (RINCH) motions in general EMU patients with focal epilepsy. Epilepsy Behav, 103(Pt A), 106666. (Read full article)
    15. Naoir Zaher, Kevin Haas, Hasan Sonmezturk, Amir Arain, Bassel Abou-Khalil (2019). Rhythmic ictal nonclonic hand (RINCH) motions in general EMU patients with focal epilepsy. Epilepsy Behav, Feb. 2020, 103 pt. A.
    16. Arain AM, Umar A, Rawal P, Azar NJ, Obideen M, Singh P, Al-Kaylani M, Abou-Khalil B (2018). 倾斜度定位值. Seizure, 69, 57-60. (Read full article)
    17. Halford JJ, Westover MB, LaRoche SM, Macken MP, Kutluay E, Edwards JC, Bonilha L, Kalamangalam GP, Ding K, Hopp JL, Arain A, Dawson RA, Martz GU, Wolf BJ, Waters CG, Dean BC (2018). Interictal Epileptiform Discharge Detection in EEG in Different Practice Settings. J Clin Neurophysiol, 35(5), 375-380. (Read full article)
    18. Baker MD, about - khalil BW, Arain A, Tummala P, Azar NJ, Haas KF, Sonmezturk HH (2018). 拉科沙胺在临床实践中的疗效和耐受性-来自单一癫痫中心的上市后分析. 临床神经外科, 171, 179-183. (Read full article)
    19. Sagi V, Kim I, Bhatt AB, Sonmezturk H, Abou-Khalil BW, Arain AM (2017). 脑电图的全身性阵发性快速活动:遗传性全身性癫痫的一个未被认识的发现. Epilepsy Behav, 76, 101-104. (Read full article)