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Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infection / Necrotizing Fasciitis

What Is Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infection (NSTI) / Necrotizing Fasciitis (NF)?

NSTI or NF is known as a flesh-eating disease. NSTI infects the tissue covering your muscles and the tissue under all the skin layers (subcutaneous). The infection causes these tissues to die (necrosis). NSTI can spread from there to your muscles and skin. People with a weakened immune system can be at greater risk of developing this condition.

Fournier’s Gangrene (FG) is a type of necrotizing soft tissue infection in the groin region.

Having a flesh eating bacteria is a medical emergency. If your doctor suspects you have this disease, they will admit you to a hospital for testing as soon as possible.

NSTI的成因 & Necrotizing Fasciitis

NSTI is caused by bacteria that produces toxins, which damage the soft tissue. These bacteria include the following:

  • 链球菌: A type of bacteria that causes strep infections, 比如链球菌性喉炎, 猩红热, 脓疱病, 和其他人.
  • 葡萄球菌: Bacteria found on your skin or in your nose. 大多数时候, these bacteria cause no problems or minor skin infections (called staph infections). 然而, staph infections can turn deadly if the bacteria invade deeper into your body or into your bloodstream.
  • 肠球菌: Bacteria that live in your intestines or genital tract. They can lead to urinary tract infections, wound infections, and endocarditis.
  • 类细菌

A deep wound that gets contaminated could lead to a soft tissue infection. Risk factors include these conditions or characteristics:

  • 糖尿病
  • 虫咬
  • 伯恩斯
  • Puncture wounds or other injuries
  • Intravenous drug use
  • Age greater than 50 years
  • 高血压
  • Malnutrition/obesity

NSTI & Necrotizing Fasciitis Signs & 症状

Signs and symptoms of soft tissue infection include these:

  • 发热
  • 乏力
  • Pain and swelling of the skin in a particular area, worse than you might normally expect
  • 皮疹
  • Dusky discoloration and blistering (may occur in late stages) 

NSTI的治疗 & Necrotizing Fasciitis

NSTI的治疗 includes surgery, 伤口护理, or medical management, such as antibiotics and fluids.


Doctors may perform a surgical procedure to completely remove all dead tissue and to prevent the infection from spreading. You may need multiple surgeries to remove all of the infection.


Wound care and dressing changes are done to make sure the wound stays clean. To prevent any additional infections, the team will use these hygiene methods:

  • Washing hands when entering and exiting the patient’s room
  • Wearing gowns, gloves, and masks (Personal Protective Equipment, or PPE)
  • Restricting who can visit the patient
  • Caring for the dermal skin wounds (伤口护理)
  • Practicing personal hygiene 


病人 may require multiple procedures or medications to manage the infection. These may include the following: 

  • Having an IV to keep hydrated
  • Taking antibiotics to control infection
  • Breathing through a temporary tube to maintain the patient’s airway
  • Taking medications for blood pressure
  • Replacing electrolytes (potassium, sodium, phosphorus, and the like)
  • Managing glucose or blood sugar

疼痛控制 & 复苏

Comfort is a top priority for our patients. The treatment team will give you pain medications as you need them.

The length of your hospital stay depends on how extensive the disease is. 

Helping a Family Member?

Before the patient can go home, they need to reach specific goals. The treatment team will talk about these goals throughout your stay and will evaluate your progress frequently.

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